
Leaving Uncle Ken's shop in a state of confusion, I hurried home. It's hard to accept that the man who had always supported me could dismiss me after recognizing my lack of talent. Right now, I truly feel worthless.

"So this is what it's like for novel characters to be rejected by their parents or guardians for not having talents," I mused, laughing hysterically as I walked through Manhattan. Passersby gave me curious looks, but I disregarded them and continued on my way, nursing a truly broken heart.

At least I had the chance to confront prejudice and discrimination before everything started. Now, the most crucial task is to enhance my abilities and master the skills needed to hunt the monsters that are predicted to invade Earth on January 1, 2025.

I went back home to my new rented apartment, which was, of course, sleek and modern with all the latest relevant gadgets, in a sad mood. To help forget about what happened today, I decided to eat instant ramen and watch the natural selection Uncle Ken was mumbling about.

To say I did not know where this natural selection was coming from was a lie. I knew where it came from, which is why I am doing further analysis about it now.

The father of evolution Charles Darwin. The adaptation to the environment causes the population to become adapted, or well-suited, to their environment over time.

The increase in mana in our atmosphere is causing all living organisms in the world to adapt to the changes that will soon be happening.

In that instant, a realization dawned on me. Perhaps it is not the invaders that humans should fear, but the rebels among us on Earth—the animals that are also evolving.

"Fuck, are we about to have the rise of the planet of apes in real life?" Right now, this thing is no longer funny. I really hope the government actually knows what they are doing, because if humans are not careful, we might be wiped out before we are fully invaded.

"The million-dollar question is: could dinosaurs and mythical creatures be resurrected with the sudden surge in mana?" If these speculations hold true, then we humans may indeed have cause for alarm, facing less than a 30% chance of survival.

Simple, because this is not a novel, manga, or manhwa where humans will just be able to survive and turn back to normal after a few pages. We are really fucked, and the government is downgrading everything to the bare minimum not to scare the shit out of everyone.'

'Can this really be the judgement day that has been talked about in Christianity, Islam, and other religious faiths? But why is there still no rapture that will wipe the good souls away?'

When I couldn't find answers to my questions, I delved deeper into the lives of Charles Darwin and other historical figures of genius. What I discovered was astonishing, especially regarding Tesla. He had long insisted that there were remarkable things yet to be understood, but was often met with indifference. It sent a chill down my spine as I contemplated the burden of possessing immense knowledge that one is unable to share.

(A.N. Apologies, but I felt compelled to discuss these individuals due to the extensive research I've conducted. Surprisingly, Mr. Bean appears to exhibit greater intelligence than Albert Einstein. Moreover, Da Vinci is arguably the most intelligent entity within our solar system. I believe Newton is a close second, considering his groundbreaking discoveries, which continue to astonish the world, were merely his secondary pursuits. Ah, guys, researching is the best thing in the world. My true fans comment: Send power stones to motivate these lazy bones to type for you. I need critics, please.)