"I know but you need to calm down" the king said with her face between his large palms with a helpless look in his eyes.
"Come on, breathe in and out" He instructed with a soft tone but no matter how much she did that, she couldn't calm down like he wanted.
Hamza sighed before standing up and carrying her bridal style. He sat on the bed with her in his arms which seemed to have calmed her more. He wants to go somewhere but how could he do that when she wasn't stable?
He kept rocking her back and forth for about ten before pulling out of the hug and taking her face between his large palms as they starred into each other's eyes slightly lost.
"Listen Shun, I need to go somewhere and I will need you to escort me to that place okay" he said with a serious expression which made her straightened up immediately, going into her Knight mood.
"Okay, my king. Get dressed and let's go" she said to him with a nod as her glow dimmed. Hamza let out a sigh of relief, noticing she was back to normal.
"Are we going alone?" She asked as the king was setting her on the bed.
"Yes we are. I don't trust anyone right now but you" he replied but kept the last part in his mind as he adjusted her mask while looking into her purple eyes. Ohh goodness, what he was willing to trade for those enchanting eyes of her.
He doesn't mind losing his life as Long as God will grant him a second to look into them. These eyes he wants no man to see, it was only his. Although he trusts Kelsey and his third and fourth in command but even that trust is kinda weakened right now.
"You shouldn't. You should make sure anyone who wants to be trusted by you should earn it. But don't let them know, it will be easier that way and they wouldn't bother pretending if they think you don't know their true colours" she said snapping him out of his enchanted trance. Sigh, he was losing it in her presence.
"Okay ma'am. Lemme get dressed and let's get going" he replied walking into the closet to find something more presentable to wear. Kelshun sat there mulling over where the king wanted them to visit. She hopes they weren't going to the enemy because she was in her bloodbath mood today.
The king exited his closet wearing all black. He wore black bodycon long sleeves shirt which did well in bringing out his every muscle, he paired it with a black dress pants which was paired with black combat boots. His hair was still wet with some stray strands framing the crown of his head whiles the rest cling to the sides of his strong neck.
He sat on the bed and lifted one of his foot onto the bed and beginning buckling his boot. He suddenly felt fingers running through his hair which caused him to sighed in contentment, the fingers were replaced with a comb every now and then. Kelshun made three braids at the left side of his head, she gathered the hair at the right side of his head backwards and used a clip to hold it gently but firmly, leaving some to frame his back.
"All good now," she said jumping down from the bed and landing on her feet lightly on floor of his bedroom. The king gave a nod but felt slightly disappointed that he was no longer enjoying her caress. He stood up and went into the closet.
Hamza stared at himself in the Mirror in awe, he should have her braid his hair more because she made him look very handsome. He shook his hair before placing a hand beside the mirror causing it to move back and slide to one side of the wall.
Hamza exited his closet with four guns. He handed two to the girl who took it with an excitedly causing the king to let out a laugh. He wonders how a gun could make someone so elated.
Something that could take life but can't give it back. It was really amusing to him. He watchedas she cocked the gun twice before taking a waist holster and strapping in the two guns while he simply place his in the back of his pants. He handed her the black hoodie which she slipped on.
"Come here" he beckoned with a deep voice which sounded huskier than usual. She took four steps towards him before stopping. The king held her hair and within a second, it turned white, he placed his two fingers on her eyes turning them into a forest green colour. He nodded in satisfaction at her appearance before draping the hoodie over her head.
"I don't want as anyone to know your identity, so we will be using different codes whenever we go out there, okay" he said adjusting her hoodie.
"Okay. Whatever pleases my king," she replied with a shrugged. The king sighed in relief. That wasn't the only reason why he did that but also because he didn't want any other man to fantasied about her. Only he should be doing that actually.
"Okay let's get going," he said taking the lead with her in tow as they exited the room which locked firmly behind them, that was another gift he has. If anyone try breaking in he would know immediately, not even the most powerful could break his magic seal.
Hamza isn't someone anyone could overthrown without facing consequences in advance. He was a strong, wise and brave king. Too brave and wise, unknown to his enemies. The king knows the Kind if enemies he's dealing with while his enemies really don't know what they were dealing with but they thought they knew everything.
