
This story is always one chapter ahead on my Patreon. Check my profile for the link.

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They lost.

At first it felt like they were doing really well - two tough supergals facing off against the tall ice woman from… wherever. To Kara, it really felt like she and Karen had the problem handled. How many people on the face of the earth could stack up against one Kryptonian, let alone two?

Ice lady demanded to know where Clark was - almost certainly for nefarious purposes. Kara and Karen immediately knew she was bad news. So they bluntly refused to tell her. Their cousin was unavailable, but any problem she had with him she had with them.

Ice lady - she called herself Cythonna - didn't like that one bit. So they fought. Threw a few punches, knocked down a few walls, the usual super-fight stuff.

But then… Kara could feel it. The longer the fight went on, the longer she stayed in Cythonna's presence, the stronger her… influence was. Her touch. Kara could feel it, invisible tendrils slithering into her mind. Every punch and kick and laser she sent Cythonna's way felt worse than the last. Not that it was painful, or that she was getting weaker. But fighting this woman, trying to hurt her… it just felt wrong.

And Kara knew Karen could feel it, too. For both of them, their attacks became slower, more sluggish, lacking that fire a superhero was supposed to have in a fight. Until they were no longer attacking Cythonna at all.

The taller woman may have spoken Kryptonese, but Kara could tell she wasn't Kryptonian. No, Cythonna was something more. Stronger than either of them, Supergirl realized to her dread. None of their attacks had so much as left a scratch on her.

Cythonna stood before the two of them, just as immaculate as she arrived. Tall, busty, with long, wild white hair. Her dark blue bodice clinging to her body like a second skin, tight to her waist, her firm belly, her proud bosom. She was beyond beautiful.

Gorgeous. Radiant. Powerful.

Kara knew she had no chance against her. Nor did Karen. The vision of perfection before them was… she was a goddess. Kara could feel it. She knew Karen felt the same.

"You are his kin." Cythonna correctly guessed, reaching out to touch Kara's face. She tilted her face up by the chin, making the younger blonde look directly into her bright blue eyes. Enthralling they were, almost taking Kara's breath away. Cythonna drew her hand back, then turned and did the same to Karen. Kara saw her run her thumb over the older woman's soft lips. Cythonna didn't smile, but she did not appear displeased. And that brought Kara joy. "Your blood is his blood. The scent is unmistakable."

"He's our cousin." Karen answered. Her voice was obedient, if a little strained.

Kara turned, seeing the tiniest bit of fight in her older variant's eyes. Cythonna's influence was not total, it seemed.

Cythonna took a step back then, pondering the two blondes before her. She looked from Karen to Kara, drinking them both in. Then… a tiny smile curling at her full, dark blue lips.

"Interesting." She said deviously. She tapped her fingers idly to her chin. "I may have great use for the two of you."

Kara shivered, the blissful sensation of jubilation spreading through her body. This Cythonna, this goddess from beyond the stars, Kara wanted to please her. But so too was there the voice of reason, a tiny voice in the far back of her mind. This woman was dangerous. As deadly as she was beautiful. Following her would be a mistake. Helping her get to Clark would be even worse.

And yet, Cythonna's allure was stronger than that. Stronger than Kara's sense of right and wrong. Stronger than Kara.

"Take me to your home." Cythonna demanded. "There you will know my will. You will teach me of this world, this Earth. And you will tell me of your cousin. The one you called… Superman."

- - -

They lost.

They threw so many punches and didn't even bruise the Cythonna bitch. And the tall ice woman had them beat without so much as lifting a finger.

The visitor had some sort of mental ability, the power to influence their minds. And… she turned them docile. Not that they couldn't fight. It was that they didn't want to. But even with Cythonna's influence touching her mind, Karen tried to fight. Mentally thrashing against the bitch's hold. But Cythonna's touch was like a vise, growing stronger as Karen fought back. Tightening around her mind, her willpower, smothering them both. Until Cythonna's dark will held primacy.

And so Karen Starr lost for the second time.

But in this case… losing had never felt so sweet.

Never tasted so sweet, either…

The lurid thought swam through the haze of Karen's mind, rising up through the overwhelming cloud of lust. This was wrong. She and Kara needed to keep fighting this woman, to keep her from getting to Clark.

And yet…

The Kryptonian gave a low, happy hum - but it was muffled, smothered. And of course it was. Karen's mouth was full of tit.

