As the druid looked to there lord they thought of teaching druidcraft.
He looked at the druid and said go to the wall and awaken some trees to guard the wall.
The did so then looked at his lord and asked of he had druid craft.
He said no as he looked at the wall.
The then teached him druid craft.
Unaware his lord was practiced when he was away .
He looked at his system panel it now said druid craft sage 10 max level.
As he then thought of adding watchtowers he did so then thought of buying some troops .
But looked at his stats again and saw.
Lust Stats
Charm overgodlike 999999999999999
Lust godlike 888888
Appel overgodlike 99999999999
He then brought some treekin and some other of the warhamer fantasy troops making sure they where treekin or trents.
Then he went to his palace and looked at the system helpers he could buy.
System helpers
System helper fariy
System helper demon
He then brought a system helpers fariy.
He then thought of buying but then looked at his points
BP 0
Ap 1500
Yes he could get more army solders or civs did Yes it was civs and chaos space marines five of them
Ap 0
_1000 civs 5000
_500 chaos space marines 5
He then thought of leveling all the magics he had.