This story is always one chapter ahead on my Patreon. 

patreon.com/ryswell - or check my profile for the link.

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"And then he gives me some bullshit about meta volatility. Can you believe that?"

"Believe it? I heard it. Superhearing, remember?"

Dinah either didn't hear or didn't care. The woman was venting - even more now with all the shots they had done. 

It was Nightfall in Metropolis - a hot new club. A ritzy playground for the rich and influential and thus pretty damn exclusive. But Karen and Dinah had their special ticket in, being the knockout blondes that they were. The tight chic party dresses they wore left most of their legs bare, only just covering their asses. That combined with plunging necklines left them with little need to convince the bouncers. Anyone with eyes could see the truth. They came to party.

A tiny smile cracked at the edge of Karen's mouth as she watched her friend knock back yet another round. When the glass slammed back onto the bar, Dinah sucked in a sharp gasp. But it was only a split-second before she was venting again.

"It's all bullshit, you know. Ollie trying to make me sound crazy when he's the one who cheated!" Dinah huffed, pouring herself another shot. Her face was flushed from the alcohol - and the dancing - and her long blonde hair was starting to become tussled. Other women might have looked like a drunken mess, but not Dinah. This woman, Karen knew, could roll in the dirt and wear a burlap sack and still turn heads walking down the street.

Booze didn't affect Karen in the slightest. Technically, she didn't need to eat or drink at all. But nonetheless, Karen did her best to match Dinah's energy. Plus, it was a little fun watching her friend get so worked up.

"People have been smearing metas for years, Dinah. All that 'volatility' talk is just another way for small minds to fearmonger." Karen sighed, leaning her back against the bar. 

That got a laugh from Dinah, uneven and snorting. Karen chalked that up to her being completely buzzed. The Kryptonian observed her friend, admiring her swan-like throat… and the way the muscles shifted and tensed beneath the smooth skin as she laughed. So delicate Dinah looked… Yet at the same time, she was one of the League's powerhouse fighters, what with her Canary Cry.

"I don't know how anyone can look at you and be afraid." Dinah said as her laughter faded. Pointedly, she drew her eyes up and down Karen's figure.

Karen could hear her friend's heart pumping, could hear every breath she took. She could even see the tiniest beads of sweat forming upon her perfect skin. It was the tension and stress that had built up, now being released all at once. Out on the dance floor with Dinah writhing and twisting with the heavy beat of the music, letting go of all the bullshit from Ollie and all the rest. And here at the bar, as well. Sloshing away her frustrations with booze. And even now, just talking, looking, admiring…

Karen knew exactly how she was dressed. The skin on display was no accident. She had picked the outfit herself. Tonight was a night for decadence. The more scandalous the better. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw others, young men and women, staring at the both of them. It was to be expected - two sexy blondes with killer bods poured into barely-there dresses, wearing the fabric like a second skin. But none dared to approach. 

"I guess people are intimidated by beauty." Karen answered, shrugging.

Perhaps they could sense that Karen and Dinah were way out of their league. That the two blondes were superior beings. 

Dinah seemed pleased by Karen's words. Like she was validated. Vindicated. And Karen could not miss the interest that flashed through her friend's eyes. 

Then Dinah threw her head back, downing another shot. Karen had no experience with being drunk, but she was impressed nonetheless. It certainly looked like the Canary could hold her liquor. The shot glass slammed down on the bar and Dinah let out a triumphant laugh, a closed fist shooting up high.

When she turned back towards Karen, with her flushed cheeks and wide, giddy smile… that interest in her eyes had become just a bit more. Enough that she was drawing closer, closer… close enough now that she was in Karen's space, that Karen could feel the pleasant warmth of her body radiating out, joining her own.

Karen didn't stop her. Nor did she back away. She'd been waiting all night for this.

"They are intimidated." Dinah breathed out. Her voice was now low and husky - each word colored with want. "But it's more than that. It's bitter feelings over what they can't have. What they can never have. Our beauty. Our powers. It's all just jealousy, isn't it?"

