Idea 8 Beetlejuice x HP

8 year old Fem!harry Hailey? Is adopted by her squib uncle Adam and his muggle/squib wife Barbra after a trip gone wrong with the Dursleys (Hogwarts starts at 12 instead of 11) after the car accident that sent them over the bridge in stead of becoming a ghost like Adam and Barbra she becomes a demon/guardian maybe when they visits the waiting room they find out James and Lilly work there to be able to get a chance at seeing there thought to be living daughter anyway after they meet Lydia, Hailey and her could become friends to lovers/ find out there soulmates everything with Beetlejuice happens Hailey does not appreciate him trying to marry Lydia so uses here powers instead of the sandworm being lured to eat him. Adam and Barbra can leave there house as long as its to a magical location and Hailey because of what she is is not bound to a location but bound to Lydia through soul bond/demon contract or guardian bond maybe. With

Beetlejuice you could have him have to do community service by having to mentor Hailey with her powers cue weird shenanigans and bonding he can become like a older brother/uncle/dad (cause he consistently flirts with Barbra and Adam) because she was a American witch from Ilvermorny have MACUSA check on them and find out about them and cause they have a supernatural division maybe everyone finds out Hailey still has her magic so the agent gets her a home tutor. On to 4th year Hogwarts and the tri wizard tournament Beetlejuice, Hailey and Lydia get summoned by the cup while the other 3 have to go through the ministry/waiting room to get to them cue more hijinks and Voldemort easily being dealt with cause Britain's wizarding world has absolutely no idea of demons and the like.