The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 11)

Chu Xuan snapped awake from his dream, sweating like a marathon runner. He clutched his chest, looking like a scared puppy caught in a storm. What was with that wild dream? Was he going bonkers?

Trying to shake off the fear, he noticed the daylight peeking through a hole in his roof. Well, he had slept more than a power nap. Jumping off his haystack bed, he did a quick tidy-up, still jittery from the dream ride.

In the middle of rearranging his humble abode, he spotted the odd brick pillow – a quirky gift from a shrine priest. Hold on, though! The brick decided to bust some moves. It glowed like a rave party light, danced in the air, and boom turned into a book fresh out of a cooking mishap.

The book thudded on the floor, the glow fading like a party trick gone stale. Chu Xuan, looking like a deer in headlights, couldn't quite grasp what was happening. With shaky hands, he picked up the book. Opening it, expecting ancient wisdom or secret spells, all he found were pages that looked more like toasted marshmallows than sage teachings.

The thin but weirdly thick-paged book had a smell – a strange mix of burnt paper and the not-so-fresh scent from Chu Xuan's designated sleep spot. A unique combo that made him wrinkle his nose in comedic dismay.

Caught between fascination and utter confusion, Chu Xuan couldn't resist scratching his head. What in the world was this mysterious book, and why did it pop out of his brick pillow like a breakfast surprise? Flipping through the seemingly blank pages, he mulled over the absurdity of the situation.

With a mix of curiosity and a hint of worry, Chu Xuan wondered about the purpose of this mysterious book. A cosmic prank or a hidden treasure? Unanswered questions lingered, leaving Chu Xuan scratching his head and the book in his hands, an unexpected twist in his day that promised more surprises.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)