
AN: Another DC AU epic of great scope, looking to be as much a mainstay as Reign of Zod. Hope you like it.

Tags: Mind Control, Corruption, Breeding, MaleDom, Harem, Size Difference, Rough Sex, AU, F/F, M/F, M/F/F, M/F/F+

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This story is always one chapter ahead on my Patreon. Check my profile for the link.

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Time meant nothing in the void. Years passed like seconds and seconds passed like millennia. An endless abyss where a mortal mind could do nothing but rot.

But not Cythonna.

She was there at the dawn of all things. And she would be there at the twilight of existence.

Even in the dark, her fury thrived and grew. The indignity of her defeat and imprisonment only fed her thirst for vengeance. Not even the void could snuff it out. Because her anger did not burn like fire. It was cold as ice and bitterly sharp. Honed and whetted for millennia upon millennia.

The Wars of Ice and Fire were not over. Not while the cold flame of vengeance flicked in her immortal heart.

And now she was free. Returned to the plane of existence that gave rise to life and warmth and all those useless things.

Cythonna wondered if Rao had taken pity on her, freed her from the void he himself had banished her to. But the God of the Sun was not there waiting for her.

Neither was his world, the planet Krypton. Cythonna discovered the remains, finding nothing left but dead rock. Lifeless stone floating in the dark.

The corpse of a world. Devoid of life. Even the gods themselves were missing. Rao and all the others.

Her first love, her bitter enemy, she could not sense him in the cosmos. He was gone.

But still she could feel his essence. She could sense the divine blood of Rao. Not him. She could tell it was not Rao himself, only an echo of her first love. The blood of his children.

The warmth of life. Cythonna could feel it calling to her through the darkness, across the ocean of stars. She could taste it.

Female. But also Male. Unmistakably male. The flavor was distinct. Healthy. Strong. Powerful.

That one, Cythonna knew, was the heir to Rao. The divine blood of his line. The progeny of the god who had spurned her. Living, thriving on a world far, far away.

So Cythonna flew. Hurtling through the black void with purpose. With delightful vengeance in her cold heart. She craved it. The chance to twist that divine blood to her own ends, the blood she had once been denied.

Rao had refused Cythonna's love, refused to sire her children. But his descendant would not turn her away. She would take a new approach this time. Cythonna would refine him first, enrich his mind and his soul to her ways. She would make him the perfect mate.

The very idea gave her a thrill, her dark spirit enlivened at the prospect. The strongest being in the cosmos would father her children.

And oh was he strong. So very strong. She could taste his strength from lightyears away.

Cythonna would only make him stronger. Her touch would turn him into the god Rao was always meant to be. Indomitable. Invincible. The apex of all existence. Power made flesh.

The goddess of ice and winter flew through the endless field of stars. Towards a young world and its burning yellow sun.

Towards the Last Son of Krypton.

He would be hers, Cythonna knew. Deep in her cold heart, she knew.

Or he would die.

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Kara Kent was a patient young woman. Raised as such by two sets of parents, blood and adopted. But even the kind, perky blonde could feel the dull welt of annoyance.

Sitting on the sofa - Karen's sofa - with her slender legs drawn close to her body, the transdimensional refugee had her eyes focused on the older woman - her alternate-future self - as she entered the living room. Or rather, Kara was focused on what she was wearing.

"I really appreciate you letting me crash at your apartment, Karen." Kara started, watching the taller blonde finish pulling on a pair of sweatpants - sliding the thick fabric up her long, smooth legs. "I don't want to sound like I'm ungrateful… but can you please stop wearing my shirts?"

Karen Starr glanced over at her younger-alternate self - transdimensional variant? - a bemused look falling over her more sculpted, elegant face. Age, it seemed, would be very kind to Kara Kent. But such maturity would take Kara some time - the two Kryptonian women were more than a decade apart.

Indeed, Karen Starr had twelve years of development over the nineteen-year-old Kara. And it showed. It really showed. Especially, as Kara had noticed, in the chest department.

Karen's bust was impressive to say the least. Famous within their exclusive community.

Kara drew her eyes up the older woman's body, wincing at what she saw. Not at the breasts themselves, but at what covered them.

A Hex Girls shirt. One of Kara's favorite bands. And Thorn's face was stretched, distorted perhaps irreparably by the proud swells of Karen's massive tits.

This was the umpteenth time such an offense had been committed upon Kara's wardrobe. The younger blonde had had enough.

But Karen didn't seem to feel any sort of guilt. She gave a weak shrug, tying a small knot with the sweatpants drawstring - the waistline riding low, but snug on her wide hips.

