In a room , wall painted with the color of the sky , oval table stood , with 36 chairs around it , microphones leaning towards each seat, behind the middle seat, there was a big screen , with three globes overlapping each other , colors of them were in order , red , gray , sky blue. Chairs were empty ,only middle seat was taken by a man , with white mask covering only his eyes, his attire was rather loyal , red suit with golden linings , short black hair, pulled backwards, he only had one golden line in the middle .
Behind the man , a young boy stood moving to his right side he started speaking
- Tell me, What for was World Peace Protectors Order created for… Da..
- Don’t address me with my old name – The man didn’t let the boy finish
- I’m sorry… Minister… - the boy corrected himself
- Don’t you already know? So that government could be in touch with the other organizations, good and bad… so we could maintain the global order… - Minister replied , fixing his golden collar
- It was rather a Rhetorical question- The boy continued- Regardless of your efforts, or the efforts of your predecessors , WPPO fails to maintain the mentioned order, chamber has continuously breached the accords , yet they always get away with it… recent attack on the asylum was a clear statement of that.
Minister looked back , his eyes showed that somewhere, deep inside , he agreed with the boy, but the other half couldn’t bear the idea of being challenged
- That’s enough… - he said – I appreciate your concern, and I will tell you… not that I have to keep you updated for the tabs but… I’m planning to host a meeting regarding that matter.
- And you think they’ll listen to you? – The boy didn’t seem like stopping
Minister stood up furiously
- And what would you suggest… - He faced the boy – That I broke the intergalactic accords , just as they do it? We stand for peace, our goal is to keep humans safe…
- By lying to them?
- By shielding them from the beings they’re not ready to comprehend, what do you think will happen when everyone finds out that all the fairytale books were actual histories , Ha? Tell me… What do you think that will bring.
The boy realized the point ,not saying a word.
- I’ll tell you, Chaos will consume the world. Yes, Nowadays many people are open to an idea that vampires exist, but that’s because they fantasize about them, The moment they see a living one, first thing they will do, is drive a stake right through its heart. Leonardo created this, so that we could keep creatures hidden , and humans safe.
The door to the room opened, a tall , purple eyed man entered , green hair was tied in a ponytail , he wore gloves that extended to his elbows , white poet shirt tucked in his pants, belt had green emerald in the middle, black vest with green outlines covered the shirt
- Humans safe? – man spoke – Did I just overhear that atrocity…
- Aimé, what did I tell you about knocking? – Minister looked behind , facing Aimé.
- I couldn’t help myself , I was walking down the hallway and I overheard you, you’ve gone soft in past hundred years dear Daniel … - Aimé sounded cynical
- It’s Minister! – He replied
- Oh that’s right… Minister Shall , And must forget his personal belongings, even the name for that matter… Did you also forget …
- That’s enough! – Minister raised his voice – The Government stands to defend both sides, we’re not a babysitters for politics, it’s an universal balance, that where’s good , there’s always evil . I can’t interfere with such matters, if they take the war to the world , and involve the humans, then I may step in, before that, I see no reason to interfere.
- Hundreds of my man are killed , and you tell me that’s balance? – Aimé said in disappointed voice – You stand behind your mandate , thinking you’re untouchable , and why wouldn’t you. You’re a human .
- Watch it – Minister leaned forward on the table.
- Oh , I’m Watching it dear , In fact I’ve been watching you… You just don’t want to lose the immortality that the chair has granted you, so you chose immorality in exchange of immortality! – Aimé smiled – Poetically described, as always – he lifted his eyebrows
- If you’re so worried about your men dying , why don’t you protect them yourself … That’s in your power isn’t it? Le Fay? – Minister smiled , sat down in his chair – I believe this conversation is over.
- I believe so too – Aimé replied with hate in his voice , storming out of the room.
Everyone was gathered in the main room , Em standing in the middle , he was looking down in his phone , tapping fingers.
- Almost there – He said
- Is this going to take long? – Xelo complained.
