Chapter 57 Stepping Down


Blade enters the office and holds out a wad of cash to Michael. "This is for you." Michael met his gaze but made no move towards the cash. "It's your cut for being the boss. The money I gave you before Christmas was just pocket change." Blade adds. "I Don't need it." "Well seeing as though you have a girl now, I'm gonna say, you do and women love when their man gives them money to treat themselves."

"I already did that on New Year's Day." "You know it's not a one-time thing, right?" Blade asks with a snort placing the money on the desk. "I noticed there isn't a gym in this massive house with many rooms," Michael states ignoring Blade's question. "We always use the gym down the road, so we figured we didn't need one here." "I would like one here."

"You know that will take a lot of money, right?" "Michael glances at the money on the desk then slowly lifts his dark eyes to Blade's anxious brown ones. "But that's your money." Michael narrowed his eyes at him but said nothing." "All of it?" Blade asks in confusion and disbelief.

"A sum of it or all of it, matters not, just get the job done." "Yes sir." Blade took the money and turned to leave. "Another thing," Michael adds, and Blade's steps halt.

"It's been three weeks, two days, eleven hours, forty-six minutes...." Michael stops, glances at his watch then continues. "And eighteen seconds since Razor and Jermaine left this house. They're not back and they're not answering their phones."

"I know, me and two of the men were planning on going into Kingston tomorrow to see what the hold up is." "Complete the task I gave you, then you can leave and be careful." "So does that mean you're not enjoying your position as the Boss?" Blade tease.

"I was forced to assume this position, so no, I'm not enjoying it, find out what the problem is, fix it, and get them both back here as quickly as possible." "Yes sir."

Somewhere across the world

"What the hell is going around here? I know those idiot cops are still investigating the murder of the old bat's wife but why does it seem like I'm also under surveillance? Fuck." The man growls slamming his fist on his desk. "I can't function like this, I've carefully planned every move and I'm almost where I should be but these idiots are fucking with my plan, not to mention I can't get rid of that old bat until he publicly appoint me.

Three down, one to go, it's time to hurry this investigation along and luckily for me, I know exactly how to do that. With an evil smirk on his face, the man walks towards a cabinet, unlocks one of the drawers, and pulls it out.

Back in Jamaica

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Evan asks poking his head into the office. "Sure," Michael replied. "Bet you have a pretty good idea what I want to talk about, right?" "The fact that it has been two weeks since Blade and two of the men left and just like Razor, we can't seem to get in touch with them either?" "Bingo," Evan snaps his fingers. "So where do we go from here?' Michael asks.

"Not sure, but before we get into that, I brought you some Ackee, baked beans, fried breadfruit, and Calaloo with a tall glass of cold Coconut water, just a little ketch me up." Evan smiles placing the plate and glass on the desk.

"Thank you." "You're welcome, now about the problem, some of the men feared that they've been captured or worse, dead, some think that you should step down and allow one of us to take over, some are even nominating Anthony for the leadership position which needless to say is swelling his already big head." Evan stops snorts then continues.

"Some support you as the boss, mainly because of the training we're receiving from you and our new gym, thanks for that by the way." Michael nodded but said nothing. "Overall, everyone is on edge and the tension in this house is growing thicker by the hour." Evan finishes with a heavy sigh.

"Okay, now that I've heard their opinions, let's hear yours." "Me?" Evan asks scratching the back of his neck nervously. "The Boss has never asked for my opinion before." "I'm asking," "I...I just don't want them to push you out of this house, I mean with Blade and Razor gone, this place needs a dominating, kick-ass, scary-as-hell leader and well, you're the only one here that fits that description." Evan snorts.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, some of these men can hold their own, to a point, but you dawg, you're on a whole different level of scary." "Don't worry too much, I plan to be here as long as you all need me and I plan to do whatever it takes to keep this base and this community safe."

"You're doing a great job at that by the way, placing heavily armed men at the hospital and all around the community, basically, you're doing what you swear you would never do." "Which is?" "Becoming Razor."

Michael took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. "I'm really hoping I won't need to resort to such measures. "I don't think you'll be able to avoid that, not when we're dealing with the kind of hostility that these ass-holes are pushing."

Michael groans and Evan chuckles. "Hey, if it's any consolation I heard that Razor also swears he would never become his father but in this type of business the only way to win is to fight fire with fire." "Alright, gather as many of the men as you can find, tell them to meet me in the dining room, I need to address their concerns." "Right away, Boss," Evan nods then leaves the office.

Michael locked the office door and was on his way down the passage when his personal phone rang. "Hi, Island princess." "Hello there my incredibly sexy, gorgeous prince, I haven't seen you for two days now, are you okay?"

"As okay as it can be dealing with a gang of grown hostile trigger happy men." He snorts. "just as I suspected, damn near impossible." "That's true but it soon won't be my problem any more." "Meaning what?" She asks. "I'll tell you after I talk to them."

