Awakening Strength (Part 2)

As Chu Xuan woke up, he saw the soft morning light filling his small hut. After rubbing his eyes, he looked outside and saw the world still covered in the quiet colours of early morning. Excitement bubbled up as he realized it was time to uncover the secrets of the Tempered Body Record.

Quickly getting into his martial arts mindset, Chu Xuan got ready for the day with enthusiasm. His excitement was noticeable, even startling the nearby hens who were used to a more relaxed wake-up call. Ignoring the curious clucking of the chickens, Chu Xuan left his home, mindful of the lingering dust from the previous day's scuffle.

Taking a deep breath, he assumed a stance with his back slightly arched and hands fully extended. In his mind, he imagined a martial arts masterpiece, a swirling vortex of air around him. However, reality had other plans, and his attempt at a dramatic display turned into a funny moment – a sharp pain in his left shoulder.

The impressive move he had imagined ended up as a comical scene, with his shoulder bone deciding to take a detour. Muscle spasms froze him in a pose that looked like a mix between a warrior ready for battle and a surprised chicken. For a moment, time stood still as he struggled to regain control.

After freeing himself from the unintentional contortion, Chu Xuan casually wiped away the blood that chose this inconvenient moment to show up. Undeterred by the setback, he muttered, "First three steps of the six-palm instruction... not even 1% of the Tempered Body Record, and I'm already redefining the meaning of difficulty."

Yet, our determined martial artist refused to be discouraged. Reciting his 'I-will-persist' mantra, he prepared for another attempt, unaware of the passing time or the responsibilities waiting for him. Meanwhile, the sun continued its ascent, painting the sky in red and yellow hues, casting a warm glow across the landscape.

In this dance between determination and pain, Chu Xuan persisted in his martial arts journey. Unaware of the world marvelling at the dawn's beauty, he grappled with the challenges of this newfound skill. As the sun climbed higher, so did Chu Xuan, unwavering in his pursuit of martial prowess and ready to face whatever humorous hurdles lay ahead.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Body constitution: The Proud Golden Body

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)