- Have somewhere else to be? – Jade replied
- Yeah, in fact , I do – Xelo looked at Jade
- And where would that be – Hollie came behind Xelo , passing him a cup of tea.
- eugh , tea – Jade whispered.
- Maybe if you had some , once in a while , you’d not be that grumpy – Xelo took a sip
- Grumpy? – Jade was disrespected
Em coughed loudly
- Look , If you have some drama, save it for later, becaaause… - He announced with excitement pressing the button on his phone – I bring you, Roza, zero point one.
Behind Em, Hologram appeared, it was listings of people in the room , stating their powers, ages and biographies
- What’s this now – Sida looked around.
- This is … wait didn’t I just say what this is? It’s one and only , Blackroses Assistant – he took rings out of his pocket , tossing one to each , putting one on himself , leaving three in his hand – This will help us communicate to each other, on the rings, there is a small earring – He took small square piece from the ring – Which is enchanted , it automatically connects to your… wait , why am I explaining how It works.. -he stopped
- Because I’m not piercing my ear for something that I have no idea how it works? – Xelo raised his hand
- You don’t have to, it attaches to your ears, through biomagnetism… - Em pressed the square piece on his ear. – it connects to your nervous system , through the nerves located in your ear , basically giving you the ability, to see the display that’s behind me , at any place any time. – He bowed his head – I’m keeping administrative access to each and every one of them , to correct malfunctions if it occurs , and to send you uptdates.
Jade pressed the earring on , then picked his ring and started spinning it around
- Then , what’s this for- He raised the ring.
- Even though , this is a combination of nanotechnology and… magic, I couldn’t fit all the necessary stuff in to the earring, so it has to be in close proximity of the ring , which holds most of the assets needed to make the earring operational… - Em said as everyone pressed the pieces on their ear.
- So it’s like one of them off-brand Bluetooth earphones.
Xelo started laughing
- Connected’a succesfuleh – He mocked the sound
Em got angry, then he calmed his face , mischievously smiling
- I told you I kept the administrative access… Time for rickroll – he whispered quietly
All of the crew started looking around in confusion , as the loud music played in their head
Hollie was the only person who had not pressed the earring on, she started laughing
- Time to join the party I guess – she said , pressing the earring on her earlobe, she started to laugh even harder – You little devil… - she barely said from laughter.
- I called you all in tonight, to discuss rather serious dispute – Aimé sat in the chair behind the desk , room was full of classical art , there was only one window in the room , through which , the view of Lormont, France was seen, seven guardians stood in the room – Rogan , guardian of the bloodhounds – Aimé started naming guardians- Evosa, guardian of local cryptids, Francesca Nowe, Guardian of shifters, Kono, Guardian of Vampires ,Lorcan Guardian of Dark Fae. Solemia, Guardian of witches and lastly , Manta Guardian of the hybrid species …
- I think this kinds of meetings , should be held in Government , not in your personal keep . – Rogan blew dust off of his shoulder
- Thanks for the advice. But if I had wanted to , I’d call in the meeting there. Duplantier castle is way more secure , and more efficient for the matters that I’d like to discuss. – Aimé answered with anger sneaking in his voice
- Now, no need to get angry old friend – Rogan continued – I just don’t want to put our positions at risk – Rogan looked down at his nails – I have no problem with this house… - Aimé looked at Rogan as he said house – Castle… I apologize. I’ve grown used to it- Rogan smiled
- That’s Besides the point – Manta joined the conversation – It’s not everyday that Aimé Le Fay Duplantier invites you over to his humble castle..
- Humble?- Aimé looked at Manta with confused place – This place’s big enough to fit five Dracula’s castles…
- You know what I meant. – Manta was tired of Aimé showing off his riches
- Anyways… We all know what the chamber is up to , And blinded by his position Minister refuses to take an action, the syphoning has weakened the energetical field of the earth, once the field depletes , Reptilians attack will be inevitable, I speak for myself and Lady Lexius, we must not let this happen.
- So you suggest we act behind the Government – Lorcan stood up.
