The year 2877, Jake, a struggling young man from a humble background, finds himself transmigrated from a modern world to a sprawling sci-fi universe. As he navigates this new reality, the key to power lies in an advanced virtual reality game, "Cosmic Nexas," which determines the authority and fate of entire planets.
Jake's journey begins with the stark contrast between his past struggles and the bewildering technology of his new home. Determined to rise above his circumstances, he immerses himself in the virtual realm, where players strategize, conquer, and advance their planets.
Amid virtual battles and diplomatic intrigues, Jake forges alliances with other players, each hailing from diverse corners of the universe. Together, they unveil the mysteries behind the transmigration phenomenon and the true purpose of the game. As the stakes escalate, Jake realizes that his actions within the virtual realm directly impact the fate of entire civilizations.
I kind of have to give this a 5 since we all have to believe in our own works. Call it boosting the ratings or but I take pride in my work.