Cythonna, the pale goddess, stroked her fingers through Karen's short, golden locks, gently petting her new plaything. Before, when they were fighting, the taller woman's touch had been icy cold. But now? It was soft, loving, almost warm.

Karen moaned again, lost in bliss and sensation, lashing her tongue against the hard nipple in her mouth. She suckled dutifully on Cythonna's breast, the milky flesh so vast and heavy that Karen needed both hands to feed more of it into her hungry mouth.

"Good. Taste of my flesh, sweetling." Cythonna sighed. Her voice had once been harsh, demanding. But now, in the comfort of Karen's bedroom, the icy titaness had turned soft, sensual. "Suck. Suck."

Karen felt Cythonna's hand slide to the back of her head, cradling her against her breast - urging her to lick, to take more. The elder Kryptonian did so with zeal.

Karen could see the pale woman smiling down at her, admiring her efforts to devour her breast. And out of the corner of her eye, Karen could see Kara doing the same, her cute little mouth latched onto the woman's other tit. Cythonna gave the younger blonde equal attention, running her white fingers through Kara's long, golden waves.

"I can be a kind mistress. All I ask of you is everything."

Cythonna's voice came as a delicate purr, so wildly different from the commanding tone she spoke with at the Metropolis docks. Even stranger, Karen found herself convinced.

Cythonna spoke absurdities… but the elder blonde felt a desperation to believe her. An intense urge flooding over her rationality, that being stripped naked and on her knees, using her mouth to worship this woman, was the true purpose for her existence. The taste of Cythonna on her tongue gave Karen a sublime thrill.

Karen kissed the lower swells of Cythonna's breast, quick, eager pecks with her soft lips. Then she took the round, blue nipple into her mouth. The Kryptonian woman shuddered as she tasted the sweet, milky flesh again, swirling her tongue around the hard nub. She huffed through her full mouth, teasing the peak with her teeth. Cythonna sighed above her, stroking her cheek with surprising affection.

Beside her, Kara slurped away from the other breast, breathing deeply. Karen could see out of the corner of her eye that her younger alternate self was a disheveled mess. Her long blonde hair was wild, almost frayed from their first bedroom tangle with Cythonna. And her cheeks, Karen could see that they were flushed a warm pink. Her plump lips were glossy from spit, nearly swollen from the efforts she'd enacted upon the pale woman's bosom.

Kara whined, resting her chin on the upper slope of the taller woman's breast, gazing up at her new mistress with glazed, enthralled eyes.

"I'm so sorry for fighting you, Cythonna." Kara said breathlessly, gracing the swells of the woman's tit with tiny, faint kisses. "I didn't know who you were!"

Karen drew back herself, admiring the smearing of spit she'd left behind on the breast she had to herself. Cythonna's teat was glazed, the pale white skin given a glossy sheen by Karen's own dutiful tongue. The elder Kryptonian admired her mouth's handiwork before turning her eyes up towards the goddess from beyond the stars.

"It… it was a mistake." Karen had to force the words out. Even now, after tasting of Cythonna's divine flesh, the elder blonde felt her heroic will struggle against the pale woman's sweet, spoiling touch. She too pressed her face against the breast she had licked and suckled, resting her cheek against the softness - and the shocking warmth. "A terrible mistake. We will never… never stand against you again."

Cythonna gave another hum, softly petting both blondes.

"I am pleased that the two of you have come to your senses. You are the blood of Krypton. You are mine. You exist to worship me."

"Yes, mistress." Kara moaned. She shifted herself closer on the bed, pressing her more slender body so that she was pressed flush against Cythonna.

Cythonna remained dressed in her tight bodice, her gloves and boots. But Karen and Kara? They were both half-naked. Tatters had been made of Karen's already revealing suit, leaving her own pale tits damn near spilling out into the open.

Kara's white shirt was similarly torn, exposing narrow strips of milky skin. Her skirt was missing entirely, leaving her lower body stripped down to a pair of scanty white panties - panties so damaged from Cythonna's rough treatment that the younger girl was in danger of losing what little modesty remained to her.

The pale goddess of the cold had taken them both home and had her way - ironically setting upon them such furious, heated passion. Fucked them and fucked them, with her tongue, with her fingers, taking what was hers by right. Slapping them, groping them, whatever she so pleased. For hours, she had done this to them both. And Cythonna still showed no signs of fatigue.