- I suggest no such thing – Aimé started pouring wine into his cup – And you of all people should understand that.
Lorcan dressed all in grey armor, walked slowly towards Aimé
- And what’s that supposed to mean – He answered with low angry tone.
- our people are dying
- Your people are dying… Mine have shelter , both on earth and in fae realm, we see no threat – Lorcan answered with evil smile
- Yeah, it seems like only you and your queen have an issue with this – Evosa interfered
- Our queen – Aimé looked at Lorcan – Dark or not, Lexius is queen to all fae realms and kinds, had you forgotten brother? – Aimé looked at Lorcan , his eyes exalted in green color – I am your superior, I am your elder, don’t make me use that in my advantage- Aimé spoke with his teeth shut, tightening his grip on the table , then he looked behind Lorcan, looking at each guardian one at a time – I get what Lorcan and I will do , once Reptilians attack, but you think you will find shelter , in any of Fae realms, or in any realm whatsoever ? – Aimé’s tone changed in anger – You will have no place to go , and the only way out you all will have , will either be death, or enslavement by them , now is that what you want?
- Perhaps you’re right – Kono spoke up – Why don’t we bring this to the minister then…
- The minister…- Aimé shouted- Doesn’t care! He’s blinded by the intergalactic accords, he thinks he has it all under control , with that dumb WPPO he’s hosting right now as we speak, sitting with the main villain of the story.
- He has invited Chamber into the WPPO? – Kono asked in confusion
Aimé didn’t answer the question
- So he did… - Kono said with disappointed voice -So what are you suggesting.
- I’m suggesting a coalition – Aimé went in front of the table – We lay our rules, and we work together against chamber, and corrupted ways of government, who’s with me – he spoke with loud voice
Everybody looked down, Aimé realized his efforts were in vain , he returned to his chair
- Give it a thought guardians… you hold responsibility not only to government , but to your people as well , I’ll await for your resolutions, until then , It’s better to conclude this meeting.
Everyone slowly walked out of the room , Leaving Le Fay alone .
- Time to reach out to old friends I see – he looked down at the handwritten letter with a red broken seal on it , smiling.
Minister stood in the small round room, the chairs standing in circle , had writings behind, ILLUMINATI, POPE, UNDERPOPE , MASONS, CHAMBER and behind the elevated chair GOVERNMENT, One by one people started joining the room , taking the chairs as they entered.
- Good, if everyone’s here , I herby announce 417th sitting to commence – Minister said , he turned around and sat in his elevated chair. – We speak for , and as our organizations today.
- What’s the meaning of this – Pope spoke first, everyone started chattering
- Order! – Minister shouted.
- Order? Order?- Illuminati asked in disrespected voice
- I called you here to discuss the actions of the Chamber… - Minister looked at Morgaus sitting in his chair
- And what actions should be discussed exactly – Chamber spoke
- The recent attacks on mortals. – Government spoke
- Witches you mean – Chamber answered
- The belongings of individuals do not matter, what matters is the risk of exposure.
- Which attacks are you referring to exactly – Chamber asked
- Morgaus… your last two attacks on the innocent!
- Don’t call me by my name, DANIEL! – Chamber underlined the words – We speak for our fractions , and as our fractions … Address me as such!
- Yet you called me by…
- In exchange of your disrespect – Chamber answered, not letting government finish
- Noted – Government replied – Now back to the original subject.
- Last two attacks were nowhere near breaching the accords so why are you concerned.
- No breach you say?
- First one , happened in separate dimension , summoned by my witch , second was in abandoned asylum , what’s the fuss about.
- What if someone saw the people leaving separate dimension , or the outbreak from asylum..
- but Did anyone see? – Intriguely asked Chamber
- There are no witnesses no , but what if there were.
- Then I’d take this discussion seriously…
- Come on , we all know about your crimes against cryptids , and the creatures… - Government continued- your mass slaughter of multiple races are yet to be discussed…
- Mass slaughter? – Chamber stood up with deceiving fury – On what grounds are you basing your accusation.
