Chapter 75 - Gammas and Deltas


We talk a little more about what we think Jason should do to get Tara's attention and to hold it when suddenly Jason perks up, "I've got it," he says "I can do that, I need to talk to Jack, do you know where he is?"

"He's in his office, want me to come with you?"

"Nah, I know exactly what to do, I'm going to move into the room next to hers, she won't be able to avoid me then, and you know she has been since the moment she smelt me in your office, even when she didn't know it was me, it's not person to me, it's personal to her mate and I'm going to show her that she can count on me."

I worry for a moment that this might backfire, but Jason seems so convinced it will work that I dare not argue with him, at least he is showing signs of life again and I can be on hand as a confidant whenever he needs one.