Profiting From The fear of the World 2

Chapter 26

(A.N Guys, before I type, I want to ask for forgiveness. I had to write exams and do a lot of personal stuff, which is why I am late today. To be honest, I am using this novel to force myself to learn economics, so don't get bored because a lot of lessons will be in here. Anyway, let's get back to business.

Guys, I know you are trying to understand why I am thinking of myself as the modern Warren Buffet of modern times. Just listen; you might find some life lessons to change your life with this advice.

The world economy is on a downward slope because of fear. The fear that at any moment anyone could die. So, at this point, people would prefer to lock themselves up in their rooms until they are sure they are safe from any harm.

And if people decide to lock themselves up in rooms, you can be sure they will buy a lot of food. Which would increase the demand for food relative to the constant supply of food. This intends to make the supplier happy because they can increase the prices of food no matter what because consumers will still be looking for food no matter the price.

I did not know what was coming personally, but I did know one thing, and that was that human beings would not die out. So, anticipating this, on the 6th of September, I took a $50,000 loan from the bank for a project.

At this time, the earthquake had recently happened in Asia, so the prices of goods had not risen yet. Lucky for us, the densely populated areas were not demolished. But the damages could still not be reversed, so I was also anticipating a price increase.

The bank, seeing my debt-free status and the $7,000 in my account, gave me the loan easily. The first thing I did was tell Uncle Ken on the phone that I wanted to rent out his cold storage room, which he readily agreed to.

After getting the confirmation, I went to the producers of cooking ingredients, drinks, bakeries, and a lot of food processing places and signed numerous contracts. I specified in the contract that I wanted the goods to be delivered throughout the year, and I also made sure to overpay. 

Every time I overpaid, I could see the greed in the eyes of the producers, but I laughed within because I knew that the money given to them was going to turn into scraps very soon.

Finally, I paid the 30k dollars on the cow supplier and felt satisfied with what I had done. With the 7k I had on myself, I had other plans for it.

After a month, the world economy began to decline rapidly. It declined faster than Eminem's hardcore rap in Godzilla ft. Juice Wrld. I was not bothered about it because I had a cold storage room full of food and a year's supply of meat and other necessary food supplies.

After the economy began declining and the dollar became shit,. I paid the bank their $50,000 and even added 5 dollars to it. I am trying to help the banks by offering a donation. As I paid my loans, I could not stop smiling because they were losing big time. And so was I, but I knew I would get more value if I stored more.

But the disaster did strike the US. A great tsunami also covered inland Florida. It was unpresentable and incompressible. New York was not spared because we had a lot of floods here. I still cannot believe New York could get flooded. Water went into people's homes just like that. I was even beginning to doubt my decisions because there was no clear way out of this hell.

I could not believe I left Africa just to come and see this. Oh, and surprisingly, Africa did not suffer anything serious. It was the normal floods and light earthquakes that happened there. But the crisis there was hunger. I still cannot believe a country in Africa can feed the whole world for two years, but still, it cannot feed its population. Hmmmmm, I always regret not being able to help back home.

Because of the relative calm in Africa, a lot of people who could fly began going there in waves. This caused a major problem in the US, But I still had hope.