They had no chance, Karen realized. She and Kara had been doomed to fall from the very start. And the thought only brought the elder Kryptonian wicked delight.

"We will… do as you command." Karen slurred, pressing her body flush to Cythonna's just as Kara had. She pressed her groin up against the goddess' bare thigh, desperate for her touch again. Surely the sultry heat from her cunt would spur the goddess to grant her that blessing. "Whatever you command."

"Good." Cythonna answered, sounding most pleased. "I would hate to destroy such beauty. Especially when my touch can make you both so perfect."

The pale woman ceased her petting. She cupped Kara's cute face, fingers curling under the younger girl's chin, and drew her upwards. Karen watched as the goddess and girl came face-to-face… and kissed. Kara Kent, the Supergirl, gave an adorable little squeak as Cythonna caught her lips with her own, dominating, devouring. Karen felt her loins burn hotter, her insides coiling tight at the deliciously lewd act.

Their mouths worked together, soft lips over soft lips, sliding over and between each other. Joined so intimately, it took Karen's breath away. Kara gave weak, quiet moans and Cythonna swallowed them up hungrily. The goddess deepened the kiss, her tongue probing further into the younger girl's mouth. Seeking, demanding, taking claim over what was offered. And Kara could do nothing but offer. In the face of Cythonna's power and passion, Kara was nothing. A servant to the whims of her new goddess.

Then Cythonna pulled away, leaving Kara gasping, whining, desperate for more. The pale pink blush across her cherubic cheeks had darkened. And the glaze over her blue eyes had been lifted, replaced with the blazing inferno of lust. Kara Kent burned hot as Karen Starr could clearly see. But Cythonna was done with the Supergirl. She had now turned her eyes onto Karen. Onto Power Girl.

Without a word, Cythonna took hold of Karen's chin and drew her in for a deep kiss of her own.

What followed was twisted bliss. The softness of Cythonna's lips. The sweetness of her tongue. The indomitable demands of both. Karen thought she was strong. She was a daughter of Krypton, same as Clark. But just as Kara had learned moments ago, Cythonna was stronger.

So much stronger…

Cythonna frenched Karen, her tongue claiming dominion over the elder blonde's mouth. Karen's head was spinning, her whole body shivering under the taller woman's wicked touch. It was wrong, so wrong for what she was doing to feel so good.

I should stop this, Karen knew. Deep in her mind, the words rang as truth. But they found no purchase. No spark for her soul. I should fight back.

She could feel Kara kissing her neck, quick, desperate pecks that turned to lewd sucks upon the bare skin under her jaw. It felt good. Karen didn't push her younger self away.

I'm so fucked up…

When Cythonna finally broke the kiss, Karen's mind had broken. Any fight left in her had gone. There was only the allure, the draw of the sweetness that Cythonna offered. The Goddess of the Cold and the Dark, Karen would serve forever more. Cythonna's truth was the truth. And her truth, Karen knew, was delicious.

Kara continued to kiss and lick at Karen's neck, drawing closer to her older, alternate self. Karen allowed it. She could tell it pleased Cythonna.

The pale goddess drew away from them, watching the two blondes entangle with delight in her striking blue eyes. And Cythonna's delight brought Karen unspeakable joy. Kara began groping her breasts through the tatters of her costume. Karen could only moan happily, her arms snaking around the younger blonde's narrow waist. Karen herself reached down and took a handful of Kara's perky little butt, her fingers sinking into the soft flesh. A thrill shot down Karen's back as Kara whined pitifully into the crook of her neck.

But that wicked delight was not to last. Cythonna reached forth and plucked Kara away a moment later. She brought the younger blonde closer to herself, her hands resting on the girl's slim shoulders. She smiled down at the shorter girl, almost motherly… but then began pushing her down. Down between her breasts. Down her belly. Down, down, down until Kara's pretty face was level with Cythonna's groin.

The goddess didn't even need to give a command. Kara dove in between her mistress' legs without so much as a word. And Karen watched, half in awe, half in envy, as the Supergirl licked and licked and licked at Cythonna's tight cunt. Kara wasn't even dipping into womanhood itself - Cythonna still wore her tight bodice. Kara lapped eagerly at the dark material, her tongue working in vain to taste the sweetness between Cythonna's thighs.

Cythonna was pleased all the same, the perfection of her face twisting in pleasure at Kara's diligent service. The goddess turned her eyes onto Karen, sighing.

