The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 12)

Chu Xuan, fueled by sheer curiosity and a dash of recklessness, decided to put the book's durability to the test by attempting to tear its pages. To his bewilderment, the paper clung to its integrity like a cat refusing to take a bath – resilient and unyielding. Scratching his head, he wondered if he had stumbled upon some superhero-level paper or if the book was just playing hard to get.

As he idly flipped through what should have been empty pages, he stumbled upon a golden inscription that sounded more like a cryptic message from a cosmic prankster. "Blood is cited, The Golden body descends, not a miracle but a golden immortal who rules the fence and indomitable spirit, will it descend." The last part, especially the "indomitable spirit, will it descend" line, piqued Chu Xuan's interest, echoing the weird dream he had earlier.

His internal suspicion alarm blared, especially with the line, "Blood is cited, the Golden body will descend." Driven by the burning desire to crack this mystical code, Chu Xuan played the role of a thumb surgeon, letting a drop of blood make its grand entrance on the golden-laden page. Suddenly, a tiny purple vortex decided to gate-crash the party, showing up uninvited.

Before he could mumble a bewildered "Is this for real?" a dazzling golden light burst forth from the page, turning his room into a cosmic disco. It was so bright that Chu Xuan, the self-proclaimed low-budget wizard, had to squint and create makeshift sunglasses with his hands.

As his room transformed into a golden wonderland, Chu Xuan felt like he had stumbled into an intergalactic rave. The air crackled with a strange energy, and his body tingled like he'd accidentally licked a battery. His once-dull room was now the hottest spot for extraterrestrial light shows.

The golden light show continued, turning the mundane into the magnificent. Chu Xuan, now the unwitting star of his unexpected performance, stood amidst the dazzling display, wondering if his humble abode had become the go-to vacation spot for cosmic tourists.

In this surreal moment, Chu Xuan couldn't believe his luck. The book, earlier just a prop in his one-man play, was now the headliner in a fantastical show. The golden light radiated, the room pulsed, and Chu Xuan felt like he was part of some grand, cosmic sitcom.

As the golden glow persisted, Chu Xuan braced himself for whatever the universe had decided to throw at him through the pages of this peculiar, seemingly enchanted book. It was turning out to be a day more bizarre than his wildest dreams—or weirdest dreams, considering the strange stuff he'd been experiencing lately.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)