Chapter 76 - To be Continued…..

Authors POV - 

Cassie and Jack talk over the concerns they have regarding Brian and Mark heading out on this mission now that they know what Mark is thinking, but with the leak being out it would be odd for Brian and Mark to not go on this so-called trip they had planned. They decide to send Dave a message and see if he is still awake so they can go over options together and within minutes of sending the message to Dave the phone in Jack's office lets out a resounding ring. Cassie jumps at the sudden sound after the silence that had fallen between them while they waited.

Jack reaches around Cassie, who is still perched on his knee, and picks up the phone, placing it on the desk and opting for the speaker option so the three could talk more comfortably.

"What are you 2 love birds still doing up at this hour? And what could you possibly need me for? It hasn't gone stale over there already has it?"