"Okay, so can I see you tomorrow?" "Let me call you back in about an hour with an answer to that question." "I'm missing you like crazy, so hurry up and call me back, I'm itching to touch you, taste you and feel you inside me." Her voice sound so soft and seductive it made his shaft hard. He had to clear his throat before speaking again. "Okay, I'll call you soon." He moans biting his lips.

"Wait, are those women at the house still coming onto you?" "That would be a yes, they seem to be attracted to me like ants to sugar but don't worry, you're the only woman I'm interested in." "Good, keep it that way, you belong to me, got that?" "Got it." "Don't make me wait too long for that call, alright." "I won't." after ending the call, he cleared his throat again, straighten his jacket then continues on his way.

Most of the men were already in the dinning room when he got there, so after taking a deep breath he walks to the head of the table and sat down. "Some of you have some concern about the fact that Blade, Razor nor Jermaine have not yet return from Kingston, I'm here to address those concerns and hear your solutions.

His voice been clear, firm and authoritative had some of the men glancing at each other nervously. "Alright before we get to that, we really want to thank you for the awesome gym." one of them announce.

"Yeah man, thanks fi dat." another says. "And it's not like we no appreciate wat you a do around here, you a one serious rass and we glad you on our side, we just think a yardi should be the leader." Another says.

"You can be the leader's right hand man." Another says. "Does everyone agree with what is been said?" Michael asks. The men glance at each other again before some of them nods.

"It no sound like a bad idea still." One said in an uncertain tone. "And in any case, we still a go need a leader when you leave, you know, if push come to shove and we can't find the boss." Another says. "I could go to Kingston and look for him." Michael suggest. "Nah man, we have men on that already, it just a tek longer than we expect, besides, we need you here." Another says

"Okay then, whom do you have in mind for the leadership position?" Michael asks. "Well since Anthony is your right hand man, we were thinking you two could just switch positions. One who was silent up until that point suggest.

"Anthony?" Michael asks. "Yeah, yeah, It would be my honour to be the leader of this gang." "Okay, so I therefore step down, effective immediately." Michael push back the chair and stand up and the men standing close to him steps back from him.

"Relax, I'm okay with this decision." He reassure them. "You know that means I'm gonna need the room you're in, right?" Anthony asks. "I'll go move my things then." "Nah man, I'll have someone do that for you, as my right hand man, I have the perfect room for you." Anthony pats Michael's shoulder, Michael snorts and walk away from him.

"Hey hold on." Anthony calls a few seconds later catching up with him. "Step outside with me for a few minutes while they set the room up for you." Michael nods and turn in the direction of the front door. "About the meeting tomorrow, could you still handle that for me, while I shadow you? And also the shipment that will be coming in the day after tomorrow, it's a big shipment and I don't want to mess it up." "Sure."

"So, no heart feelings about me replacing you?" "No, this wasn't a position I wanted any way, I'm okay with being just one of the guys." "You sure?" "Yep." "Alright then, come let me show you to your new room."


"What the hell took you so long?" Jody asks hands on her hips when she opens her front door for Liah. "Sorry I had to do a few extra shifts because I need tomorrow off." Liah puts her bags on a chair then took the cook lunch she was carrying to the kitchen.

"Have me starving over here." Jody grumbles grabbing a plate from her cupboard. "Where's Joseph?" "He won't be home until ten tonight." "Okay, so how's your shoulder?" "How many times a day are you going to asks me that question?" Jody snaps.

"Sorry, it's just that I still feel guilty, that's all." "Girl please, you weren't the one that shot me." Jody growls with her mouth full. "I know but if i was there....." "Then you would've been shot too. The janitor that was next to me didn't survive his wound, that would've been you if you were there, so for the last time just quit with that bullshit and tell me, what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" Jody pour a glass of juice and hand it to Liah.

"I plan on spending it with Moses at our little secret spot." Liah smile biting her lips seductively. "Oh, another secret rondevu?" "Oh hell yes, I've been waiting for two days now to get my hands on that incredibly sexy body of his, I missed him so badly." Liah groans.

"He probably doesn't even want his memories back at this point." Jody laughs. "Oh, he does, trust me, I don't think that we can have a stable future if he can't remember his past." "I thought you were okay with just being with him in the moment, what's all this talk about the future? Are you forgetting that this man may already have a family somewhere out there?"

"No I haven't but thanks for reminding me." "Come on Liah, you said you weren't going to get too involved with this man or fall for him." "Well I have, I would give anything to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Christ, so does he know how you feel about him now?" "Yes." "And?" "He feels the same." "So what about David?" "David is no longer a part of my life." "So don't you think that you should tell your mother this so she can stop inviting David over?" "I will, I'm just trying to find the right time."

"There won't be a right time, Liah, so just tell her already. The longer you keep this a secret the greater the chance of it blowing up in your face."

"Alright, alright, I'll tell her, I promise."

Thank you all for reading

Words of encouragement

Prayer should be the key in the morning and the lock at night.

Riddle from the last ch: What's worst than raining cats and dogs?

Ans: Hailing taxi-cabs, hmm imagine those falling from the sky as hail, ha, Christ,

Alright here's another, What's more dangerous than pulling out a shark's tooth?

Good luck guys.