Their noses brushed together. Dinah's hot breath ghosted over Karen's lips. Her eyes were deep blue, wild and hungry.

"Might be." Karen answered.

Their lips touched. At first it was gentle, almost innocent. But as the seconds ticked by, Dinah seemed to realize that one taste just wasn't enough. The kiss deepened. Dinah's hands rose, sliding around Karen's neck. Karen set a hand on the small of Dinah's back, drawing her in close. The duel of lips had grown frantic now, desperate.

Dinah moaned. Karen swallowed it down. She enjoyed the warmth of Dinah's tongue, sucking on it. That only made her moan even more. Dinah drew even closer, practically melting into Karen's arms. But with their kiss, she was no wilting flower. She gave as good as she got. Even against a Kryptonian, she more than held her own, drunkenly fighting for dominance in the battle of lips and tongues.

Karen could hear onlookers whispering, young men in particular more than enjoying their little show. Normally, Karen would have found their intrusion irksome. Enough to flash some red eyes and send them home crying. But Dinah's affections had quickly put her in a very happy mood. Happy enough to let the young men - the pathetic normal humans - admire the sight unmolested.

Finally, Dinah broke the kiss, gasping. Karen chased her lips away with quick, hungry pecks. To her face, her chin, her neck, and lower.

"You wanna get out of here?" Dinah asked, peppering Karen's neck with kisses of her own. "We can get a lot more volatile together. More than anyone else in this dump."

"You don't like the riff-raff?" Karen snorted.

"Boring, regular humans." Dinah nibbled on Karen's ear. "We can have so much more fun without them."

Karen couldn't help but smile. Everything that came out of Dinah's mouth tonight had gotten the Kryptonian's attention. And now Cythonna's as well.

Yes, Karen could see the appeal. Even before she felt her goddess' touch at the back of her mind.

The Black Canary held much promise. She would make a fine addition to their ranks.

"My place then." Karen offered, her hand roaming down her friend's back. Down to the lovely swell of her tight, plump buttocks. "I hope you can handle me."

- - -

In no time at all the pair were back at Karen's apartment. They barreled through the door with their lips locked and their hands roaming. Touching, groping, kissing as they stumbled into the dark of Karen's living room. They barely had a mind to shut the door behind them, drunk on booze - or in Karen's case, drunk on Dinah.

They couldn't keep their hands off of each other, sliding warm touches up flanks, pawing at luscious bare skin wherever they could. Groping at backsides, palming breasts, anything to get just a little more out of their heated embrace. It wasn't long before the dresses were gone, peeled away from their immaculate bodies and tossed away like forgotten trash.

The underwear was the next to go. And as soon as the bras were gone, Dinah got herself a taste of Karen's most impressive feature. Even near-invincible as she was, the feverishness of Dinah's feasting had Karen sucking in a high-pitched gasp. A rush of sensation shot through her body like a bolt of lightning, with Dinah right at ground zero. The woman was moaning against Karen's tit, her eyes glazed over as she lashed her tongue against the sensitive peak, teasing at the nipple with grazing teeth.

Karen cradled her friend's head, running fingers through her long golden hair. That only made Dinah moan even more and intensify her devouring of Karen's ample, juicy bosom.

"Everyone always goes for the tits." Karen sighed, enjoying Dinah's ravenous hunger.

Dinah drew back, keeping her lips wrapped around a nipple, pulling on it until it slipped back into place. Karen hissed, enjoying the twinge of heat that bloomed between her legs. Down below, Dinah giggled. She set her chin upon the upper slope of one of Karen's tits, gazing up at her friend with eyes that shined with wild want.

"I couldn't resist." She admitted, laying soft kisses upon the valley between Karen's breasts. "Had to get a taste. I can't fucking believe they're real."

As if to make her point, Dinah stepped back and began to feel up Karen's bust. With both hands she cupped the ample globes, cooing at the weight of the soft, warm flesh. She touched, groped, letting the heft of Power Girl's tits pass from one hand to the other. Then she pressed them together, aiming both of those round, pink nipples straight ahead. Dinah eagerly took advantage, darting forward to swipe her tongue over both peaks - then later trying to suck them both into her mouth. The shorter blonde let out a giddy moan, lashing her tongue as she greedily sucked.

