Mood swings

As Wei Wuxin walks, his gentle glow radiates, accentuating the soft curves of his pregnancy. The furry robe envelops him, its softness contrasting with the strength of his features. His eyes shine bright, like stars in a midnight sky, and his hair flows like silk in the wind. The robe's fur ripples with each step, like a river of moonlight, and his slender fingers peek out from the sleeves, like delicate petals. His lips curve into a gentle smile, and his cheeks glow with a soft, ethereal light. Despite the bulk of the robe, his movements are graceful, like a dancer floating across the stage. His pregnancy only adds to his beauty, a testament to the wonder of life and the strength of his spirit. As he walks, he embodies the essence of yin and yang, a harmonious balance of strength and gentleness, a true marvel of nature.

Wei wuxin is five months pregnant now and created a mess in gusu clan , Jiang clan . What he wanted he would take it by hook and crook . The most worst thing is his mood swings . Wei Wuxin was five months pregnant, and his hormones were in full swing. He was experiencing mood swings like never before, and everyone around him was feeling the effects.

One minute he was crying, the next he was laughing, and the next he was screaming at someone for no reason. His friends and family were at a loss for what to do.

" Wei Wuxin, what's wrong?" Jiang Cheng asked, trying to calm him down. Lan wangi was with lan xichen for some work...

"I don't know!" Wei Wuxin sobbed. "I just feel so overwhelmed!"

Jiang Cheng handed him a box of tissues. "Here, maybe this will help."

But Wei Wuxin just threw the box across the room. "I don't want tissues! I want pickles!"

Jiang Cheng looked confused. "Pickles?"

"Yes, pickles! And I want them now!"

Jiang Cheng quickly ran to the kitchen to fetch him a jar of pickles. When he returned, Wei Wuxin was already in a different mood.

"I don't want pickles anymore," he said, pouting. "I want cold dessert!"

Jiang Cheng sighed and went to get him ice cream. But when he returned, Wei Wuxin was crying again.

"I just feel so alone," he sobbed.

Jiang Cheng tried to comfort him. "You're not alone, Wei Wuxin. We're all here for you."

But Wei Wuxin just pushed him away. "Leave me alone!"

As the day went on, Wei Wuxin's mood swings only got worse. he made his friends dance for him, sing for him, and even do funny skits for his entertainment.

Despite the chaos he was causing, Wei Wuxin's friends and family were patient and understanding. They knew that he was going through a tough time and that his hormones were to blame.

But as the day drew to a close, Wei Wuxin's mood finally began to stabilize. he looked around at the people who had been catering to him every whim all day and felt a pang of guilt.

"Guys, I'm so sorry," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "I don't know what came over me today."

As Lan Wangyi stepped through the door, his gaze was met with a sight that made his heart skip a beat. His beautiful pregnant husband, Wei Wuxin, was sitting on a soft bed, surrounded by plush pillows, and playing with a group of adorable rabbits. The warm sunlight streaming through the window highlighted the gentle glow of Wei Wuxin's skin, and his hair seemed to shimmer like silk in the soft light.

Lan Wangyi's cold nature seemed to melt away as he gazed at the peaceful scene before him. He felt a sense of warmth spread through his chest, and his eyes softened as he approached Wei Wuxin.

"Hey," Wei Wuxin said, looking up with a radiant smile. "Welcome home."

Lan Wangyi's expression remained stoic, but his eyes betrayed his emotions. He sat down beside Wei Wuxin, and the rabbits scampered to greet him, nuzzling his hands and sniffing his fingers.

Wei Wuxin giggled and handed Lan Wangyi a rabbit, who snuggled into his arms. "Meet the newest additions to our family," he said, his eyes sparkling with joy.

As Lan Wangyi held the rabbit, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He leaned in, and Wei Wuxin met him halfway, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss.

The rabbits hopped around them, playing and snuggling, as the two men embraced, their love and warmth filling the room. Lan Wangyi's cold nature seemed to thaw, and he felt his heart overflow with love for his beautiful pregnant husband and their growing family...

Wei Wuxin sat on the hillside, his back against a ancient tree, and his hands cradling his five-month pregnant belly. He gazed out at the breathtaking view, his eyes shining with a soft light.

"Hello, little one," he whispered, his voice full of love and wonder. "How are you doing today?"

As he spoke, Lan Wangyi approached, his footsteps quiet on the grass. He watched Wei Wuxin with a small smile, his eyes filled with adoration.

Wei Wuxin continued to talk to his belly, his words a gentle stream of consciousness. "I know you're growing and getting stronger every day. I can feel you kicking and squirming inside me. You're a little ball of energy, aren't you?"

Lan Wangyi sat down beside Wei Wuxin, his eyes never leaving his face. He reached out and gently placed his hand on Wei Wuxin's belly, feeling the gentle movements of their child.

"You're going to be a wonderful father," Wei Wuxin said, his voice filled with conviction. "You're already so patient and kind. I know you'll be an amazing role model for our little one."

Lan Wangyi's smile grew, his eyes shining with happiness. He leaned in and gently kissed Wei Wuxin's forehead, his lips lingering on his skin.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Wei Wuxin's eyes fluttered closed, his face tilted upwards towards Lan Wangyi. "I love you too," he replied, his voice filled with emotion.

As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, the sun began to set behind them, casting a warm golden light over the scene. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. It was a moment of perfect peace and happiness, a moment that would be etched in their memories forever.