"Tell me, sweet one. Where is Kal-El?"

Karen spared one last glance at Kara slurping and licking between Cythonna's legs. She did her best to ignore the yearning between her own.

"On League business." Karen answered truthfully. "In another dimension."

"League business?" Cythonna raised a brow, her voice becoming harder. Like before, at the docks.

"The Justice League. An alliance of the Earth's greatest protectors. Warriors for truth and justice."

Cythonna pondered Karen's words for a moment, reaching down with one hand to hold Kara's head firmly between her legs. Karen could hear the slurps and licks grow bolder, more desperate. The most effect it had on Cythonna was a fluttering of her eyes, perhaps a tiny gasp here and there. The pale goddess was not so easily vexed. Even by a Kryptonian tongue.

Karen spared Kara another glance, noting the unbridled bliss marked upon the younger blonde's face. Desire, passion, and delicious heat. Karen envied the girl. But those thoughts were snuffed away the moment Cythonna turned her eyes upon her again. All that mattered were the whims of her mistress.

"Tell me about this Justice League." Cythonna demanded. "About the protectors of this world. Tell me everything."

- - -

Discussions were had. Knowledge was shared. But Kara Kent didn't care.

The teen girl was spent. Drunk on lust, on the overwhelming ecstasy she had endured in the last few hours. So many bouts of wild, devastating bliss. A sensory overload that not even her Kryptonian physiology could truly handle.

Cythonna's touch… if it could melt Kara into the puddle she was now… she could only imagine what it would do to a normal human.

She was naked then, now completely stripped bare. Not a single stitch of clothing graced her body. Just as Cythonna liked. Nothing to keep her from enjoying the splendid youth of Kara's nubile form.

The teenager breathed, enjoying the happy daze her goddess had left her in. Her breasts rose and fell, lungs filling with sweet air. Every second that ticked by was a tiny bit of recuperation. More energy that could be spent pleasing Cythonna later. But for now… Kara was just happy to watch and listen.

Watch Karen enjoy her turn under Cythonna's skilled hands. Listen to her older variant scream and howl, releasing such beautiful sounds into the early morning air.

Kara turned on onto her side, the messy bed sheets shifting under her weight and her movements.

She could see the glow of the rising sun pour through the apartment windows. Bathing Karen and Cythonna both in the warm gold of the morning.

Karen was naked, same as Kara, every delicious curve of her body drinking in the sun's rays. She was on her hands and knees, her massive tits swaying beneath her. An utterly bovine display. And so totally captivating. Kara never considered herself a lesbian… but she couldn't deny the perfection of femininity. And Karen possessed so much of it.

And behind her, Cythonna. Somehow even more of an enticing sight now that she was stripped of her tight blue bodice. Dressed only in her fingerless gloves and thigh-high boots. More than drool-worthy. She was darkly divine.

And what the two were doing… Kara couldn't look away.

Karen was on her hands and knees, prostrating herself before her new goddess. The elder blonde was facing Kara… but didn't meet her eyes. Cythonna had one of her hands fixed to the back of Karen's head, forcing her face down into the mattress. Her other hand… was out of view.

Kara saw her mistress' arm descend behind Karen, beneath the horizon of the elder blonde's wide hips and plump ass. But her arm was not idle. It was working. Hard. Fast. And whatever it was doing was making Karen scream. Making her shriek.

A banshee wail, so sweet to Kara's ears. The very same scream that Cythonna had drawn out of her.

But beyond the desperate cries of a woman caught in the throes of passion, Kara's Kryptonian senses afforded her insight. The filthy, obscene sounds of Cythonna's skilled fingers. Shlicking. Squelching. Fucking. Between Karen's thick thighs. Into the soaking inferno that Kara knew awaited there.

Cythonna was working her fingers hard into Power Girl's tight, wet cunt.

A beautiful sight. A hypnotic sight. Kara couldn't tear her eyes away. Not from Cythonna's working arm. Not from the delicious quakes and jiggles rolling through the curves of Karen's body. She watched the elder blonde thrust back desperately against Cythonna's fingers, furiously trying to get her deeper, to make her go harder. They were Kryptonian girls, after all. They could handle it.

Kara sighed, smiling. She was envious of her older variant, it was true. But Kara knew her place now. She didn't make demands of her goddess. She would wait her turn.

Kara Kent only hoped that Cythonna would fuck her again soon.