Hamza sighed and let him be for now. He will come back to him when he's done sulking. Thunder isn't like that but he knows those words hurt him more than it did to him but that doesn't mean he was less hurt. Hamza really doesn't understand why he kept feeling like her words were breaking his world apart.
Does she really not want anything to do with him other than being his Guard? Was she that blind to not notice what his eyes beholds for her? Was he the only one having such feelings? Isn't she feeling what he is and has been feeling ever since they met?
Surely, she must felt what he felt when she touched him, right or even when she looks at him, right? Talking of which she has even stopped sparing him a glance. Good grief, he was frustrated with all this thoughts in his head. He shook off his thoughts, leaning back in the couch with a sigh tiredly.
"Go freshen up princess" the Alpha said to Kelshun gently. She gave him a nod before walking towards the elevator without giving the king even a glance while the king gazed at her disappearing figure with helplessness. He so wanted her to look at him. Never has he doubt his looks but this girl makes him questions his own believes about himself. Alpha Aziz kept his gaze on the king who was lost in thoughts.
"Let's talk somewhere else, privately" the Alpha said, snapping the king out of his train of thoughts. The king turned to the Alpha with furrowed brows, wondering what he wants to talk about.
"Let's go to my office" the king said standing up. He led the Alpha to the his office which was on the last floor of the pack house. After walking into the office, he closed and locked the door behind him while the Alpha sat down with a sigh.
The office was large, with a leather chair behind the desk and tow arm chairs in front of it facing the king's chair with a black huge squared rug underneath it. The walls were painted in darker shades of clouts, ash and black was the theme of the office which gives of mysterious vibes. It makes one thinks of their darkest days.
But the plast of Paris design above reminds one of when there was light in their days before the darkness consumed it. There was a large glass window behind the king's desk with a balcony which was facing the vast greenish forest.
One could see the warriors training from there and the homes of families who resides on the pack lands. The pack was the biggest of all packs. The houses were organized in rolls perfectly with flowers planted at the sides of the streets and around houses. It was truly a sight to behold. The king gave the Alpha time to check his surrounding while he thinks of why Alpha Aziz wanted to talk to him or what he wants to say to him.
"So what is it, you want to talk about?" Hamza asked the alpha with raised brows which brought the man's attention to hm immediately.
"About your female guard" the Alpha replied with a serious expression and tone causing the king to seat upright.
"What about her?" He asked with curiousity clear in his eyes. He didn't bother hiding his curiosity.
"I know you like her. I mean like a man and a woman, maturely" Alpha Aziz said with a slight smile but Hamza, the king knew that Aziz was being serious with his words.
"How do you figured it out?" The king asked not denying his guess. Was he that obvious? Or was he that desperate.
"Because the look in your eyes says so, your majesty. The worry, agitation, the restlessness and the pained look in your eyes says it all. Those were the look my son use to give her. They both were so happy back then that one would think they would be happy forever but he knew he wouldn't journey with her untill the end, it was already ordained by fate" the alpha said, a sad chuckle slipping past his lips.
"He knew?" The king questioned in shock. How was that even possible. Nobody is supposed to know their ends. It must been painful for him.
"Unbelievable right? Well my son Eliah knee that a day would come when he wouldn't be able to be with her because he has the gift of seeing the future and is bound not to utter a word of it to anyone, not even to his mate" the king heard Aziz say, shocking him again. This was impossible.
"He was chosen by the goddess of the moon to be between the past and the future. Only he could allow someone see future and the past. He has to die in order to full that destiny because the enemies are too powerful and can look into anything, even the pre-future of our kinds. He was devastated by his fate but after knowing she would be fine after he's gone he relaxed. He knew you would be there for her" Aziz said with a chuckle while the king's eyes widened slightly. The Alpha chuckled at his reaction. It really funny to see this side of the overall King of their kinds.
"He has no regrets for leaving her behind because he knew you would take care of her just like he was doing. I know she's not going to let you in that easily or maybe she may let you in but she wouldn't give her heart to anyone else apart from her diseases mate. It depends, it difficult for her to let go of losing her mate because she thought it was her fault that he died" Alpha Aziz said leaning back in his chair while the king massaged his temple.
"Why does she calm down only when she sees you?" The king asked, that particular scene kept bothering him.
"Because she sees him in me. She thinks disrespecting me would mean disrespecting her mate. My son really looks like me in details and him and I have the same scent except, his is stronger than mine for unknown reasons" Aziz replied with a smile. He loves his son, although he's sad about the turn of events, he would be there for Kelshun as a father not that she doesn't have one but two heads are better than one.
"I heard she's suppose to choose a mate soon" the king said leaning back in his chair as well.
"Yeah. The decision is hers to make. We have already selected some Alpha's for her" Aziz said standing up while the king release a worried sigh.
"You should escort her on that day, who knows? You might be the lucky man" the Alpha said as they both exited the office.
"Okay. No problem" the king replied. He wasn't gonna give her up that easily.
"Good and please don't put on suit,.she hates it" Aziz said, whispering the last part with a chuckle which made the king laughed lightly. "Typical Kelshun" he thought amusingly. After having breakfast with the king's pack, Alpha Aziz was escorted to the boarder by the king and Kelshun.
