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Their entanglement lasted well into the night. Bout after bout after bout. Their passion burned bright, never once flickering out.

Dinah's pleasure spilled from her lips in the form of a moan. It came long, wavering, filling the bedroom with the sound of sensual, carnal delight. A giggle followed, breathless, delirious. Dinah squirmed upon the bedsheets, the weight and warmth of her lover settled upon her body.

Karen more than lived up to the expectations of a healthy Kryptonian. The busty blonde had proven insatiable, now setting upon Dinah for yet another bout of sex. Her kisses peppered over Dinah's form, laying small delights upon her thighs, her belly, her breasts, her neck. Each one was delicate like a flower petal, each one gracing Dinah's skin with the heat of wildfire.

But it wasn't just the woman's lips at work. So too did her hands, coaxing moans and more from Dinah's throat as her touch roamed over her lush nudity. Dinah was sure she was going to lose her mind.

"I love your body." Karen whispered, her hot breath dancing upon the skin of Dinah's neck. More kisses followed, quick, soft, and wet. She nipped playfully with her teeth as she went, drawing whimpers out of Dinah's mouth.

Hours of this had left Dinah spent. By now, all she could do was lay there and accept Karen's affections. Though even with her body sapped from so much vigorous lovemaking, the Black Canary was never truly beaten. She still had her tongue and at least some of her wits.

"I… I can tell." Dinah laughed, lazily drawing her arms around Karen's neck. She held the other blonde close, enjoying the heat of her body… and the way her ample tits pressed nicely against her own. "God, you're going to drive me crazy…"

It was Karen's turn to laugh. The woman let out a breathless chuckle, low and throaty. 

"That's the plan. I'm going to break your little mind. Make you my love slave." Karen breathed out, her voice thick with hunger.

"Sounds like a good time." Dinah countered, her voice smoky, inviting.

Karen caught her tone, her eyes shining boldly. Then she went on the attack again.

She pressed more kisses down Dinah's neck, her hands falling down her bare flanks. Karen hummed, satisfied, taking Dinah by her waist. Dinah responded in kind, wrapping her legs around Karen, her ankles locking just above the firm swells of her buttocks. Karen groaned, pressing their bodies flush together - pinning Dinah to the bed.

As a Kryptonian, Karen's strength was infinitely greater than Dinah's. It took no effort at all for the busty blonde to break her hold - Karen moved where Karen wished. No one stopped Power Girl, not even the Black Canary. 

Karen slid down, showering affection to the rest of Dinah's naked body. Her lips, so hungry and desperate, found delight to enjoy upon Dinah's breasts again. Kisses rained upon the supple mound, lips and tongue teasing deliciously at hard, pink nipples.

Dinah couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Her tits couldn't hope to match against Karen's - Power Girl's rack was famous - but to have her bosom enjoy such eager attention from the woman herself… Dinah couldn't deny the ego boost.

The sensation was sweet, so lovely that Dinah was quickly brought to another moaning fit. Karen reached up, pressing Dinah's tits together, making it easier for her hungry mouth to feast upon the soft, supple flesh. Karen kissed and sucked, caressing the mounds with her lips, lashing at the peaks with her tongue. Her treatment was feverish, almost wild - her mouth would move between the breasts, slurping wetly from nipple to nipple. 

Each lick, each suck stoked the blaze within Dinah's core, her sex twinging with heat for the umpteenth time of the evening. Dinah could feel herself becoming slick again, that delicious ache spreading from deep in her belly. Finally, right when the helpless blonde thought she might scream, Karen granted a small mercy and ceased the maddening work of her talented tongue. She drew away from Dinah's bosom, but not before planting a couple more kisses to the slopes of her tits.

"You belong here, under me." Karen breathed out huskily. Dinah shivered at the desperation coloring the woman's words. "I know how to treat a woman like you."

Karen lifted herself from Dinah, supported by her toned arms. She was a vision of power and otherworldly beauty, looking down at the street brawler with brilliant blue eyes. But nothing was more captivating to Dinah than the pair of perfect teardrop breasts hanging down as delectable pendulums of milky flesh.

Dinah couldn't control herself. She reached up, palming them both. Feeling their warmth, their heft, their wonderful softness. Karen said nothing, only letting out a tiny sigh. Dinah drew her thumbs over the round, pink nipples, teasing the pink buds with wicked glee.

"A woman like me…" Dinah repeated, humming. She pinched one nipple, rolling the other. Briefly, she wondered if Karen could even feel it - considering her alien physiology, with the way Kryptonians were nigh-invulnerable under a yellow sun. But she could see Karen's eyes fluttering and she heard another sigh pour from the woman's lips. It was a small sign, but enough to drive Dinah to go further. She smirked up at the gorgeous alien, intensifying her touch. "What kind of woman am I? Tell me."

Karen kept herself lifted with her arms… but slowly ground her hips into Dinah's. Her hot sex brushed slowly against Dinah's, sending a small rush of sensation up through Dinah's core. It was like a flash of fire being dragged through her belly, flickering away just as quickly as it came to be. Dinah gasped… but Karen dipped down and stole the breath from Dinah's lungs with a deep kiss.