- accusation? – Government raised his voice – so you’re telling me you haven’t contributed mass murders of creatures in the past .
- Do you have the proof .
- So you admit there’s something that I need proof of – Government answered
- No, I’m saying that you’re accusing me of something , you have no proof for. If I have committed such atrocities , where are the bodies of that I’ve allegedly murdered.
- There are no bodies and you know that well.
- Well you know how the saying goes, No body no crime!
- That applies to the mortal world Chamber, Creature kind can quite literally delete the evidence, you’re on WPPO , Or had you forgotten.
- I had forgotten nothing, the only reason I sit here, is to deliver my message , we work with the accords, and there is no reason for you to claim otherwise.
- and what about your continuous help to reptilians , you think we don’t see that you’re trying to bring about the end of the world? – Pope interfered, Governments face changed , it was clear he didn’t want to address this.
- That’s besides the point – Government replied
- Besides the point? Hypocrisy of this one… so when your kind gets slaughtered, it’s an issue, but when the world has its energy field , standing on the last seconds, It’s besides the point? – Underpope took it further.
- THERE ARE ACCORDS! Like it or not, earth is swamped with reptilians , and they have their agenda, the preparations whatsoever, are not in breach of the accords, Restricting me from further involving In the matter.
- So your plan is to wait until the X reaches the planet, and then fend for yourself? – Underpope answered
- You don’t get to speak to me with that tone! – Government answered- If I interfere right now, it gives – He looked at chamber – Them , the chance , to go to council , and say that I have interfered with the natural order , resulting in stripping me of my powers!
- So that’s what it is… the highest title on the earth… and you’re afraid to sacrifice yourself.- Pope answered
- I’ve sacrificed enough – Government said
- World had many martyrs, and you… you aren’t one – Pope replied.
- I never claimed to be one. Once the X arrives, I’ll act as the prophecy states, me and my people will fight them off … That’s the end of it.
- Then I call this meeting to be concluded… It serves no purpose – Chamber said in evil tone
- Seconded – Underpope agreed
- Thirded – Pope continued
- Fourthed – Illuminati said
- Fine… - Government looked at everyone in anger standing up – You may all leave…
Everybody shook their head in disappointment as they left the room.
Once the chatter and fun settled down at hideout, everyone got used to how Roza and it’s rings worked, Em still standing in the middle of the room , Took a serious tone
- Roza, Display current objective – As soon as Em said the command , over the eyes of everyone , a display appeared, showing three People , Diva, Vixx and Sylvia
- It’s funny how Diva’s a Vampire, and Vixx is a siren…- Merline broke the impressed silence of people
- How’s that funny- Em didn’t get the joke.
- Vixx sounds more vampiric, and Divas are mainly singers , so Sirens are more relatable…- Merline answered in disappointed voice, She really had hoped that Everyone would get the joke.
- A Vampiric witch… - Em corrected Merline.
- She’s a Vampire and a witch… yes.
- And Diva’s a Sea witch… - Em corrected her again.
- A sea witch who’s born of witch and a siren… So she’s basically a siren.
- Anyhow, getting Sylvia will be the toughest job, since she belongs to rogue clan of gorgons.
- Our last member is a rogue? – Jade stood up
- Well , due to mistreating , they went rogue yes, but are still in obedience to accords.- Archil standing behind Em Explained.
- So there are rogues that don’t pose a threat. – Xelo took a second to ask this.
- First of all Xelo… I didn’t create this rings for you to watch anime… and second yes – Em answered with disappointed , Jade chuckled
- You can see what I watch? – Xelo made an awkward face
- Wha… eww – Jade looked at Xelo.
- Seriously? are you all judging me now?
- yeah, we’re done here – Em’s disappointment was clearly visible from his eyes.
- how did you manage all of this anyways- Merline asked.
- Well, Em is more like a modern type of witch – Hollie started speaking – He’s a Cyber… That’s what we call it now.
- A cyber? – Merline asked in confusion.