"Mine are in the wash." Karen said, grabbing a red hoodie from the coat closet, throwing it on quickly. Then Karen saw the vexed expression on her alternate self's face and spoke again. "What's the matter? I never get them dirty."

Kara's frown deepened. Karen didn't quite get it.

"Keeping them clean isn't the problem. You're stretching them out." Kara pointed accusingly at the older woman's chest.

Her complaint would not be mistaken. Dealing with a body like Karen's, subtlety was simply not an option.

Karen herself frowned, confused. The taller blonde swept the flaps of the hoodie aside, thrusting her chest outward - stretching out the Hex Girls shirt that much more. Kara bit her tongue, glowering as Karen looked down to inspect herself.

On Kara the shirt was already tight enough, snug to the subtler curves of her slender body. On Karen? The fabric was being pushed to the limit, a battle just to cover the abundance of Karen's upper torso. So small and tight the shirt was on Karen's more developed frame that it didn't even cover her belly.

Karen had left the red hoodie unzipped, leaving that narrow swath of her tummy exposed. Kara's eyes flashed down to the faint lines of the older woman's taut abdomen. A brief distraction from her shirt grievance. It wasn't weird when Kara looked at herself in the mirror. Why would it be weird now?

Karen glanced back up, her brow furrowed.


"Yes, really." Kara nodded, jaw clenched tight.

A moment passed. Then Karen scoffed. She didn't believe it.

Shaking her head, the taller blonde went over to the recliner beside the sofa and slipped on some sandals. As she went, Stinky the Cat brushed against her leg, purring. Kara watched it then jump up onto the recliner chair, curling up to watch the verbal spat between his owner and her alternate.

"Come on, I think you're exaggerating a bit." Karen said, waving a hand dismissively towards the teenager sitting on her couch. "I don't stretch them out that much."

Kara breathed in deep. Frustration flared hotter. But not quite reaching anger. Her parents' lessons on patience had been hammered in deep. She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the woman so keen to ruin her wardrobe. Her feelings would be clear just from her eyes alone.

It was… the look.

Karen's shoulders slumped as she groaned. No one could withstand the look. Not even the mighty Power Girl. The taller blonde rubbed circles into her temples, pressing her plump lips tight together as she huffed through her nose.

"Kara… I can't possibly be that much bigger than you. We're the same person."

It was Kara's turn to scoff. The younger Kryptonian rolled her eyes. Then she pointed to herself.

"Kara In-Ze." She said emphatically, poking her own chest. Then she pointed towards Karen. "Kara Zor-El. Kinda different, don't you think? Not the same. Like, at all."

"Alternate universes have slight deviations from each other. But there are always constants that shine through. We're variations of the same person, Kara." Karen adopted a smirk, brushing her hand through her chin-length golden hair. "We're both blonde. We're both beautiful. Both of us come from the planet Krypton. Both of us wound up here on Earth. We both just happen to be Superman's cousin. Hell, I even used to call myself 'Supergirl', same as you."

With Karen laying it all out there like that, Kara found it difficult to argue against her point. It was true, they had more in common than they didn't. But what they didn't have in common - cup size - was still ruining Kara's shirts.

The younger blonde remained very displeased. But she didn't like to argue. Not on movie night. She glanced over at Stinky, still seated on the recliner, his little eyes shining from the glow of the TV. The cat was getting more entertainment tonight than she was.

"Whatever." Kara let out a flat sigh. "It's fine."

"Hey, even if I stretch them out… you'll grow into them." Karen said, a weak attempt to placate her younger self.

Kara snorted. It was almost enough to make her laugh. She gave Karen an incredulous look… then dropped her gaze lower, very pointedly eyeing the older woman's proud, ample bosom. The distorted face of the lead singer Thorn stared back at Kara, almost like the tits themselves were taunting her.

"I doubt it."

"I'm serious. You're only like one cup size smaller than me!"

Kara gave Karen a dubious look. Her alternate self threw up her hands.

"Okay, like a cup-and-a-half smaller. But you know I'm right." Karen strode over behind the sofa, setting a reassuring hand on Kara's shoulder. She gave the younger blonde a faint smile. "You're nineteen. You're still growing. If I'm stretching these shirts, you'll still fill them out. Eventually."

Karen wasn't wrong. But she had very much missed the point of Kara's complaints. This was getting a bit more than just frustrating.

Kara didn't want to wear her shirts "eventually". She wanted to not have them be stretched out by Karen's enormous rack.

The teenager breathed in. Then she breathed out. Patience. Just as her mother had taught her. Back in her own universe.

