Hack and Slash

As I plunged into the zombie horde, my only goal was to hack and slash. I was not alone; women, men, children, and even grandmothers were part of the battle. Each one was keen to test their mettle against reality, just as I had envisioned. Suddenly, a colossal fireball blazed towards the zombies. The sight was magnificent, yet the ferocity of the heat was overwhelming.

It was not funny anymore, but anyway, ARGGGGGGGGGG. With a shout, I jumped up and slashed at the first zombie, who was within a meter. The slash felt so nice. AHHHH, I think I kind of orgasmed a bit at the thought of my weapon going through the zombie. But the smell these zombies gave off was just something else. Argh, they smelled like rotten eggs, and their breath was just nauseating. 

For a moment, I thought their body odor and secrecy might be the death of me. Yet, I was grateful for the knowledge we acquired during our encounters. Without it, many of us would have perished from friendly fire, which would have been the ultimate tragedy.

Cutting through the advancing hordes turned out to be unexpectedly satisfying. I began to hurl salt at the zombies as they swarmed toward me. The salt seemed to cleanse them somehow, as they kept writhing and shrieking even after contact.

Observing the effectiveness of my salt strategy, the awakeners nearby started retrieving salt from their homes to fend off the zombies. I witnessed children, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, hobos, and numerous youngsters across the street hurling salt. A few even resorted to splashing brine on the zombies. As expected, this tactic impeded the advancing zombies' charge. Their hesitation suggested fear, and in combat, turning one's back on the adversary is a deadly error.

We awakeners did not give up on this opportunity, so we began to slash and hack at the retreating zombies. It was so easy for us that some people began using the fleeing zombies as a shooting and hitting practice spot. I just stood there and began to ponder why survivors in the zombie apocalypse don't use salt when fighting with enemies.

The zombies were so easy to kill that I began to feel angry at the corpses of people who fell down dead in this weak zombie horde. I could just attribute this to their stupidity because zombies were 0.5 times faster than humans.

After all the zombies were defeated, a taller one emerged, its aura more imposing than that of its lesser counterparts. It moved at a speed 1.5 times that of a human. However, its end came swiftly, not from conflict but because it ingested an excessive amount of brine, cooking it from the inside out.

After we finished this knuckled head, we knew we were done and had survived the initiation fight. The only thing left for use now was to survive and become stronger.

(A.N. For those of you who don't know, brine is a solution of salt and water. You can think of it as sea water. I think using salt on zombies will work because it has to work and is also the easiest way to get it done. Any Visca Barca on their win today."