i think we have same interest

So as they were talking they found out they are from same country and same state

(in Japan Onikawa)

and both are 15 years old

so they found many similarities like their favourite colour black

and so one

so as they were chatting

Aarin: searously how can a girl like exist in this generation of Playboy's and playgirls

like how can you believe it ugh is it really true

Noa:what a boy who never talked to a girl in his entire life well i also haven't talked to any boy but searously its almost like impossible cause

Aaron:what to do like we are alike in lot searously um what to do i don't no what topic to talk about

Noa: hey i just want you to know don't tell anyone you chat with me

Aaron: like i trust Anyone so don't worry about that one

Noa:wait you also have trust issues

Aaron: Don't tell me you too what how

Noa:are you really real are fake like robot

Aaron: that's what i want to say to you how can you exist

so after both of them find they are similar

but here is the problem our Aaron is emotionless

so as they talk he tells her about it

Aaron:i never said it to anyone but i don't feel emotions i got rid of thoses things a long ago

Noa:what why like everyone one has and you said you got rid of them means you had so why do you get rid of them

Aaron: long story short family problems

( so what will be Aaron's family problems)

Noa: yeah i know i also want to die sometime but not this much what would it be to become completely emotionless what did actually happened

Aaron: umm i don't wanan talk about that

Noa: okay if you feel uncomfortable then don't

Aaron felt something in his heart like i skipped a beat but he doesn't know what happened

to be continued...