- Well, usually that form of witchcraft existed long time ago, the name is relatively new, but what they do is they apply the modern advancements, science and developments to their craft… since it’s a cyber era , they call themselves Cyberwitches , Cool right – Hollie spoke with excitement.
- Well , yeah , but I did not develop and code this piece of technology , So that they could watch Animes, and got knows what else – Em said with sadness in his voice.
- Come on Em… we love it, great job! But you can’t deny us from using it for personal stuff aswell… - Jade came close to Em, putting his arm on Em’s shoulder – Great job buddy , we’re proud of you.
Em smiled
- Thanks Jade. – He said his eyes changed from dissapointement to happiness , Jade give him a fistbumpm, and rubbed his head like a kid.
Jade turned around , went to the bar , sat down and started pouring whiskey in his cup
- Day drinking? – Xelo came and sat next to him
- It barely has an effect so why not, and I was born in Macedonia -He looked down at his watch- it’s Night there so , I’m good – He swirled the drink and took a sip
- May I join? – Xelo grabbed the cup from the counter.
- didn’t you just criticize me for day drinking? – Jade replied.
- Criticize? No, Just described the action.
- That’s smart… alright , you win – Jade poured some for Xelo aswell.
- Listen, I hadn’t properly thanked you for what you did back there.
- Properly thank me? – Jade looked him in intrigue
- Yeah well , there’s nothing I can do but at least – Xelo took a ring out of his pocket placing it on the counter.
- A ring? – Jade picked it up – That’s pleasant . – he smiled.
- This is kind of antique – Xelo continued – I was , around 16 , I was in Venice , Italy, I purchased it from a traveler that sold antiquities, he told me this ring belonged to one of the royal guards in roman empire… I bought it for my ex , but on the way back home, she broke up with me through text so, I never got to use it…
- I would’ve been satisfied with the story without an ex… - Jade answered awkwardly – But thanks… it means a lot.- he put the ring on his middle finger.
- Yeah well … - Xelo took a sip of whiskey
- Well I can clearly see you had deep connection with her, since you paid that much , and then kept onto it…
- No , not really. – Xelo answered
- Well last time , I bought a gift for my ex , I think it was in 1894 , 3 days before the break-up , I decided to still send the gift … - Jade took a big sip – Make him see what he lost… - He laughed.
- Him? – Xelo asked with intrigue.
- Yeah , Had fair share of Hims and Hers back in the day – Jade took a sip giving Xelo a Side-eye.
- Can only imagine – Xelo was weirded out – Anyways, Really thank you a lot …
- It’s nothing really, Don’t worry about it. Thank you for the ring, it’s Devilish – Jade said , his phone light up , he looked down – Speak of a devil- He said picking the phone up and looking at the chat
“We should talk” message said , from “Dump-lantier”
- Dump-Lantier? Who’s that? – Xelo asked
- First of all ,it’s rude to peak into the phone , and second, this is Aimé Le Fay Duplantier, Guardian of the Fae folk…
- A guardian you say – Xelo’s eyes widened up – that can be very useful.
“What about” Jade replied with , not even in a minute response came “It’s business, can’t discuss over the phone, Meet at Lormont palace?” Jade hesitated to answer, then he looked at Xelo
- He’s asking me to visit him at France. – Jade sounded weirded out.
- We can go… Meeting a guardian, that’s actually an amazing addition to our mission.
- Meeting a guardian? – Alice jumped in.
- Is there any time you aren’t listening to us? – Jade got annoyed.
- Well , we’re in the same room, so obviously we all overheard you. – Alice answered.
- Yeah jade, Meeting with Guardian could really help us, we need guardians on our side still , even if we gather all 8 , we still will need to form a strong alliance to even stand chance against chamber and Reptilians, and god knows how many rogue clans they have on their side.
- Hold your horsers everyone, first of all , he’s one guardian, Second, he Privately Invited me and third, He doesn’t Like self-invitees. – Jade started pointing out these statements by raising his fingers.
- Then Tell him! – Em answered.
