The king of all werewolves is over a century old, making him undoubtedly the most handsome man to have ever walked the earth. With his silver-blonde locks that cascade down to his mid-back, thick brows that women envy, a straight pointed nose, a sharp jawline that women believe could cut through steel, and light red lips, he possesses an otherworldly beauty. His emerald golden eyes pierce through the souls of those who dare to meet his gaze, instilling both desire and terror in their hearts.

Even men tremble at the mere existence of this king. Driven by both fear and hatred, his enemies are determined to destroy him. However, the king possesses no weakness, leaving his adversaries frustrated. In their desperation, they attempt to create a weakness for him, only to have their plans thwarted when she enters his life. This woman, with her ebony dark hair, mysterious purple eyes, red kissable lips, and sharp features, possesses a fire within her that could set his enemies ablaze if they dared to approach the king.

She becomes his shield, protecting him from any harm that may come his way. She is the light that shines through his darkest days, the mender of his broken soul. When he is weak, she provides him with strength. She awakens emotions within him that he never knew existed. She is his guard, both physically and emotionally. She is his queen, and he is her king. She is his fire, and he is her ice.

As the king gazes at the girl descending the stairs, he is filled with awe. She is so breathtakingly beautiful that he wishes to shield her from the eyes of other men, especially in the revealing red dress she wears. Her raven black hair is pulled up into a ponytail, with a few strands framing her forehead delicately.

Her purple eyes sparkle strangely as they meet his, and he realizes that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes upon. Her skin is as smooth as a baby's, and her features are sharp, even for an eighteen-year-old. He finds himself unable to tear his eyes away from her exposed leg, feeling his throat dry up at the sight. He regrets choosing such a dress for her, as he knows he will have to fend off countless males who will be captivated by her beauty. His beast stirs within him, growing possessive and protective.

"Way to go, old man," he chuckles, speaking to his inner beast.

"Oh, shut up, your majesty," Thunder huffs, though a chuckle follows. Thunder, for some reason, has taken a liking to the young woman and constantly seeks her attention. Thunder despises it when she does not give them her undivided focus. Their feelings have merged into one, and the king often feels the desire to wrap her around him like a second skin. The only thing holding him back is their professional relationship. But there is always a "but."

She is his guard, but why can't he keep it strictly professional? He wonders. Both he and his beast desire this woman intensely. He has even warned every male in his pack that she is off-limits. The announcement shocked and surprised them, but no one suspects that his guard is also his love, kept secret from all.

This particular woman ignites such a fire within his beast that it has not felt in centuries. Even during intimate moments with past lovers, he would recoil in disgust within his soul. No woman has ever been able to calm his beast, even though they were supposed to have a mate who could do just that. He and his beast believed that the universe despised them, until they laid eyes on the woman descending the stairs. They believe that the universe has finally taken pity on them and blessed them with a stunning woman who serves as their guard. And as the king, he has the power to choose anyone as his partner.

Her eyes always manage to captivate him, drawing him into a trance. She is enchanting in every way, and he finds himself studying every curve of her body. His eyes settle on her hips, which sway seductively with each step she takes. The movement of her hips is the most enticing thing he has ever witnessed. This woman will be the death of him, he thinks. She finally stands before him, one brow raised in amusement. He would give anything to see her like this every day, to hold her in his arms as he did that night in the garden. He has not forgotten how their bodies fit together like missing puzzle pieces. He remembers her fingers caressing his cheeks gently and her head resting against her chest after a nightmare. She never revealed what she saw, but he does not mind as long as she does not despise him. He keeps his eyes locked on her, committing every movement and curve to memory.

The more he looks at her, the more his fingers itch to caress every inch of her body and worship her like the queen she is. But she is his guard, someone who maintains a cold demeanor in his presence and keeps her distance. She reminds him that they are nothing more than employer and employee, even though to him, she is so much more. She is his breath of fresh air, the warmth in his coldest nights, and the fire that melts the ice in his heart.

Everything about her brings him peace. She has taken away much of his pain and regret, leaving him more tranquil than ever before. With his enemies on the rampage, he fears for her safety due to his past. Thunder has been on edge for the past two days, restless and unresponsive when the king asks what is wrong. The unease lingers, but whenever she is near, it vanishes as if it never existed.

He has been observing her from a distance since she arrived in his territory. She is not one to speak much, a woman of few words. Since her arrival, she has never let down her guard, and he does not ask her to. It would be best to keep her identity a secret, along with her brother's. She reminds him of himself, a fire burning within her eyes, hidden behind a cold facade. Or perhaps it is not a facade at all; he cannot tell.

She entered his life unexpectedly, along with her hidden identity. He is exceptionally grateful that she did not belong to another man's territory. She is the breath of fresh air that any man would desire, and he is no exception. This is their first public appearance together, and she had initially wanted to appear as the usual guard. However, he refused and instructed her to wear something formal. To his surprise, she confessed that she did not own a dress.

This young woman is more accustomed to trousers, knives, swords, and shirts. Without a second thought, he procured a beautiful dress for her. How he knew her size remains a mystery even to himself. He cannot help but smile at the thought of the mighty Alpha King personally purchasing a dress for his secret love.

He has no regrets. She looks absolutely breathtaking in that dress, eternally beautiful. He wonders what she would look like if she were to smile. He realizes he is thinking too much and acknowledges that Thunder is not the only one falling head over heels for the female guard.

She looks up at him with a cold gaze, the previous sparkle in her eyes gone. This is the look of a subordinate. But does he care? The answer is a resounding no. Does she care if she were to discover that the cold and distant king harbors feelings for her? Yes, she would. With a sigh, he decides to bury those unwarranted feelings for now. In this supernatural realm, everyone knows who she is to him. She is nothing more than The King's Guard. But to him, she is so much more than that.
