Down To real Business.

Going to Uncle Ken's store, I only had one thought in mind, and that was to find out the truth about awakeners and abilities. Uncle Ken had never told me he was awakened, but after careful thought, one could clearly see he was one, and all the people who surrounded him shared the same fate.

But I still could not understand why the mana in this world would increase drastically because of the arrival of monsters from outer space. I still do not know why, but I hope the explanation given to me will at least help me figure everything out.

After walking for approximately 40 minutes, I was able to reach Uncle Ken's bar. Standing in front of the cavern door, I breathed deeply and pushed the doors open.

There were people in the bar who were up to their normal business as usual, but as soon as I entered, they all stopped what they were doing and began to look at me. 

It wasn't mere observation; they were scrutinizing me. I could sense their eyes burrowing into my soul, attempting to discern if I belonged. Truthfully, I was frightened, yet I recognized that it couldn't continue. I lifted my head and strode forward with the assurance of one who had mastered the financial realm. I was aware they were assessing my strength, just as I was evaluating their financial acumen. Frankly, no one in that room was on my level. Therefore, I saw no reason to fear them, for everyone has a price, a fact that has been repeatedly confirmed.

Seeing my confidence, some were really shocked, but no one engaged me like in novels. It always felt too cliche for people to fight each other just to show dominance in a bar. It was totally unnecessary; one could just buy drinks for everyone and they would bond overnight.

"Long time no see Uncle Ken." I greeted my benefactor as I sat in front of him. It has indeed been a long time, but I felt no changes in Uncle Ken's look. He was still the calm uncle, I know. At this point, I began to wonder what his real power was.

"Son, it has indeed been a long time, but don't you think you should not use some eyes to watch your uncle? It feels like, Ah, what is that word again? Oh yes, I have remembered Annoying."

After saying this, an unknown pressure began to press me down. And Uncle Ken felt different; he felt vastly different from the one I knew. The man in front of me had a large amount of bloodlust, and his power felt endless. Had I been a stupid person, I would have tried resisting, and my dear uncle, too, would have increased the power. So in order to prevent all that i did the obvious.

"Oh, Uncle Ken, I just came here to ask you questions about the awakened and their abilities. It has been bugging me ever since I awakened my power. I told him with fervor whilst shaking."

"Oh, is it that simple? Then the answer you are looking for is natural selection, boy. Natural selection is the reason why you, unawaken, are now awakening. You have to survive the threat ahead, and that is why you are awakening. Get out of my sight, you low-level child. I had high hopes for you, but it seems these old eyes failed me."

Hearing Uncle Ken's words left me in shock. I had believed he would train and support me, as if it were our destiny, but it appears that the fortunate are indeed often favored.

(A.N. Let's face it, if you had an object from which you expected certain results and it consistently failed you, how would that make you feel? Wouldn't it seem like you've invested time and effort only to be disappointed?