A broad grin spread across Michael's face as he entered the room he was currently occupying, which was Razor's. He still couldn't believe Razor had insisted that he stay here but then again he realized that he didn't know what to expect from one day to the next on this Island.
The other thing he was having difficulty wrapping his mind around was what he and Liah shared in the apartment earlier. Blade had secured one of Razor's secret apartments for them to spend some quiet time alone. Well, they were alone inside but a few of the men were guarding outside.
And as much as he knew that he was currently been punished by her God for engaging in sexual activities with her he still couldn't bring himself to reject her. The things she did to his body and had him do to hers. Holy one up in heaven. He didn't even know that level of ecstasy existed or maybe he did, he really didn't know what type of past he left behind.
He had just finished emptying a bottle of water when the phone she had bought for him rang. The one Razor gave him he used only to communicate with the men. This one was strictly for her.
"Hi," He answers softly. "Hi, baby, are you okay?" She asks in a seductive tone. "Hmm, my body still tingles and I feel as if I'm walking on air, so I'll say, yes, I'm very much okay at this moment, how about you?" He walks over to the window, inhales the fresh night air, then exhales slowly.
"A little sore but very contented." She giggles. "Sorry about that..." "No, don't be, I'm not, but it does show me how much you were holding back before." "It seemed the both of us were holding back."
"That's true, I guess it was based on two things, the fact that I was new to this and where we were but now that we're not in my home anymore, I can truly explore my sexuality with you." "And explore it you did, the things we did to each other, baby, wow, my shaft gets hard just thinking about it. I had how many orgasms?"
"Four, same as me, come to think about it, you must be tired right now." She giggles. "Quite the opposite actually, I've nothing but adrenaline coursing through my veins right now." He moans flexing his muscles. "Well I'm a bit tired and I know that I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight. It will probably be the best sleep I'm going to have since you left here." She yarn.
"Your house is well guarded, so sleep well. I'll call you in the morning." "So, when will I see you again?" She asks with another yarn. "Very soon baby, now get some rest." "Okay, promise you'll dream about me." "There's no doubt in my mind that you'll be dominating my dreams for many nights." He chuckles. "Hmm. I love the sound of that and I love you, Moses." "As I love you, Island princess." He whispers before ending the call.
He was about to head to the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. He walks over and opens it to see one of Razor's men standing there. "Hi, Boss, we need your signature again." The man holds out a sheet of paper to him.
Michael took the paper, walked over to the desk that was in the room, and signed it. "And, um, a few of us were wondering if you were up for a night training session?" the man asks sounding hopeful.
He did feel quite energetic at the moment, so why not. He thought. Out loud he said, "Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes.
Somewhere in the U.S
"I'll be dammed, Kashan look over there, aren't those the men his majesty says disappear from the palace?" Kashan opens his phone and brings up the photos that the palace officials had sent him then nods. "Indeed, Officer Ford, get a few airport security and detain those three men. Lock them in separate rooms, I wish to question them." The officer nods and hurries off. "Officer Lee, find out what flight they are booked on." Officer Lee nods and walks away.
Three hours later Kashan steps from one of the interrogation rooms and sighs heavily. "Hey, kashan, if what those men say is true, then...." "I know Lee, this is going to rock his majesty hard, but there's no way around it, we've to tell him." Kashan sighs again.
"But first things, first, where were they headed?" "They were booked on three different flights to three different Caribbean Island." Lee handed him a sheet of paper. "The Caribbean? What the hell is in the Caribbean?"
"Not sure, but one of the flight attendants says that it's a good place to disappear, which was what those men wanted to do." "Alright, let's get all the officers in one of these rooms for a briefing, after which I'm going to lock those ass-holes in a dark hole until it's time to ship them back home." Kashan sneers.
"I think we should delay that for as long as possible, sending them home I mean, we don't want to alert the one they're working for." "Good point."
"And, um, no offense but we've been searching for months now and there hasn't been a clue, hint, or even the slightest trace of the prince anywhere. Are we even sure that he's alive?" Lee asks.
"I ask myself the same question sometimes, but as long as his father believes that he's alive, I'll keep searching. I've known him since I was six years old, he's my best friend and I'll spend the rest of my life searching for him if that's what it takes."
