chapter 5 leaving the city and eqiping anti Stelth

As he thought improving his magic he then went to the corner of the city wall.

As he called the druid down he asked them I'd he could go and look outside of the forest.

They said yes but asked him to comeback before midnight I have a feeling.

As he left he waved goodbye as he went to the forest end border but on the way there he saw a beastwoman collecting there berry's from there forest.

He continued on near the border he saw elf living in the trees near the border of his forest but he continued on.

At the end of the forest border he saw a beast people village it was huge bigger then his city but with no walls.

Then he went back to his city and knocked on the vine gate.

(Druid pov) hello looks down and sees no-one must been the wind.

Then me looked around and saw the treants didn't notice him as he was mad but believed his Stelth was on and had been upgraded to over godlike.

Because his skills of Stelth had been upgraded to max level he just jumps over the gate.

When hes back on the ground on his city he walks back to the Palace when inside he reappears.

(Druid pov) it's nightfall guess I will look for him about to leave when they hear there lords voice telling them to go to there Lords Palace.

As they go there he is just sitting on the chair as he has a anti Stelth device in his hand.

The reason he has anti Stelth devices is becue of the civs giveing points per couple minutes.

As the druids enter he asks them to wear the anti Stelth devices as they do they can now tell where there lord is but is like a trace.