Chapter 17: Looking for someone? The police department doesn't have them, why not go to Konohagakure prison and have a look?

Yan, in front of so many people, not only indirectly insulted him, but also mocked him for being a lonely old man with no children or wife, which was pitiful.

Anyone would find it hard to accept such words.

"Uchiha Yan."

A shout came, and Fugaku, who had been notified, rushed over and yelled at Yan:

"What are you doing? Why are you speaking so rudely to the Hokage's assistant?

Aren't you going on patrol yet? Have you forgotten your duties and tasks?"

Good job.

Yan wanted to give Fugaku a thumbs up. The cowardly clan leader finally stood up for once.

With a silent smile, Yan shrugged at Danzo, gave him a helpless expression, and spread his hands.

"Well then, I won't disturb the clan leader and the Hokage's assistant."

"Third squad, follow me, don't disturb the old people here, after all, old people without family doesn't have a good temper, be careful otherwise they will scold you."


The squad members followed silently, not daring to make a sound, either holding back their laughter or struggling to hold back their laughter.

For example, Enjin, this big guy, lowered his head, his shoulders moving, it was obvious that he was struggling to hold back his laughter.

It can be said that in Uchiha, Yan directly set a precedent.

For the people of Uchiha who know Danzo and know what Danzo has done, they all hate this old thing to death.

The situation is beyond anyone control, everyone can only conceal their anger and hatred in their hearts.

Yan is good, he directly scolded him in front of countless people.

You scold me as a little devil, then I scold you as an old thing, a weird old thing.

You scold me as an evil Uchiha devil, then I will scold you as a rat and snake hiding in the gutter.

Anyway, I didn't mention his name.

If you are sure that the person I am scolding is you, then I'll apologize to you.

For other clan members, Danzo is a high-ranking figure in the village, but for Yan, he is nothing.

As long as Danzo doesn't play dirty tricks, Yan doesn't care about him at all.

Take a step back, even if Danzo wants to play dirty trick,

As the clan leader, Fugaku will find a way to protect Yan.

If something happens to Yan, I'm afraid countless people in the family will lose confidence in him as the clan leader.

As Yan's shield, Uchiha Fugaku is unwilling, but he can only bear it.

This is why he rushed over as soon as he received the notice, asked Yan to go on his mission immediately, and seemed to be scolding him, but in fact, he was protecting Yan.

"Fugaku, the people of your Uchiha clan are really rude!!"

Yan left, swaggering away, leaving Danzo with a belly full of anger that he could only vent on Fugaku.

"Please don't be angry, sir. Yan is still a child. I will educate him. This kind of thing will not happen again."

Uchiha Fugaku also had to admit defeat. Given the current situation, he can only accept it, endure any criticism, and, in any case, just get through this matter for now.

"Hmph." Danzo snorted coldly:

"There won't be a next time. Bring out my people."

The threat was self-evident. As long as Danzo found an opportunity, he wouldn't mind killing Yan to vent his anger.

As expected, he came to take his people.

Uchiha Fugaku had guessed this result a long time ago. Fortunately, when the police department arrested people last night, he had already thought of an excuse:

"Sir, the police department does not have your people. However, last night there were two people of unknown people who attacked Yan and were arrested by the police department. They have now been sent to prison. Sir, why not go and have a look?"


Were my people arrested, or were they unidentified?

What Danzo found most unacceptable was that his people were sent to prison.

"You did well, I'll remember this!!"

As a high-ranking official in the village and not good at cursing, Danzo couldn't just start cursing like Yan.

No matter how angry he is, he can only bear it first, and slowly settle this account later.

His people have been arrested and sent to prison. The Third Hokage must have received the news. Just the thought of embarrassing himself in front of the Third Hokage makes Danzo feel like killing someone.

With a gloomy look, Danzo glanced at Fugaku fiercely, turned around with his cane, and left.

Numb, Izumi was completely numb, she thought she could join smoothly today, but what did she see?

The captain actually scolded the high-ranking officials of the village, the Hokage's assistant.

Izumi had a feeling of darkness in her life.

At this time, she could only follow Yan numbly, and she couldn't even remember the boundaries of the area where the third team needed to patrol.

"What, are you scared?"

Stopping at the door of a small shop, Yan bought a few skewers of meatballs and handed them to Izumi.

"Thank you, captain."

Izumi took the meatballs in a daze, and it took a few seconds before she reacted and quickly bowed to thank him.

Holding the meatballs in her hand, Izumi was very conflicted, she was hesitating whether to eat or not.

In the end, Izumi couldn't resist the temptation of the meatballs and started eating in small bites.

After eating two skewers of meatballs, Izumi, a little girl, gradually recovered and was no longer as frightened as before.

It seems that eating sweets can change people's mood.

"It seems that everyone is afraid of us."

At this time, Izumi noticed that when she and Yan were walking on the street, many people saw them and hurriedly stood aside, and even some people cast angry and resentful eyes at them.


Since joining the police department, she is a member of the police department. She will face such a situation every day. As a captain, Yan feels that he needs to let Izumi know the dangers of the world.

"People who are afraid of us are caused by the bad reputation of the police department. After all, in order to maintain public order, most of the incidents handled by the police department are not pleasing to people. Over time, this situation has formed. Some people say that they are in fear of Uchiha, this statement is not correct."

Yan regretfully shook his head:

"What these villagers are afraid of is not Uchiha, but the police department."

"Of course, this is also related to the Uchiha clan's style of doing things. Wherever we go, as members of the clan, we are never welcomed. Perhaps you have already felt it—the Uchiha are easily targeted and looked down upon at the ninja academy."

Izumi doesn't know about the police department, but she feels the same about Yan's examples because she has experienced it.

Children from civilian families will hide far away because she is a ninja from Uchiha, and children from the family will also avoid her because she is from Uchiha.

"As for those who look at us with angry and resentful eyes, most of them have been arrested by the police department, or have family members or friends who have been arrested."

"Many people will complain, saying that our Uchiha law enforcement is very violent, deliberately targeting civilians, in fact, most of these complaints are made by villagers or ninjas who are dissatisfied with being arrested."

"They can't retaliate against us, so they can only choose to complain to disgust people."

Maintaining public order means dealing with a lot of troublesome things, and handling these things can easily offend people. Over time, it would be strange if Uchiha could be liked.

The most important thing is that the village will not promote the good side of Uchiha.

And the bad things that Uchiha did, the high-level officials will stare at them.

In this way, it would be strange if Uchiha's reputation could be good.

Look at the Hyuga clan, they treat civilians more arrogantly than Uchiha, how many people in the village accuse the Hyuga clan?

Very few, you can even say none.


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