"Okay then, I only met him a few years ago when I began working at the palace but as long as you're willing to continue searching then I'm with you all the way." "Glad to hear it, partner."
"Alright, now that everyone has been brief, what now?" Lee asks ten minutes later. "Well, the two teams will be searching these two Islands, so we need to search this one. His Majesty says leave no stone unturned so that's exactly what we will do. We're going to comb through this island with a fine tooth comb."
"Alright, hey it says here that Merlene Ottey, Bob Marley, and Veronica Campbell all originate from this island," Lee says scanning through a magazine. "Who are these people and what do they have to do with the prince?" Kashan asks raising his brow.
"Well they seem to be very important people on this Island and the prince is a very important person, so maybe nothing or maybe everything but we won't know until we've thoroughly searched it and hey it also says here that Usain Bolt also originated from this Island, and you know how obsessed the prince is with this man because of his speed, so, maybe we could meet him and get an autograph picture for when we find the prince," Lee suggests.
"Good idea, let's get the rest of the team and move out."
Back in Jamaica
Liah was putting the finishing touches on the decorations when David entered the house followed by Zoey. "Hi Liah, wow, you look beautiful." He says in admiration. "Thank you, what are you doing here?" She asks without looking at him. "I know you said you needed space but I thought you would make an exception for today."
"Why?" "Well, because today is Christmas day and our anniversary, our tenth anniversary to be exact." He held out a big gift bag for her. "Happy anniversary baby." He says softly.
"Oh," She took the bag, put it on the sofa and again turned her attention back to the decorations. "Is that all you're going to say, don't tell me you forgot?" "I didn't, I just didn't think we were going to celebrate it." "Liah, we began dating on Christmas day ten years ago and we have celebrated it every year after that, so why wouldn't we celebrate it now?" He sighs then continues.
"I mean yes, a lot of shit has happened but we're still a couple, aren't we?" She bites her lips but says nothing. "Hey David, Moses is coming for dinner, should I set a plate for you as well?" Zoey asks.
"Should she Liah?" He asks his arms folded across his chest. "I don't think that's a good idea." She mumbles. "So that would be a no Zoey, you see, the thing is we've spent the last nine Christmass together but not this one, and why is that you may ask? Because of that man, that man that Razor left in charge of his gang, and I'm sure he didn't do that because this man is so upstanding, no, he did it because they're the same kind of people, cut from the same cloth but your sister is so hung up on him she can't see the truth that's right before her face." David growls.
"So that's what this is all about, right? This is why you're so dressed up? Not for our tenth anniversary but for him? you're seriously going to throw away our ten-year relationship for this man you've known for all of five minutes?" He grabs both her shoulders and turns her to face him.
"You know nothing about this man Liah, but his actions say a lot about him, he's capable of taking a person's life without even blinking, is that the kind of person you want to be with? For god's sake Liah, you're a child of God, turn back from this path of destruction that you're on before it's too late." He pleads.
"I don't have time for this conversation right now David." She pulls away from him and walks towards the kitchen. "Why?" David asks following her. "Because he's on his way? I know I'm not perfect Liah but do I really deserve to be disrespected like this?" He asks in a wounded tone.
"David....I..." "You know what, don't answer that, maybe I do. Merry Christmas and happy anniversary Liah." with tears in his eyes he walks towards the door. He then stopped and cleared his throat. "Um Zoey, could you please walk me to the gate so your dogs don't rip me to shreds." "Sure." After glaring at Liah for a few seconds Zoey follow David outside.
A part of her did feel guilty for how things turned out with David but there was another part of her that was bursting with excitement and anticipation at having Moses over for Christmas dinner yes he was a guest in her home for a while and yes she had seen him a few times over the last few days but now that she had gotten to really explore her sexuality with him, sitting across from him at the dinner table was going to be exhilarating.
And if she had thought that he had a powerful aura about him before, Razor making him the leader of his gang only intensified that aura. She moans biting her lips. Two days ago he had told her he wanted to see her, so she had left work early.
On stepping outside, she was ushered towards the black SUV that had been escorting her to the apartment since she and Moses began meeting there. As she approached the vehicle the man who was escorting her opened the back door for her and closed it again after she had gotten in.
