Awakening Strength (Part 1)

Deciding not to let the thoughts of the mysterious soul stone and its potential dark past cloud his mind, Chu Xuan shifted his focus to the one-time, lifetime opportunity that lay before him. The idea of dwelling on the sacrifices and the enigmatic origin of the stone seemed as convoluted as solving a riddle written in a language he couldn't understand. With a determined shake of his head, Chu Xuan decided to leave the origins behind and embrace the potential for change and strength that the stone brought.

However, as excited as he was about his newfound power, a realization struck Chu Xuan like a lightning bolt—keeping this incredible secret safe was no walk in the park. The prospect of everyone and their uncle scrambling to get their hands on this extraordinary find made Chu Xuan shudder. He could practically see the chaotic circus that would ensue if word got out. With this in mind, he turned his attention to a more immediate concern: how to protect his newfound treasure.

The solution, it seemed, was straightforward—get stronger, and fast. The ordeal he endured during the mysterious event felt like a crash course in resilience, and Chu Xuan was not about to throw in the towel. Giving up now would be like quitting a marathon after barely breaking a sweat. No, sir. Chu Xuan was made of sterner stuff.

Seated in a "serious business" meditation pose, Chu Xuan opened the book with the excitement of a child unwrapping a long-awaited gift. The first page greeted him with golden words: "Proud Golden Body: Tempered Body Record." Despite its majestic title, Chu Xuan suspected it was more than just a fancy exercise routine. Reading through it felt like plugging his brain directly into a martial arts server, downloading ancient knowledge at breakneck speed.

Eager to test out his newfound skill, Chu Xuan explained its details with an enthusiasm that could rival a gamer about to embark on a virtual adventure. It seemed straightforward, but there was a quirky catch—you could only practice it while facing the rising sun in the east. A bit like yoga, but with cosmic vibes. Chu Xuan, undeterred by the nighttime obstacle, rushed to the window like an overenthusiastic puppy. Alas, the sun was on a break, and the world outside remained draped in darkness.

Optimistic and fueled by a can-do attitude, Chu Xuan decided to embrace the irony, cracking a joke about his enthusiasm outshining the nonexistent sunrise. With a chuckle and a dash of humour, he lay down, visualizing the dawn of a new day and the beginning of his grand adventure into the mysterious art of "Proud Golden Body: Tempered Body Record." Little did he know, his journey to strength was about to become the highlight of the celestial comedy show.

In the stillness of his room, Chu Xuan, lying there with a grin, couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism. The silent night held promises of a day filled with unexpected twists and turns, and he was ready to face them head-on. The challenge of mastering this newfound martial art skill excited him, and he drifted into a hopeful slumber, eager for the sun to rise and illuminate the path to his new destiny.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Body constitution: The Proud Golden Body

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)