first meeting

Our main character whoes name is Aaron Aoki with his friend who is talking to his girlfriend over the phone and tells Aaron to get a girlfriend himself but Aaron tells him how so he tells him to send request to any girl on Snapchat amd tells him no its not good

so his friend calls him name by lady cause he thinks he is afried which he definitely is but Aaron got piss off and tells him to wait amd see and opens him Snapchat account but creatts another account cause yes he is afried and sends req to many girls and a girl named Noa Yamaguchi

Noa:what i got so many requests again i really hate it i should have set my name as boy to avoid those daam boyes

as she rejects thoese request she accidentally accepts a request which was none others than our main characters

so our Aaron sees that and said hi but doesn't get reply and its late at night so he tells his friend let's go home and they begain to reach there home as Aaron reach home he got reply but yeah he got 0 experience so the next thing he does is asks picture of her cause for him its still like a dream to get massage from a girl

so now our Noa thinks this is a some weirdo but our hero tells everything

(which was kinda creepy)

but another face our beautiful Noa also haven't never talk to any boy so both of them are inexperienced

to be continued...

(that's it for today)

its kinda hard to write ROM-COM

novel than writing revange one

so yeah what will happen after their first meeting