- What do you think , I’ll Bring you with? – Jade looked at Em
- It’s not like you’re going on a trip… and if you don’t want me to literally torture you with Roza, you will , and I mean, YOU WILL , bring me with – Em answered with threatening voice.
- You little devil… - Jade answered with troubled voice.
“Can I bring friends?” Jade responded to Aimé , as soon as he sent the message, Aimé saw it and started typing
- He must be one hell of a friend – Xelo said
- Why so. – Jade got curious
- He literally replies within seconds.
“Full of surprises, as always. Of course, feel free to!” Aimé responded with smiley faces.
- Well , I take my words back… Smiling faces are literal sign of menace – Xelo finished his cup .
- We’re going to France as it seems… - Jade too chugged the drink turning around to face everyone.
- Minister and his audacity… - Morgaus stood in his room Lea pouring him wine in chalice, he walked around furiously- What was the point of calling me in, if he just had to underline the fact that Im against the accords.
- With all due respect your majesty… Doesn’t it seem that he did that to belittle you in the eyes of other organizations? – Lea asked with tricky voice
- What do you mean maid? – Morgaus turned around Leas face changed, she felt disrespected
- What I mean is, He called you in and said all those stuff, to let others know of what you’re doing – Lea stopped for a while – To test the waters, I mean, Since He himself doesn’t want to risk his chair, he said all those stuff, so other organizations would take an action, While he kept his hands clean.
- He didn’t seem bothered by my actions at…- Morgaus paused – Wait a minute… How do you know what happened at the meeting – his eyes turned deep red.
- I … I apologize your majesty, I overheard you telling Viper… - Lea bowed her head down
Morgaus walked up to her, Slapping his hands across her face
- Next time, You overhear my personal conversations, I’d rather have you forget it. – He said with his teeth clenched.
- I … Wanted to help…
- Now you might as well continue your theory.
Lea smiled devilishly
- He tested how much he could rely on the other members, if he could dictate their actions, that’s why he brought it up , since he had no support, the sitting was concluded quick . he didn’t seem bothered because he is bothered more with his position and his power.
- You’re a sharp one , aren’t you? – Morgaus softened up
- Might as well be…
- I’m expecting a guest, I’d rather you leave me… - Morgaus said with low voice, Lea nodded and left the room immediately, before she left Morgaus told her – If the woman in all blacks is there already , Tell her to come in.
Five minutes hasn’t passed when the Crow entered the room.
- Your maid told me I could come in… - Crow slowly walked towards Morgaus.
- Yes, As I said, I have very interesting subject to discuss.
- So do I – Crow replied – First I want to discuss the huge red swollen mark on your Maids Face… - Crow said in angry voice.
- That’s non of your concern – Morgaus answered quickly
Crow walked up to him , slapping him across the face
- Is it not? – She said, Morgaus straightened up , his eyes turning red
- Contain your anger, Or I shall contain you… You forget yourself my dear puppet… - Crow said, Morgaus swallowed big ball of fear.
- Puppet? – He asked, Massaging the slap
- That’s what you are… The day I grow tired , you will be dethroned… And you know that… - Crow was speaking confidently
- Dethroned? – Mockingly said Morgaus – You may be my superior, but only in reptilians eyes, If I were to be dethroned, people would follow me, They’re loyal , They love me…
- Love you? No , they fear you Morgaus, and trust me no one would follow you… Because they will fear me more. I could already tell you Five of your men, that wish to dethrone you…
- You mean those petty Russian witches? – Morgaus answered with cynic
- I’m not going to snitch …
- Well one has power and another… Is in love with me so I’d doubt that
- In love? No , she has a typical Stockholm Syndrome – Crow said.
- Since when are you a Psychologist.
- Since I need one , to put up with all the troubles you put me through. What did you want to tell me.
- Today, WPPO had its 417th sitting. Minister called me out for my breach of accords, Obviously he had no proof , I immediately realized that he did it so he could get others on his side, or at least see if anyone would take the action , since he doesn’t want to risk his chair, and miserably failed…
“What a hypocrite” crow whispered and then in loud voice, she asked – Why’d You Join that masquerade in the first place
- To gain inside information of course – Morgaus spoke , satisfied with himself and his smart moves.
