Idea 7 Hp x Wednesday/Addams family x Corpse Bride x Nightmare Before Christmas

James and Lily as Jack and Sally(they merge as a wish to protect Fem!harry?)(time moves differently in other realms Halloween town movies slowest) best friends/poly? with Emily who is fem Harry's stepmom/godmother after they remember there life/confess there feelings with Lilith's? help fem harry/Lilith? and Wednesday Addams childhood friends/soulmates? Who at the age of 10 get forcefully separated have bond blocked<- succeeds and memories erased <- it fails this helps with Wednesday becoming Wednesday and Fem!harry like cannon harry up till 2nd year summer/ beginning 3rd year summer where they meet again at camp from the Addams family 2nd movie after the events at camp when there about to be separated again Lilith's magic acts up and transports her and the Addams family do to the blocked bond trying to break the binding to Halloween town, could be before or after nightmare before christmas movie where Emily is after her movie cause I'm pretty sure hers is set in late to early 1700-1800 and she did move on after her movie but she could be given a second chance at life/to be happy in Halloween town after awhile Emily finds them in the grave yard/spiral hill/pumpkin patch she takes them to Jack maybe Lilith is still slightly panicked or Jack/James magic reacts to his child so it shocks Jack and jump starts his human memories of Lilith Jack uses his magic to jump start Sally's human memories happy/slight angst family reunion and overprotective Addams who go off about Lilith's life with the Dursleys and everything they spend a couple years(time moves slower, so in the human realm its been a few months ) in Halloween town/Land of the dead with everyone (includes dead Addams) Lilith gets summoned by the goblet and because of the magic bonds she has/creates with her family yes it includes her mates family they get summoned 2. Cue trope of Lilith being considered an adult witch and right after the tournament she and everyone disappear(could have the adults deal with the horcruxes and Lilith finishes/convinces tom at last task) either back to the realms for equivalent of human realm 2 years or to America where MACUSA who know of the realms if the Addams children went to regular school help with there attendance/missing files can go to Wednesday tv show from here.