Chapter Twenty: Echoes of Brotherhood

The aftermath of the skirmish lingered in the air, and the soldiers, once tightly wound with the anticipation of battle, found a momentary respite. The forest, bathed in the fading twilight, became an amphitheater of whispered conversations.

As Azzrael continued his examination of Raizel's injuries, the soldiers couldn't help but speculate about the unexpected bond forming before their eyes. The term "little brother" had stirred a quiet curiosity, and theories spun like threads through the ranks.

"He calls him 'little brother'? Are we witnessing some military bromance here?" one soldier joked, prompting a ripple of laughter among the troops.

Another, ever observant, noted, "Did you see Raizel blushing? Never thought I'd see the day."

The banter echoed through the trees, a harmonious symphony of camaraderie forged in the crucible of survival. Raizel, catching wind of the soldiers' commentary, rolled his eyes, attempting to downplay the situation. "This is getting out of hand," he muttered, his protests drowned in the collective amusement of his comrades.

Azzrael, ever stoic, shot a glance at the soldiers with an unspoken warning, causing the whispers to subside momentarily. The general's gaze then softened as it returned to Raizel, a silent acknowledgment of their peculiar alliance.

Unbeknownst to the soldiers, a larger threat loomed on the horizon. Azzrael, ever vigilant, sensed a shift in the atmosphere. "Prepare for the unexpected," he commanded, a directive that stirred the soldiers back into a state of readiness.

"Easy there, Raizel," Azzrael said, extending a supportive arm to help him walk. Raizel, however, found his legs betraying him, and he stumbled, unable to stand. In an embarrassing twist of fate, he collapsed, only to be caught by Azzrael in a swift motion.

For a moment, Raizel found himself cradled in Azzrael's arms, carried with unexpected ease. The soldiers, who had been on the verge of dispersing, paused, their gazes turning to the unlikely duo. A hush fell over the scene as Azzrael, unyielding in his resolve, began to carry Raizel in a manner that resembled a bridal carry.

Raizel, stunned by the unforeseen turn of events, couldn't help but think, WTF, dude! This is so embarrassing. It's like one of those scenes on TV where the female lead is saved by the male lead and carried in bridal style. The irony wasn't lost on him, and he shot an incredulous glance at Azzrael.

Azzrael, seemingly impervious to the awkwardness of the situation, cast a sideways glance at Raizel and remarked, "Embarrassed?"

"Of course, dude! Who wouldn't be!!!" Raizel retorted, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of exhaustion and humiliation. "Look, everyone is watching us!" He glared at the soldiers, whose smirks and amused whispers only fueled his embarrassment.

As Azzrael continued to carry Raizel towards the waiting car, the soldiers couldn't contain their amusement. The scene, straight out of a romantic drama, had unfolded in the unlikeliest of circumstances. Whispers and chuckles followed the duo, painting the forest with the unexpected comedy of their camaraderie.

In the confines of the car, with Raizel still cradled in Azzrael's arms, the soldiers dispersed, their laughter echoing through the trees. The unlikely rescue had become the talk of the military base, a humorous interlude in the otherwise somber landscape of survival.

As the car engine roared to life, Azzrael's voice, tinged with amusement, cut through the lingering echoes. "Just enjoying the drama," he remarked, glancing at Raizel, who could only shake his head in disbelief.