Dream 2

With nothing pressing to do, I chose to sleep. After all, we had been promised visitors in our dreams. It seemed impossible and out of reach, yet the desire to learn more about these shenanigans burned brightly within me.

After my bath, teeth brushing, and slipping into white pajamas, I collapsed onto the king-size bed in my room. Exhaustion from the day's events weighed heavily on me, and I longed to erase the memory of the fallout with Uncle Ken. The thought that he had dismissed me from his life, deeming me worthless, was still too painful to accept.

"I will prove you wrong, old man," I vowed, my resolve hardening. "I swear you'll eat your words when I harness my earth manipulation skills to become the world's mightiest Awakener." Clenching my fists, I anchored myself to this promise, finding peace enough to sleep without worrying. And soon enough, Borjana stood before me once again.

She stood before me, exuding a confidence and beauty that were truly unparalleled. Her allure was undeniable, yet I could not bridge the gap between us, for she was but a hologram.

I find myself acting foolishly whenever it concerns this girl. I lose my ability to think clearly around her. She may be my first true love, but why does that matter? I scolded myself as I waited for Borjana to speak.

"We humans are tenacious and have a never-give-up attitude. We strive to survive and adapt to every situation, even if it means eating the flesh of other humans. It might seem disgusting to most of you, but just think about it. Will you be willing to do anything and everything to survive the agony we are about to go through? You might not feel the weight of what I said right now, but you will find out when you begin to see and feel the teeth of monsters eating your innards. And I promise you, it will be the best experience you will ever have throughout your life. If yes, then get ready to listen to instructions on how to use your skills."

After Borjana finished giving her speech, she began to talk about our abilities. She explained everything in detail. From her explanations, I got to know that most people are blessed with one ability, but there are always exceptions who have awakened more than one ability.

She also stressed the fact that one's ability can be increased if one works hard and experiences more life-threatening situations. He or she might breakthrough. A breakthrough is when a person's strength increases exponentially but such situations are rare too.

Ultimately, she explained mana and the rationale behind our abilities being categorized into grades. She attributed it to the amount of mana our bodies can absorb and retain. In this aspect, she mentioned that some are fortunate while others are not. It paralleled our past lives, where some were born into wealth, whereas others had an unfavorable beginning.

But there was still hope for the losers because they could still increase their mana absorption and storage rate through hard work and the same previous breakthrough.

At this point, I knew I was fucked, but I was still happy because at least I had an earth manipulation skill, which to me was much more useful than other stupid abilities. The reason I was happy with this skill is because I could change the terrain to my advantage, even if it was just small.

Once Borjana had concluded her speech, she permitted us to practice our skills in the designated area. For me, it was the ideal and most suitable location since it ensured no one would be injured. However, my suspicions remained intense, aware that the government was likely monitoring all individuals currently in this space.

(A.N., I need critics, guys.)