A shudder rolled through Karen's body. But despite her shaky legs, she remained standing tall, letting out a soft hum as she enjoyed the sensation of Dinah's hands and lips upon her body. 

"I get that a lot." Karen finally said. "People telling me I'm too good to be true. It's not my fault that hardly anyone can compete with me. Not my fault that I'm better."

Her breath hitched as Dinah fingers dug into the softness of her breasts, her teeth grazing against the sensitive flesh as she sucked and licked and slurped. One breast, then the other, then both at the same time. It was a curious thing, Karen knew… the way her body was impervious to damage, pain, discomfort, but more than open to pleasure.

Then Dinah slurped away, leaving Karen's bosom slick with a sheen of warm saliva. Aching for more of the woman's desperate, hungry mouth. 

Dinah stood, naked save her heels and a pair of sodden panties - Karen could smell just how wet her friend was. Her long blonde hair was tousled from Karen's hands, her lipstick was smeared, and her mascara was running down her cheeks in black lines… but Dinah Lance still looked like a total smokeshow. 

Her body was more slender than Karen's - she wasn't as built or as blessed in regards to womanly curves. But there was still much to admire. What Dinah lacked in muscles or breasts, she more than made up for with her legs… and her ass.

Smooth calves rising into luscious thighs, all so lovely and pale… begging for Karen to come touch, to kiss. Then up higher to wide hips and a tight, pert derriere that almost made Karen want to cry. Each step forth on Dinah's high heels had her legs, her hips coming alive. Faint ripples in the flesh, tantalizing, maddening. Almost enough to set Karen off. Almost.

"You know what I think? I think you're right." Dinah's voice was a low purr - breaking into a titter as pressed herself into Karen. Their tits pushed together and Karen felt that faint sting of delight, a tiny ache of need that dropped deep into her belly. Dinah brushed her lips against Karen's, small kisses on and around her mouth. Teasing nibbles, swipes of the tongue. Hot breath danced upon her skin. "It's not meta volatility. It's meta superiority. And people just can't handle it."

Outwardly, Karen joined in Dinah's laughter, returning those teasing kisses in kind. But on the inside… she was overjoyed. More than that, she was euphoric. Dinah's words were the best thing she'd heard in some time. Ever since that evening with Kal…

The Black Canary was a disciple of a religion she didn't even know about yet. And that made Karen's job of converting her all the easier. Dinah was already on board. It was just up to Karen to show her how much fun the winning side could be.

Karen guided them to her bedroom - the same room where she and Kara enlightened their beloved Kal. Now it would enlighten a new mind. 

With a soft shove, she had Dinah sprawled back on the bed, a giddy laugh erupting from her throat. Karen took a moment to admire the sight of Dinah on her back, all lithe and pale and naked. Her flat tummy, so toned with hard-earned muscle, and her modest bosom, plump mounds of milky flesh capped with tiny pink nipples. Dinah was a snack. And now it was Karen's turn to feast.

But first… a quick trip to the bathroom. A little moment to freshen up.

When she returned, she wore a new coating of lipstick. Special, just for tonight. Her full lips were painted a deep, icy blue. It just felt like the right color.

Dinah was waiting for her, twisting gently on the bed. Karen descended with carnal purpose. Kisses she laid upon Dinah's legs, every inch of smooth, flawless skin she graced with her soft lips. When she reached her thighs she flipped the woman over - and her succulent buttocks swept into view. Ample, pale globes that swayed and rippled - a mouthwatering sight. Karen had to admit, if anything could compete with Power Girl's tits it was Black Canary's ass.

Karen kissed one cheek, then the other. Just like Dinah did with her breasts, Karen returned the favor. She cupped both buttocks, squeezing, feeling their heft, enjoying the softness of the warm flesh. She kissed them again, her lips lingering this time. Long smooches to each cheek. So that Karen's admiration was more than clear. 

Mwah. Mwah. Mwah.