"I see you soon princess" Aziz said pulling the quiet girl into his arms with a sigh. She returned his hug with same sadness but never the less, nodded at his words.
"Take care of yourself and call me when you need anything okay" he said again as he released her from the hug and held her face between his palms tenderly.
"Okay popsy, will do. Tell Mama, I will pay her a visit soon including Nathan" she replied with a sigh, seemingly not wanting the alpha to leave.
"Okay. Thanks for your hospitality, your majesty"Aziz said bowing his head in the king's direction.
"You are welcome. It was good having you here" the king said and Aziz gave him a nod before shifting into his huge black wolf. The wolf walked towards Kelsey who looked over in his slightly as she pet him. The wolf purred and leaked her hand before sprinting away into the depths of the woods.
Hamza and Kelshun turned to walk back to the pack house. She was walking before him while he was behind her. She still didn't say anything to him which made him sighed inwardly. He thought they would have some alone time together and maybe she might talk to him but seems like that wasn't the case at all. Another two minutes pass but the girl didn't even looked at him, let alone talk to him, it made him frustrated and sad. "Fine, if Mohammed doesn't go to the mountain then the mountain will go to Mohammed" the king thought, walking around her and standing in front of her.
He took her wrist and started walking in another direction causing the girl to frown but she still didn't say a word. The king came to a stop in front of water fall. He turned to face the girl who was looking around her in awe before turning to the king.
"Have I done something wrong?" The king asked the girl as he run a hand through his locks in agitation. He really couldn't think of anything else other than that.
"You haven't, my king" she said with all her emotions hidden in the depth of her being.
"Then why have you been distancing yourself from me? There is a reason and it must have something to do with what you saw right, I mean in your dream" the king asked looking into her beautiful purple eyes.
"I have been busy, my king. I have not distanced myself from you. I'm your guard, we shouldn't be too close. It against work ethics. You have a whole Kingdom on your shoulders, my king and I don't want to be an obstacle between you and your duty" she replied with a sigh. The king let out a laugh, a humorless laugh at that.
"An obstacle? A Kingdom? At this point I don't think I have a Kingdom anymore. I have only enemies and I don't want to worry about them" he said looking at her as her brows furrowed in thought.
"I know when I care about someone and right now that person is you. I don't know what has gotten into you to make you so angry to the extent of getting your knuckles bloody. Anyways you're my guard so from now onwards you're going to be with me twenty four seven" Hamza said looking at the girl who now has her eyes on him. Her eyes seems to have soften but that emotion went away quickly that he thought he had imagined it.
"I'm sorry for venting my anger on you earlier, my king. Forgive me" she apologized sincerely, holding his gaze. The king sighed before opening his arms for her.
"Give me a hug then" he said looking at her mischievously. The girl let out a sigh before walking into the king's opened arms, immediately the king heard thunder let down his walls accompany by a purr of satisfaction which Hamza release his own sigh of contentment as the girl's arms wrapped around his waist with her head rested on his chest.
They stayed like that for about ten minutes before pulling out of the hug and started walking back to the king's house instead of the pack house. The king walked into the living room using the back door, he held the girl's hand as they took the elevator to his floor. Entering his room, he closed the door behind them and locked it before motioning for the girl to sit on his bed which she did.
"I will just have a quick shower. Meanwhile, you can watch some movies if you want" he said before walking into the bathroom. Kelshun looked around the king's large bedroom. His bedroom was painted a grey and black colour, the plaster of paris design above was in a gray colour while the walls were in a black colour.
Even his bedsheets were all black including the pillows. The two single couches which was facing each other with a tea table between them and a black rug underneath were in grey colours including the curtains and the desk in the far corner of the room with stacks of files which were scattered across it some littering the ground. She sighed getting up.
"Men are always messy when it comes to work" she thought separating the files he was done working on from the ones he is yet to have a look at. One black file caught her eye. She took it and flipped it opened, immediately she chuckled darkly. She turned to take a good look at the room before laughing lightly in amusement before sitting on the chair behind the desk deep in thought.
After thinking for a while, she looked at the picture on the King's desk. The king look like he was in his early twenties when he took the picture, at a school. His hair was long, which he has put into a low ponytail. There was a woman beside him, her arms were around the king's waist as they smiled looking at each other.
With Silver brown horny hair, slightly thick brows, pink plumb lips and hazel eyes, the woman was beautiful. Kelshun's fingers caressed the king's face in the picture. Flashes of images appeared in her mind making her knees weak. The framed photo felled on the table with a soft thud just as Hamza, the king exited the bathroom.
Hearing the noise,he looked towards his desk as Kelshun's hands were clentched around her head tightly with her body shivering and glowing in a purple soft light. Hamza walked towards her immediately. What was happening to this girl? He asked himself.
"Kel, it's okay. I'm here. Nothing bad is gonna happen" he comforted as he turned the chair around and squatted before her.
"It is not okay" she gritted out, raising her head to look at the king helplessly. Her eyes were icy blue, it looked like it was freezing each passing minute. The anger in her eyes was something he hasn't seen before. The purple glow around her started turning red which made the king's eyes widened in shock.