The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 13)

The bright golden light faded, revealing an unexpected guest in Chu Xuan's room – a skeleton, sitting like it was catching some interdimensional rays. It hovered just above the book, giving off an eerie glow that made it look like it came straight out of a cosmic comic book. Chu Xuan's eyes widened as he took in the bizarre sight, wondering if his blood had accidentally summoned a laid-back monk skeleton just looking for a chill spot.

As the golden glow faded, the reality of the situation hit him like a metaphysical punch. A skeleton. In his room. Casually meditating. Chu Xuan's mind raced with incredulity as he questioned whether he had inadvertently offended some powerful being or if the universe was playing a cosmic prank on him.

His initial shock gave way to fear, and his thoughts spiralled into existential dread. "Is this the wrath of the heavens? Have I triggered the cosmic snooze button?" Chu Xuan trembled, unable to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before him. The monkish skeleton continued its serene meditation, seemingly indifferent to Chu Xuan's internal crisis.

Suddenly, an unexpected surge of anger welled up within Chu Xuan, like an invisible puppet master pulling his emotional strings. His eyes turned a fiery red, and a newfound determination seized him. It was as if an unseen force compelled him to confront the skeletal intruder with unwavering fury.

In a fit of uncharacteristic rage, Chu Xuan muttered, "How dare you, a mere bag of bones, mock me? Do you know who you're dealing with?" His words echoed through the room, punctuated by the absurdity of the situation. There was a trial disciple, berating a skeleton as if it had insulted his honour.

Unable to contain his escalating emotions, Chu Xuan impulsively reached out and grabbed the skeleton's skull. But reality took an unexpected turn – the entire skeletal figure, skull and all, launched toward Chu Xuan. It passed through his hand like a ghostly high-five, and a shiver ran down his spine as the skeletal form merged with him.

Instantly, pain wracked Chu Xuan's body. It felt like his bones were playing musical chairs, each one protesting the unexpected game. Coughs erupted, and his eyes reflected the agony he was enduring. Red with pain, Chu Xuan collapsed to the ground, the intensity of his suffering rendering him voiceless. The excruciating sensation seemed to echo his internal turmoil, leaving him in a state of bewildered vulnerability.

His body jerked, and the room buzzed with an otherworldly energy. What was intended as a simple test of the book's peculiar powers had transformed into a bizarre encounter with a spectral monk skeleton. Now, Chu Xuan lay on the floor, the consequences of his impulsive actions unfolding in ways he could never have anticipated. The once-ordinary trial disciple found himself entangled in a surreal and painful dance with the supernatural, with no clear understanding of where this unexpected journey would lead.

**For now, expect chapters three times a week, and I might sneak in some extras if the plot demands it! 

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)