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The monster maid

The maid looked at Burtgau and was shocked by the flying eyes. She started laughing and saying, "I am a monster."

I'll go get you monster food 416

Berggau: Don't bother, you monster

I will summon your monster robot. Come on, my eyes, fly and bring it

Suddenly, the robot opens the door of the room and enters, pushing a cart carrying various foods and vegetables 417

Robotics: Sir, who is this?

Burtgau: maid

Robotic: She is human

Berggau: No, she's a monster

The robot approached the maid and looked into her eyes

The Beast Maid: I want to make you a request that I don't want Berggau to hear 418

Robtic: Here you go

Maid Monster: I want to become rich

Robtech: Let's fly and go to the stock exchanges

Berggau: Where?

Monster Maid: To the market 419

Berthgau: Don't forget to bring a watch with you for monster time

 Robotik: Goodbye, we will fly