Now that he have the two heirs of a strong and ruthless Alpha in his possession, he make sure his enemies have a taste of their own poison. He will have to pay old friends a visit. He was sure Kelshun would be able to tell him if they are not honest.
After stepping into the pack house, the king called Kelsey and Kelshun's brother whose name he hasn't even bothered asking. Her brother was a tall guy, with black raven hair, forest green and grey eyes, straight nose and sharp features, God took his time in creating the siblings, they were a sight to behold. Actually, too beautiful to be true, in reality.
"I and Kelshun are going to pay a friend a visit. And I want you two to look after the pack for me until I we get back" Hamza said to the two men in his office who gave each other a surprised look.
"How many days would you be gone for?" Kelshun's brother voiced out Kelsey's question unknowingly.
"Maybe three or four days. You guys can inform me of whatever would go on in my absence" the king said causing both men to nod.
"Keep a leash on her for the sake of their lives and make sure they don't spew any nonsense in her presence" Kelshun's brother warned in a serious tone which made the king nod firmly. Hamza knew what the other man meant, Kelshun was a time bomb, just a single press from the thumb could cause a massive explosion.
The king walked out into the open door, stepping out, in the front of the pack house. He let out a whistle and a horse came flying his way. He pet the black midnight horse after it landed on the floor. The horse's eyes were grey, the grey almost looking like white.
It was fascinating and it's fur was very black that it shone under the sun. His tail has a lot of hair and even the back of it's next contain some long black hair which felled regally at the left side of his neck, his wings were tainted with gold and silver. Kelshun was momerized. Kelshun feet's moved on their own accord towards the magnificent horse. The creature was beautiful, too beautiful to be true. Her fingers run through the hair of the creature gently as it whined in approval of her touch.
"You are regal. You're breathtaking" she said as her fingers caressed through it's fur. Never has she seen a horse as beautiful as Hamza's own. The horse accepted her touch which shocked the guards who were stationed outside the pack house. Even the king was shocked. Never has his horse allowed anyone apart from Hamza himself. He despises women's touch, especially. But this girl was able to tame his horse with just a caress. She was indeed a very special woman.
"He's Ragnar" the king said with a slight smile.
"Ragnar" she said as if testing the name on her lips. The way the horse's name slipped past her lips sounded so sensual to Hamza's ears. He wondered if his would sound like that on her lips.
"A powerful name for a powerful horse. Ragnar Noir. Do you like that last name?" She said and asked as the guards waited in anticipation of what would happen next. The house neighed in approval softly, shocking the king and his guards. Ragnar Noir is indeed a great name. Ragnar Noir snuggled into the girl's touch with a whine causing a giggle to burst out of the young lady.
"Come on, let's get going. You two have got all the time in the world on this trip" the king said walking towards the creature and his female guard.
"May I," he asked as he held onto either sides of her waist, her body's heat cuddling around his and her scent enveloping his entire being.
"Yes, my king" she replied, not that she couldn't get on the horse herself. She is a guard after all but the king wanted to help her and she wouldn't reject his help, after all he was a king and it would be extremely rude of her to do that.
The king smiled being granted the permission he wanted. He lifted her into the horse effortlessly before hopping on behind her, he grabbed the shackles and nudged the horse to start moving with it wings tucked at his sides. The horse trotted into the woods vanishing from eye sight.
"She's special" one of the guards who witnessed what happened earlier voiced out everyone's thoughts unknowingly.
"Yeah, she is. I wonder what she looks like behind those masks" a second guard with silk brown hair said with a curious look etched on his face.
"I'm sure she's beautiful. I mean just look at her stature. The innocent aura surrounding her makes her more attractive" the third guard said with admiration in his eyes. The others hummed in agreement with what he said.
"It's a pity she doesn't see what the king feels for her. I mean all those possessive growls and warning glances he keeps throwing the unmated males is obvious but I wonder why she doesn't see it. Sigh, the king might be feeling helpless, especially since he doesn't know how to propose to a woman" the fourth guard said, his tone full of sympathy for the king.