He then got in the front beside the driver who then pulled out of the parking lot. She felt like a queen every time they did that and her man, her sexy, mysterious gorgeous man as he had done every time they met was waiting for her in the bedroom with candlelight lunch, freshly cooked, and damn if he didn't look as delicious as the food.
Dressed in full black, with his glistening black watch on his right wrist. A silver cross he had begun wearing since Razor made him the leader, held around his neck by a black cord and resting against his black body shirt that covered his well-chiseled chest. His hair which was now below his shoulder was in a ponytail.
Wow, that was her man, hers and hers alone, she still found it hard to believe that she had actually got to meet someone like him. Sometimes she felt as if she was living a dream, a fairytale dream with her breathtakingly gorgeous prince.
She has been with David for ten years and she had never experienced such excitement before and to top it all off, while having lunch at Jody's house yesterday a man came to the gate, asked for her and gave her an envelope, saying that it was from the boss.
On opening it she saw twenty grand with a note that said, to help with Christmas dinner. Help? That could buy the entire dinner and then some. David had spent nine Christmas at her house and he had never contributed a cent. With a snort, she put the finishing touches on the dinner table. Moses was a real man, her man and he knew how to treat a woman.
The ringing of her phone pulls her from her thoughts. "Hi," She answers softly. "Hi, Island princess, I'm at your gate." "Okay, I'll be right there." She ran to the bathroom and checked her appearance in the mirror again before hurrying towards the door.
"I had a feeling I would see you tonight." Jack's smile was sympathetic as he moved aside and allowed David to pass. David walks over to the sofa and flops down on it. "Have you had dinner?" "Yeah, with my family." trying to hide his pain David puts on a fake smile.
"Come on, we've been friends for years, so you can drop the tough act around me. You've spent nine Christmass with this woman, this is your first Christmas without her in a long time, so as tough as you're acting, I know that you're hurting right now."
"Yes, I am, so if you don't mind, I came here so I wouldn't have to think or speak about that woman. I just want to drink alright." "Okay my friend, let's drink."
"Thank you for coming," Liah whispers as she walks Michael to her gate where the black SUV sits waiting for him. "Thank you for inviting me even though the tension at the dinner table was so thick, I could've cut it with a butcher knife." He snorts.
"Was it because I was made the leader of Razor's gang?" "Yeah among other things." "Such as?" He asks lifting her face upwards so he can meet her gaze. "Well, my mother and sister are upset with me because I chose to spend this Christmas with you and not David." "I see." "Don't mind them, I love spending time with you and nothing they say is going to change that, speaking of which, can you spend the day with me tomorrow, here?"
"Judging from their attitude at the table earlier, I don't think your family would be comfortable with that." "But I want to be with you." She pouts. "Can I spend the day with you at the base then?" "For your safety, I would think not, and another fact is, your brother is unaware of our meetings at the apartment and I think we should keep it that way."
"I'm okay with that, I wasn't planning on telling them anyway. So how about New Year's Day? Can we spend it together at the apartment?" "Now that I can do." "Hmm, I can't wait, I'll let you know where to pick me up okay? "She whispers. "Okay," She could see the anticipation in his eyes and she was sure it matched hers.
"Sleep well, Island princess." He turns to leave but she grabs his arm, turns him towards her, and hugs him tightly. "I miss you already, please be careful in that house okay, I love you." "As I love you, I'll call you when I get to the house."
"Are we leaving or what?" Anthony growls marching past them and toward the vehicle. "Bye, baby." She whispers, he winks at her as he walks away, then gives her a little wave before stepping into the vehicle.
"So, you and my sister are a thing now or what?" Anthony asks when Michael settles beside him in the back seat. "I'm still not sure what we are." "Hmm, I guess she doesn't share your view because she's so in love with you, that she can't even see straight, David who?" Anthony laughs and the men in the front seat join in the laughter.
There was no doubt in his mind that he had fallen for Liah but he still wasn't sure about their future together, he also knew that it was going to be extremely painful if he should return home and realize he couldn't have a future with her but on the other hand, he was still willing to throw caution to the wind and just be with her for as long as he could because there was also the possibility that he may never regain his memories.
Thank you all for reading
words of encouragement
God said that everything would work out, not that everything would make sense, trust him.
Riddle from the last ch: Why do people become bakers?
Ans: They knead the dough, get it, knead, not need, ha, good one,
Alright here's another, What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Good luck guys.