When she was done, Karen slapped it. Whapping her palm across both juicy cheeks. Dinah squealed. Karen was mesmerized, watching the flesh wobble from the blow. She admired it like it was art - the pale, juicy ass peppered with lipstick marks of lovely blue. Like a planted flag in the name of Cythonna.


She tore the panties away next - they were ruined by then, soaked completely through. Karen almost moaned at the scent. Dinah was hot, willing, and ready.

With one hand, she rolled Dinah onto her back again, nudging her thighs apart with her knees. The pink between Dinah's legs was glistening silk - a pretty little thing with a small tuft of trimmed golden hair right above on her mons


Karen was done wasting time. She dipped her head down and began to feast.

The flavor graced her tongue and the scent filled her nostrils. It was the essence of woman, of the Black Canary. Karen held Dinah by her hips, drawing her close, using her strength to keep her still as she devoured the brawler's cunt. Soft, lazy laps turned into wild and feverish lashes. Each swipe of her tongue drew sweet moans from Dinah's throat… and more soaking sweetness from her sex.

It wasn't long before she had Dinah writhing, moaning on the bed. Dinah reached down, running her fingers through Karen's short hair, a needy attempt to force the woman's tongue deeper. But it was in vain. They may have been meta kin, superior beings both… but Karen was the one in charge.

"Oh, fuck. Yeah…" Dinah fingers tightened into a fist. Her hips bucked desperately against Karen's hungry mouth. "Yeah, gimme that tongue. Oh, God!"

Karen would have smiled. Deep in her belly, a fire burned hot. And it was only growing hotter, stronger, bigger. Soon enough, it would light up her entire body in pure bliss. Karen chased that ecstasy with every swipe and lash of her tongue. She would lose herself to the delight of sensory overload. But not before Dinah.

She added her fingers. One hand to part Dinah's sex, the other to pierce it alongside her tongue. Two fingers sinking down to the second knuckle. Dinah whined, quivering under Karen's touch. Her cunt tightened, spasming around the invading digits - an odd thing, being so desperate for pleasure yet trying to deny those that would provide it.

Karen hummed into the sweetness between Dinah's thighs. She drank down the offering, the nectar that dripped from her friend's velvet petals. All the while, her tongue continued to work… as did her arm, back and forth in quick motion, pumping her fingers at a frantic pace.

Wet. So wet.

Dinah was one the sweetest pussies Karen had ever had the pleasure of tasting. Almost as sweet as Kara's. But it held no candle to the womanhood of her goddess. Cythonna remained above all.

"Ollie ever make you feel like this?" Karen demanded as she found the will to pull her mouth away. Her lipstick had to be ruined by now, what with the slick that was smeared all over her lips and chin. Her fingers continued to pump into Dinah's soaking core. "Did he ever feel this good? Tell me."

Dinah thrashed pitifully, her voice breaking as she answered.

"No! Never! Fuck!"

The end came like a solar flare. Wild. Unstoppable. Dinah's whole body seized up in the throes of ecstasy. She let out a cry. Primal. Visceral. It was sublime.

Karen saw it. Karen felt it. Karen dipped down to taste it. She gathered the nectar on her tongue and swallowed it down. Beneath her, Dinah could only moan weakly in turn. Surely the sensation was too much for her, but she didn't have the strength to stop her Kryptonian lover.

The blonde powerhouse, kin to Superman, rested her chin on Dinah's thigh. She kissed her there, soft and gentle flower petal things. She watched her friend breathe, eyeing the way her breasts rose and fell, admiring how the muscles of her belly shifted under her smooth, flawless skin.

Finally, Dinah found the strength to speak.

"Regular humans… couldn't do that… to me… not in a million years…"

Karen was pleased to hear it. More than pleased. Delighted.

Dinah Lance understood the truth. The truth that would save her. Earn her a place at Karen's side.

And Kal's as well.

Karen dipped down, pressed one last kiss to Dinah's mons.

"Then maybe it's time to move on from regular humans." She told her good friend.

Dinah let out a tired laugh. She reached out, her fingers lazily stroking Karen's cheek.

"I think… I already have…"