In labor

Time'e getting near for delivery and wei ying was having so much trouble with back pain and sourness. Lan wangi will always massage his legs and back to give him relief . From the past one month he didn't left him even for a minute. Wei wuxin was so clingy and moody . He won't let anyone come near him and wangi . So everyone just took care of them from afar ...

Lan wangi and wei ying was cuddling while sleeping when wei ying moan in pain startled wangi . He always was on alert with him every time ...

" What happened wei ying" he immediately asked worriedly to rubbing his back . Wei ying sobber and snuggled in his chest ...

" It's start hurting ahhhhh " he couldn't say anymore and scream in pain . Lan wangi panicked and alerted everyone outside . They start running here and there collecting things for him. Lan xichen went to take physicians....

" Ahhh l,lan zhan I, it's hurts " wei ying cried in pain holding his belly . Lan wangi hold him tight with teary eyes . He was so much worried. Because physician said it was difficult for them but they will try their best...

The sun was coming over the gusu cal. ,casting a warm orange glow over the thatched roofs and the bustling town square. In room on the outskirts of the village, wei ying lay on a pallet, his face contorted in agony.

"Push, your highness, push!" urged the physician, a wise and aged man named Huang. "The baby is crowning!"

Wei ying gritted his teeth and bore down, his muscles straining with effort. But despite his best efforts, the baby refused to budge.

"Try again, your highness.Huang encouraged. "You're almost there!"

Wei ying took a deep breath and pushed once more, his face red with exertion. This time, the baby began to emerge, its tiny head crowning between wei ying's legs.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Huang exclaimed. "You're doing it, your highness! One more push and the baby will be born!"

With a final surge of energy, wei ying pushed the baby out into the world. Huang caught the tiny infant in his hands, cradling it gently as he examined it.

"It's a boy!" Huang announced, beaming with pride. "And he's perfect!"

Wei ying collapsed back onto the pallet, exhausted but exhilarated. He had never felt such a sense of pride and accomplishment in his life.

As Huang tended to the newborn, wei ying couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the miracle of life. He had never realized how difficult and painful childbirth could be, but he was grateful to have gone through it.

"Thank you, Huang," wei ying said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Huang smiled and patted wei ying's shoulder. "You did all the hard work, your highness.I just helped a little bit."

As the two men smiled at each other, the baby began to cry, its tiny wails filling the hut with. On the hand lan Wang Wang walking here and there worriedly with other also standing there worriedly. But they smile widely the moment they hear baby crying...

" Congratulations wangi " lan xichen immediately hugged his brother who nodded with teary eyes . He immediately walked inside the moment physician Open the door.

" Congratulations your loyalty. It's a boy . You can go and see them " ... Lan wangi's heart swell with warmness and with unknown feelings. Physician bowed and walked out .As Lan Wangi entered the room, his heart swelled with joy and love. His husband, Wei Ying, sat on the bed, cradling their newborn son in his arms. Wei Ying's eyes sparkled with tears as he gazed up at Lan Wangi, a radiant smile spreading across his face.

Lan Wangi's eyes softened as he approached his husband, his heart overflowing with emotion. He sat down beside Wei Ying, wrapping his arms around him and their son, pulling them close.

"Hello, my loves," Lan Wangi whispered, his voice trembling with happiness.

Wei Ying leaned into the embrace, his tears of joy spilling onto Lan Wangi's shoulder. "Our little family is finally complete," he whispered back.

Lan Wangi gently took their son from Wei Ying's arms, cradling him in his own. The baby gazed up at him with golden eyes, inheriting Wei Ying's striking feature. Lan Wangi's heart melted as he gazed at their child, tracing the tiny nose, the rosebud lips, and the soft, downy hair.

"He's perfect," Lan Wangi breathed, his voice filled with wonder.

Wei Ying nodded, his eyes shining with happiness. "Just like his fathers," he said, his voice trembling.

Lan Wangi leaned in, his lips meeting Wei Ying's in a tender kiss. Their son, nestled between them, gazed up at them with an unwavering stare, as if sensing the love and joy that surrounded him.

In that moment, Lan Wangi knew that their little family was destined for greatness, bound together by the unbreakable threads of love, happiness, and devotion.....

Everyone came to meet them specially ayaun who was eager to meet his sibling. But they left when little one start crying. Wei ying immediately hugged his son swinging him.

" Is my baby hungry hmmm should mama feed you hmm " wei ying turned to his husband who was looking at them with love in his eyes . Lan wangi nodded to him and wei smiled and sit as flower position placing his son on his lap holding him with left hand then pull his rob down revealing his swellon breast indicating that he had milk there . He pull his son close to nipple carefully who start sucking immediately...

" Ohh , calm down. Baby . Mama is not going anymore " wei ying kissed his son's cheeks unknown to him lan wangi gulped looking at his bare chest . It was so many months he didn't get close to his husband like that and now he was loosing his control but as physician said that he had to wait for the at least two or three months because wei ying is boy and he will too time to heal from delivery. He sighed and left to other room to get wei ying's clothes so that he can take bath after that . ...