"Whatever. I'll get over it." Kara said, letting it go. She didn't want to ruin her own mood.

The bothersome feeling of vexation permeated her mind. Kara dared another glance at the ruination befalling the Hex Girls. Their pretty faces warped into something nearly inhuman by two great teardrop swells. Two mounds thrusting outward against the shirt's material, each peak capped with a subtle, rounded stud. Just barely visible each one was, poking through the thin fabric.

Oh, come on

Kara breathed in deep, resting her chin on her knuckles. She stared at Karen's tits. Then she turned her gaze upward to meet her alternate's eyes.

"Can you at least wear a bra?" Kara bemoaned. It was the final indignity. "Or are those in the wash also?"

Karen tugged gently at the hem of the shirt, pulling the fabric taut over her chest. A tiny, impish smirk curled at the older woman's plump lips.

"I can't wear a bra with this." She said, her voice rich and cheeky. Her blue eyes - the same shade as Kara's - flashed playfully. "Shirt's too tight."

It was so funny that Kara forgot to laugh. Forgot to smile, too. So Karen chuckled for the both of them.

"I'm kidding. Relax." Karen drew her hand off of Kara's shoulder, moving towards the apartment balcony. She opened the glass door, letting in a gust of cool, evening air. Beyond the door, Kara could see the twinkling spires of Metropolis. So different from the city she knew on her Earth, but somehow also so similar. Karen turned to face Kara as she stepped out onto the balcony. "Pick out a movie. I'll be back in a bit."

A blur of red. A rush of wind. And Karen was gone.

Of course, with Kara's enhanced Kryptonian perception she could have seen the older woman lift off into the sky and fly away. But sometimes it was more fun to watch it the human way. To see how the people of this world saw them.

Kara stewed with her thoughts as the seconds ticked by. Then minutes.

Then there was another blur of red. Another rush of wind.

Karen had returned. And in her hand she held a brown paper bag, folded and stapled at the top. On one side, Kara spotted a familiar - and very welcome - logo.

Karen shot her a smile, holding up the paper bag proudly.

"Food's here!"

Chinese takeout from Mama Zhao's. One of their favorites. The warm and flavorful scent filled Kara's nostrils. The younger blonde's spirit was lifted, even if only by a tiny bit.

If a few ruined shirts were the trade-off for free room and board, then Kara could live with that.

"Egg Rolls?" Kara asked hopefully. She already knew the answer of course. She could smell them, particularly the very specific seasoning and cooking oil Mama Zhao used. But she wanted to hear Karen say it.

Karen perked up, hand on her hip.


Kara sat up, eager to dig in. Karen opened up the bag and started setting out the takeout boxes. Kara hummed as she identified each one by scent alone. Fried rice. Lo Mein noodles. Steamed Vegetables. Egg drop soup. Dumplings. And of course, the egg rolls.

She wanted them all.

One of the benefits of having Kryptonian physiology under a yellow sun? No need to watch her calories.

- - -

The movie Kara picked out was alright. Not great, but serviceable enough to kill a couple hours. A RomCom from a decade ago - though Kara said the main character was played by a different actor back on her own Earth.

Keanu Reeves as the romantic lead? Karen found that hard to believe.

The two blondes ate their food, joked whenever the movie hit a cliche, and otherwise just relaxed. It was good for Kara to just kick back, Karen knew. Being thrown into an entirely different Earth with no clear way to get back to hers, most people would have gone nuts. But not Kara. With the stories she had told Karen about her Supergirl adventures, this alternate universe stuff may as well have just another Friday for her.

And another Friday for me, Karen thought as she glanced over at the glass balcony door. Looking out over the skyline beyond. Another quiet evening in Metropolis.

Then came the tremor. So faint that the humans living in the apartment building wouldn't have felt it. But Karen did. Kara, too.

Both women sat up, alert. Kara paused the movie, sharing a look of concern with her older alternate.

"You felt that?" The younger asked.

"Yep." The elder answered.

The tremor was emanating from miles away. An impact of great power.

Then came another.

Karen stood up from the recliner, Stinky the cat slipping from her lap and landing on his feet. He slinked out of her way as she strode over to the balcony door.

The elder daughter of Krypton attuned her ears, listening carefully to the source of the disturbance. She could hear people. First it was the sounds of a regular commotion. Then there was yelling. Then there was panic.

On the other side of Metropolis, something was very, very wrong.

"You said Clark's out of town?" Kara asked. Karen could hear the teenager rising from the coach behind her.

"Out of this dimension." Karen sighed. "League stuff. Which means whatever's happening now is our problem."

"Intermission time, I guess." Kara said, shutting off the TV. "And right before the good part, too."