- And you called me to tell all of that? What am I, your personal notebook?- Crow got mad
- I thought…
- You thought I’d give you pat on the back, calling you a good bad boy? – Crow cynically said
- No , I wanted you to know that Government may involve.
- Obviously , they may… It’s their job… and your job , is to best them… Next time you need someone to tell you “Roll over” like a hound dog you are… go and get that reassurance from one of your minions, Unlike you, I’m Very busy, and don’t have time for a Clownery you’re putting up…
Morgaus narrowed his eyes with anger.
- I’ll make sure to reach out on more serious matters then .
- Good. – Crow said , and left the room
Morgaus furiously started breaking everything , throwing stuff all around the place
- The audacity! I’ll show you one day… LEA! – he screamed – Come and clean this mess up…
- I’ll Sit this one out… - Reader sat on his bed, as always…
- Or Should I? – He was looking at Yu.
- I mean Yu saw, what happened right?- he stopped - No wait, You saw what happened right? Yu? – He corrected himself
- A Technical Development… An AI assistant? – He was looking at Yu , Laughing
- Seriously , are we in some screwed up TV show or something… - He was holding back anger
- I mean I know where and what we are… but… It’s funny , nevertheless . but quite interesting introduction to guardians… Has it been mentioned that there are like , more of them? Why weren’t they introduced… Like .. – he took deep breaths after every word. – what about the Gorgons, The Sirens, they are in the picture right? I believe… No I know there are a lot more creatures… but obviously Underlining the most known is better right? Cliché at its finest…
He got up fixed his bed…
- I really want to go for a walk he said…
Then he looked at the door and slowly walked out of it, going down the hallway , there was cells on the right and left sides of the hall , he walked while whistling, Doctor noticed him, As soon as he was noticed he pressed red button on the entrance of the hall , Sounding Alarm, Reader looking at him he said
- And he turned into ash
Doctor as soon as Reader said the words turned into an ash, collapsing on the ground.
- and the fire alarms went off , giving the reader epic exit he really needed to have
As he spoke everything came true.
- Did you know- He turned around looking behind… - Oh, You’re not here Yu… - He said in sad voice… - But it’s alright, Yu hear me right? – He smiled at “Yu”
- Did you know that Abracadabra, actually means I create as I speak? I mean , the original pronunciation of it does… well there’s an alternate pronunciation of it that means I destroy as I speak but… really, to destroy is to create, and to create is to destroy… - He stopped , satisfied with what he said , he looked at Yu - Yu , should really write that down… it’s wise, Isn’t it?- he kept walking front until he reached the middle room.
- Darina… what a surprise – He said , Looking at Darina who stood in the middle room
Darinas face changed
- You… - Her face lit up
- No no, I’m Me, Reader… Yu is behind me… Arent Yu? – He looked behind at Yu again.
- What happened to you – Darinas face Changed in terror
- What happened to Yu – He again looked back – I think Yu is perfectly fine… - He smiled at Darina
Doctors rushed out from the cells room , Surrounding Reader.
- You should really read Necronomicon Darina… - Reader said – It really explains how blind idiot god is the one in charge… - He continued
- He’s gone completely insane – Darinas eyes tearing up , she didn’t even blink
- And as Darina Stood there, looking at the reader, Doctors grabbed Readers arms – Reader was speaking , as he spoke everything happened – Yu thought , he would kill them all , but reader was satisfied with a little walk ... Crossing his legs , He started whispering, as the doctors dragged him back to the cell – He looked at one doctor – Stop being so harsh, I’m not opposing, but you’re getting in the way of story telling can’t you see?
Darina watched as reader was being dragged back to the hallway, She wiped her tears
- I must not speak of this… If Morgaus finds out… - She looked around… -I must not speak of this – She repeated herself , Wiping her tears…