Chapter 27: The Third Hokage Specifically Requests Uchiha Yan!

"Fugaku, I heard that Uchiha Yan's health has improved, and he has now returned to his post in the police department."

Despite being puzzled, Fugaku still answered according to the rhetoric he had thought of in advance:

"Yes, Hokage-sama, Yan's health has improved a lot. Although the blood disease is very scary, over the years, the family has also gained some experience in treating blood diseases. In addition, Yan's discomfort was discovered early, and after treatment, he has improved a lot."

"Is that so."

The Third Hokage nodded as if he believed it, but as for how much he believed, I'm afraid only he himself knew.

According to the surveillance and investigation of Anbu, Yan did not even leave the house during the time he was resting, let alone go to Konohagakure Hospital for treatment, as for the internal treatment of Uchiha.....

This kind of words, the Third Hokage does not believe a punctuation mark.

If Uchiha really has a way to treat blood diseases, there would not be a constant occurrence of clan members dying from blood diseases.


Sitting upright, with both hands on the desk, the Third Hokage then stated his purpose:

"This year, there have been some problems in the Daimyo's office, which has caused the funds allocated to the village to not come down for a long time. I need to go to the Daimyo's office in person, so I hope that the police department can dispatch a small team to follow me to the Daimyo's office. Who do you think is more suitable to send?"

"Go to the Daimyo's office?"

This is something Fugaku never expected.

Because this kind of task is not Uchiha's turn at all, it is almost all covered by Anbu, and the high-levels will not trust Uchiha.

Letting Uchiha's people dispatch a team from the police department to protect the Hokage is simply a fantasy.

But the impossible thing, the Third Hokage made it possible.

What does Hokage-sama want to express?

With doubts in his heart, Fugaku still answered truthfully:

"Hokage-sama, within the family, in addition to me and several elders, there are also some clan members working in the police department. I think Shisui is a more suitable candidate, but he has already been transferred from the police department."

"What about Uchiha Yan?"

The Third Hokage looked at Fugaku and calmly said Yan's name.

Fugaku's heart jumped.

Good guy, it turns out you're waiting here!

Is it for Yan, or to verify that Yan has a blood disease?

With his thoughts quickly turning, Fugaku said somewhat difficultly:

"Hokage-sama, Yan's personal strength can be ranked in the family, but his body has just recovered, I'm afraid he can't bear this heavy responsibility."

Fugaku didn't want Yan to have any contact with the Third Hokage at all.

Unfortunately, the Third Hokage just didn't.

He just saw him showing a kind and approachable smile, and laughed:

"Fugaku, I do believe in him. After all, Yan, this kid, has recently overshadowed the two geniuses, Shisui and Itachi. I think it shouldn't be too difficult, right?"

Damn' you've already decided to choose Yan and said it to this point, can I refuse?

Do I have the right to refuse?

Without giving Fugaku a chance to continue to refuse, the Third Hokage made a final decision:

"If there is no problem, then notify him to prepare, and gather outside the village at two o'clock in the afternoon."

The Hokage's outing is not a big deal, but it can't be made a big deal.


At this point, Fugaku could only accept it.

He left the Hokage office building in frustration, came to the police department with a heavy heart, and personally told Yan about this matter in his office.


"Protect the Hokage on his way to the Daimyo's mansion?"

Yan's reaction was the same as Fugaku had guessed, very surprised, with a face of disbelief.

Isn't this the job of the Anbu?

What does that old guy want to do?


Fugaku didn't feel good in his heart, but he had no choice but to comfort Yan:

"Maybe it's just a normal protection mission, you prepare for it, bring two people, you choose the team members yourself, your team is only responsible for the surface, the real protection of Hokage-sama must be Anbu, and the strength of Hokage-sama is not to be underestimated."


Very speechless!!

Really damn speechless!!!

Apart from being speechless, Yan really couldn't find an adjective to describe his mood at this time.

"Meet outside the village at two o'clock in the afternoon, Hokage-sama will be waiting for you there, don't miss the time."

Fugaku reminded Yan again and again to be careful and to be prepared, and then left with a belly full of thoughts.

Unlike Yan who was frustrated, when Izumi learned that the team was going to undertake the important task of protecting the Third Hokage on his way to the Daimyo's mansion, she was as happy as a jumping little bird, very excited.

Indeed, people who have not been beaten by reality have simple thoughts.

After thinking about it, Yan decided to bring Izumi and Feng, as for Enjin and others, it would be better to stay in the police department.

Although Uchiha Feng may not be able to produce a single useful idea for half a day, at least he is stable, Izumi..... just use her as a personal secretary, Yan really can't expect her to do anything big.

After changing clothes and sorting out equipment, Yan set off with his people.

As for the forehead protector.... do people working in the police department need that thing?

Although he didn't understand the Third Hokage's persistent practice of mobilizing a police department squad to protect, Yan still dutifully led the squad, distributed around, and protected the Third Hokage from the dark.

Outside the village, on the small road to the Daimyo's mansion, the Third Hokage stood by the road, with a pipe in his mouth, enjoying the pleasure of puffing smoke.

A total old smoker.

Yan muttered in his heart, and walked up with his people:

"Hokage-sama, we can set off now."


The Third Hokage smiled kindly and nodded, while walking, he didn't forget to care about Yan's body:

"I heard that your body has improved a lot, and the disease has been controlled?"

"Yes, because the clan has a lot of experience in treating blood diseases, so it is well controlled."

Yan tried to make himself look colder, reduce the conversation with the Third Hokage, observe everything around him attentively, and perform very diligently.

Unfortunately, the Third Hokage kept babbling in his ear.

"Seeing you guys, I feel like I'm seeing myself back then. I was just like you guys, full of youthful vigor."

Yan: "....."

Can you shut up, can you babble less?

It is proved that when you don't want to deal with a person, the other person keeps babbling in your ear, this feeling is really painful.

At this moment, Yan has been enduring it all the time, and Uchiha Feng, who feels the same as him, is also the same.

This guy is usually a silent person, absolutely can move his hands absolutely do not speak.

But he ran into the Third Hokage who kept babbling.

This is going to be a long time.


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