Heartbreak and Loss

"Where's the freaking ambulance?" he screamed at Jake.

"On its way. What's wrong with her?" Jake asked, kneeling at my side. I squeezed Liam's hand, not wanting to see them fighting about it if Jake freaked out about the baby.

"She's pregnant, Jake," Liam explained, kissing my cheek.

"P…. pregnant?" Jake stuttered. Liam nodded, looking at me worriedly.

"I'm gonna make you pay for this, you little shit!" my father shouted from the door. Jake and Liam both moved to get up but I grabbed Liam's hand, I didn't want to be on my own again.

"Get the f**k out before I kill you myself, and if she loses her baby I swear to God, you're dead," Jake growled venomously.

"Jake, please," I whispered, not wanting anymore trouble.

"Baby? She's pregnant? The little slut," my father growled.