Chapter Twenty-One: Veiled Confessions

The military base buzzed with the aftermath of the skirmish, and as Raizel found himself deposited onto a makeshift cot in a secluded corner, the soldiers resumed their tasks with newfound energy. The events of the forest, particularly the unexpected rescue by Azzrael, had become the subject of animated discussions.

In the heart of the base, Azzrael monitored the activities with his usual stoicism, his thoughts veiled beneath a facade of detachment. Raizel, recovering from the ordeal, couldn't escape the prying eyes and whispers that followed him like an unseen chorus.

"Did you see the way sir Azzrael carried that guy? Straight out of a romance novel!" one soldier exclaimed, a mischievous gleam in their eye.

"Yeah, and his also a cutie blushing like a schoolgirl. Never thought the mighty scientist had a soft side," another added, prompting laughter among the troops.

As the banter continued, Azzrael, ever aware of his surroundings, caught wind of the soldiers' conversations. A subtle shift in his demeanor hinted at an internal conflict—a blend of amusement and an unspoken acknowledgment of the camaraderie forming with Raizel.

In his secluded corner, Raizel groaned, partly from exhaustion and partly from the ongoing commentary. His attempt to bury his face in a pillow failed to drown out the speculative whispers that reached his ears.

In the wake of the skirmish, the military base hummed with activity, and amidst the bustling soldiers, Azzrael approached Raizel's corner with a casual yet intentional stride. The soldiers, ever vigilant to the evolving dynamics, exchanged knowing glances, sensing a conversation of substance was about to unfold.

"Survived the gossip?" Azzrael's gravelly voice held a note of amusement as he met Raizel's eyes.

"Thanks to you, I've become the subject of base-wide entertainment," Raizel quipped, attempting to inject humor into the situation.

Azzrael's response was a wry smile, but his gaze hinted at a deeper understanding. "Better get used to it. In this world, even the smallest acts become legendary tales."

As the soldiers continued their tasks, the air between Azzrael and Raizel hung with unspoken truths. Raizel, not one to tiptoe around sensitive topics, broke the silence. "So, about this girlfriend of yours... turned undead, huh?"

Azzrael's expression, typically guarded, softened into a contemplative look. "Yeah. She's out there, somewhere. But she's not the same."

The weight of those words settled between them, a shared acknowledgment of the complexities that came with love in a world overrun by the undead. Raizel, ever the scientist, probed further. "Do you... still love her?"

Azzrael's eyes, momentarily distant, conveyed a mix of emotions—love, grief, and an unyielding determination. "I don't know, it was actually arranged agreement between my family and her family . But I know she's not coming back, I still felt guilty for not saving her ,she's my brother's best friend after all."

The soldiers, discreetly listening to the exchange, felt the weight of the unspoken grief in the air. The dynamics between Azzrael and Raizel, once an enigma, now bore the marks of shared understanding and respect.

"I'll help you find the cure," he declared, the offer hanging in the air like an unspoken promise.

Azzrael, caught off guard by the unexpected offer, raised an eyebrow. "Who are you to find the cure? Are you a doctor?"

Raizel, with a smirk that carried the confidence of a man who knew his worth, replied, "I'm a scientist—a lab scientist. You can even run a background check on me if you want."