There was a soft woosh behind her. Karen turned to find that Kara had already changed into her Supergirl garb. Small white top adorned with the crest of House of El. Small red cape. Short blue skirt, snug to her hips and reaching her mid-thigh. Cute white gloves. Red boots.

A bit more cheerleader-y than what Karen had worn when she called herself Supergirl. But the elder couldn't deny that it was a nice look. One that probably had got Kara almost as many fanboys as Karen.


In the blink of an eye, Karen changed into her own hero outfit. The garb that drew eyes like water drew life.

White suit, leaving her long legs bare. The material tight to her body, clinging to her firm muscle and soft curves. Opened at the chest, allowing the girls to breathe. Red cape, fastened to one shoulder by a golden pauldron. Red belt set with a golden buckle. Blue gloves and boots.

Power Girl.

Every girl's idol - when they weren't feeling jealous. And every boy's dream.

She punched a fist into her open palm. Ready to kick some ass and save the day.

"Forget the movie. I'd say the real action is about to start."

Then they were both off.

In the blink of an eye, Power Girl and Supergirl were already a half-mile away, flying through the air - and covering more and more distance.

Skyscrapers passed beneath them, the air itself splitting around them. They caught sight of many landmarks as they flew. Centennial Park. LexCorp Tower. The Daily Planet. Halldorf Hotel. All passing by in a blur, so fast that they moved.

Karen loved it. The speed. The freedom. The feeling of the cool night wind on her face, rushing through her short hair. It was invigorating. Setting her heart alight with excitement and joy.

Flying was something she'd never get tired of. Not in a million years. Not in any reality.

A quick look over at Kara's smiling face told Karen that she felt much the same. Of course she did. They were practically the same person, after all.

It only took them a moment to find the source of the disturbance. At the Metropolis docks, they found an odd sight.

The harbor was covered in snow. The wharfs were buried under it! And the surrounding waters were frozen solid, the shelf of ice stretching out far into the Metropolis bay.

And in the middle of this strange winterscape, there was a single woman. The dock workers fled - continued to flee - in her wake, shouting and screaming as she unleashed terrible gusts of chilling winds onto them, chasing them away like they were scurrying mice.

Karen and Kara shared a look and a nod. They had to put a stop to this. They flew down to face the disrupter.

Power Girl and Supergirl floated down together, landing on their feet before the woman. The woman turned to face them, her body visibly tense, but otherwise remained unmoving. The stranger watched in silence as the two blondes slowly approached.

She was beautiful, Karen noted first. And tall. As tall as Clark, who towered over Karen and Kara at a solid 6'6''. Pale white skin and a long, wild mane of white hair gave the stranger a ghostly look, like she was death itself. But Karen found herself distracted by the woman's insane figure.

Built like an Amazon she was, with strength clear on her arms and abdomen and sporting thick, firm, powerful legs. All wrapped up in a tight - tight - bodice of dark blue. A second skin upon her wide hips, her taut stomach, and her full, proud, generous bosom.

This woman was ample. Even more so than Karen herself, the elder Kryptonian noted.

And with an outfit that was even more revealing than anything Karen had ever worn, it was clear she wasn't afraid to show her figure off. Her legs were left bare, same with her arms. And the bodice dipped low enough to offer a tantalizing view of the upper swells of her breasts. And there was plenty to view.

"Woah." Kara muttered. She nudged Karen with her elbow. "Did Killer Frost get some work done?"

"I don't think that's Killer Frost." Karen answered. Her eyes never left the stranger.

The tall, busty stranger took that opportunity to finally speak. Only she didn't speak in English. Or any human language.

She spoke to them… in Kryptonian tongue.

"You stand before the goddess Cythonna, young ones." She told them. Her voice was low and deep, but somehow soft and feminine at the same time.

Karen narrowed her eyes as this… Cythonna took a step forward, striding confidently. Arrogantly.

Already she didn't like her. But there was… something about her. Something that drew Karen's gaze and held firm to it. Something entrancing. Alluring even.

As Cythonna approached, Karen shivered. Shivered. The cold on Earth had never bothered her before. But the chill coming off of this woman… Karen could feel it seeping into her bones.

The pale woman spoke again, lifting her chin as she looked down at the two blondes.

"I have come for the blood of Rao. I can smell him on you both. I can taste him." The last two words she breathed out huskily. Hungrily. Karen and Kara both found themselves easing back a step. Then Cythonna hit them with a deep, intense gaze. Her stunning, bright blue eyes pierced down to their souls.

"Where is he?" Cythonna demanded. "Where is the Last Son of Krypton?"