For a long moment, their tongues danced. Dinah's head spun, her heart pumping seething hot blood into every inch of her body. Karen broke the kiss, sucking still upon her lower lip as she drew away. Dinah whined, bucking her hips up against hers. A feeble attempt. Karen remained in charge.

"Strong. Beautiful. Meta." Karen spoke, each word dripping with passion. "You're so fucking gorgeous, Dinah. No wonder a pathetic weakling like Ollie couldn't handle you. You're too much woman for him. For damn near every man on this planet."

Dinah squirmed beneath Karen, huffing as the taller woman pressed even closer, urging her cunt to kiss against Dinah's own. Another burst of pleasure came lashing at Dinah's insides. The Canary sang out, a lovely whimper spilling from her lips.

Karen's words were so sweet to Dinah's ears. But they brought forth a rush of anger as well, as the mention of her ex-boyfriend's name dragged his visage to the forefront of Dinah's mind. She saw his face and felt a surge of disgust so intense that she was shocked at herself. Dinah didn't know where such visceral emotion came from, why she felt so much contempt for a man she should have already put from her mind. It wasn't just disgust at Ollie, either. It was disgust at herself, disappointment that she ever wasted a minute of her time on a weakling human like Oliver Queen.

Without thinking, she spat venom.

"Yes." Dinah agreed with Karen, too drunk on pleasure to do anything but. "He never deserved to touch me."

Saying it felt good. It stirred up the heat in her belly, making the wonderful ache between her legs bloom even sweeter. Karen looked pleased, smiling as she ground herself against Dinah again. More pleasure followed, more moans spilling from their lips. 

"Never." Karen insisted, stealing quick kisses. Teasing bites. Sucking at Dinah's sore, puffy lips. "You deserve so much more than him. More than some human."

Dinah grasped for something, anything, taking a handful of Karen's ass, groping desperately at the soft yet firm glutes. 

Karen busied her hands, drawing them down low. Down to Dinah's hips. Between her thighs. Fingers slid forth, parting slick petals. Probing. Teasing. Fucking. Coaxing another round of moans from Dinah's throat. Then squeals. Then shaky cries. Soon, Dinah was screaming. Wailing as Karen worked her body into a frenzy of sensation and agonizing bliss. Karen kissed at Dinah's neck, just below her ear. She whispered, quickly, frantically, near silent. Dinah could hardly hear the woman over her own shrieking.

Whatever Karen was saying, it burned hot. Passion given voice. Dinah loved it. Loved her voice. Loved her touch. Loved the pleasure she was able to rip from her body.

She surrendered to it, letting the sensation swallow her up. Dinah screamed, screamed until her throat ached - though she still managed to contain her powers. Even in the throes of sheer bliss, Dinah had discipline. Deafening Karen's entire apartment building would have killed the mood.

"Oh, God! That's it!" Dinah wailed, bucking her hips against Karen's skilled fingers. They sank inside, each stroke making her mind go blank all over again. Red hot embers flickering all down her body.

Karen purred into her ear.

"He could never make you feel like this. Admit it."

Whether it was Karen's lips, her tongue, or her fingers, the truth was ripped from Dinah's throat.

"No. He… could never… do this…" Dinah answered between deep, ragged breaths. Her whole body shivered, struck with white hot ecstasy. "Oooooooh!"

The orgasm came suddenly, slamming through her like a cannonball. Dinah threw her head back and shrieked. She rode that wave, letting it carry her on and on and on… until the tide of pleasure washed her back onto the beach. Right back into Karen's powerful arms. 

"Fuck… I needed that." Dinah muttered lazily, sinking back into the bed. The sheets had to have been a complete mess by now, stained with offerings from her and Karen both. But Dinah didn't care. The cushioning accepted her, soothing her aching body. Her eyes fluttered, exhaustion finally taking root in her very bones.

But Karen, as expected, remained lively, eager to keep touching, groping, kissing. Dinah could do nothing but accept it.

"I can give you so much more." Karen said, once more bringing her teasing lips to Dinah's ear. She lay on the bed, pressing her body into Dinah's flank - her breasts brushed up close to Dinah's arm. Karen continued to whisper, but this time her words really drew Dinah's interest. "I can give you a man who can truly handle you. A superman."

Dinah sucked in a deep gasp. Her whole body went still - her mind was struck with a sudden surge of knowledge. Wisdom gathered from the ancient cosmos. About her nature as a metahuman. And about the herald of a better existence. 

But mostly, Dinah felt overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure crashing over her.

Her mind was then dominated by a vision. Dinah saw something even sweeter than the ecstasy that rang through her body. An offer. A choice. One that not even the headstrong Black Canary could ignore.

The message was quite simple: Join us… and receive the most splendid reward for your loyalty.

The chance to sample the Justice League's finest.

Krypton's Last Son.

Dinah's heart raced with renewed excitement. She had fantasized about it before, what woman hadn't? But actually being able to sleep with Superman? She wanted it. She wanted him. She wanted him above her, inside her, to work that magnificent body against her own. She wanted to stare deep into his beautiful eyes as he pumped her womb full of potent, virile seed.

Dinah wanted Superman.

The pretty bird sang her answer. It was only afterwards, cuddling together in bed, that Karen would tease her for screaming out "Yes!"

The offer had been made. And the Black Canary accepted.