Chapter 34: From Now On, Shisui, You Can Only Trust Yan!

Even if Shisui has a good impression of Danzo, he must believe that this matter is true.

Danzo is not a good person.

"Is it all true?"

Shisui rubbed his face, still a little unbelievable. He didn't think Yan would deliberately make such a joke with him. After all, Yan had just led the team to the Daimyo's Mansion yesterday.

Moreover, this kind of thing can't be faked, as long as you find someone to confirm it, you will know the truth.

If Yan dared to say this, that means everything he said is true.

The Daimyo needs protection, Danzo wants to assassinate Daimyo, and even the Daimyo is unwilling to believe the people of Konohagakure, and only the people of Uchiha can protect him.

Because the relationship between Uchiha and Danzo is very bad, the enemy's enemy is a friend.

It is for this reason that the Daimyo is willing to accept the proposal of Uchiha to protect him.

Unwilling to answer this question, Yan continued:

"Hokage-sama has already rushed to the Hokage office building. If nothing else, it is to deal with the root and Danzo. This time, the root may be disbanded, and Danzo may even lose his position and go home to retire, However, externally, they will probably claim to be under surveillance."

"After all, Hokage-sama needs to stabilize the Daimyo to prevent the Daimyo from doing something outrageous."

"And your task is to protect the Daimyo.

During this period, no matter who it is, they cannot hurt the Daimyo. No matter who finds you, you must firmly carry out this task.

Whether it's Danzo, Hokage-sama, or even other higher-ups, don't care about them."

"Because I can't be sure whether other people are involved in it."

You want to be a double agent, right?

You have a heavy sense of responsibility, right?

Now it's your turn to choose!

"Whether it's the high-ranking officials or the daimyo, it concerns Konoha and the entire Land of Fire. Uchiha Shisui, will you still dare to stand on the side of the Konohagakure higher-ups?"

Once there are some gaps, it is not so easy to repair it.

Yan doesn't like Shisui, but he has to admit that Shisui is very strong.

People like Shisui, as long as they are used well, they are a law-abiding and outstanding fighter.

"I will confirm with the clan leader, if everything is true, I will take on this responsibility, protect the safety of the Daimyo, and will not let anyone hurt the Daimyo."

After struggling in his heart and jumping around, in the end, Shisui dropped his arm weakly.

Just as Yan predicted, Shisui still chose to protect the Daimyo.

His position has risen from the family and the village to the level of the village and the Land of Fire. At this level, the family and the higher-ups can hardly affect his choice.

This is also the result Yan wants.

"Very good."

The goal was achieved, Yan got up and prepared to leave. After walking two steps, he looked back at him:

"Shisui, do you know? I don't like you very much, but I have to admit that you are a selfless and great person. Please forgive me, because the family doesn't need selfless people."

"Also, I hope you can stay away from Itachi in the future. I believe you understand what I mean.

The family doesn't need so many selfless people. Itachi has a lot of ideas and is a smart person. I don't want him to stand with you.

For the family, for the village, and even for the entire Land of Fire."

Itachi has already deviated, but it's not that serious yet, and there is still room for reversal.

Yan believes that given time, he can turn Itachi into the family's number one little wolf dog.

So it's better for Shisui to stay away.

His selflessness will always affect Itachi.

After Yan left, Shisui went to the clan leader's mansion for the first time. Fugaku was waiting for him.

"Clan leader....."

As soon as he spoke, Shisui was interrupted.

Fugaku shook his head slightly and put down the teacup in his hand:

"Shisui, what Yan means is also what I mean. I hope you can take on this responsibility for the clan, the village, and even the entire Land of Fire. During this period, there are not many people you can trust. You are a smart person, I think you should understand my meaning."

If Danzo dares to assassinate Daimyo, so does the Third Hokage have such an idea?

During the protection of the Daimyo, you cannot trust anyone casually.

Even the Third Hokage is not good.

In other words, during the execution of this task, the only person Shisui can trust and follow is Yan.

"Clan leader, I understand, I will protect the safety of the Daimyo, even if I have to pay my life for it."

"Very good."

Fugaku nodded in satisfaction.

But he sighed in his heart: Shisui, for the sake of the clan and the village, you need to take this responsibility.

The police department soon sent a notice that the Hokage had ordered that any Uchiha person could not leave the Uchiha clan land and the police department before dawn.

This notice from the Hokage's office building further confirmed what Yan said, all of this is true.

At least Shisui believed it.

The Third Hokage was busy dealing with Danzo and the Root, and was worried that Yan would spread the news.

So, he simply sealed off the police department and the Uchiha clan land, and after everything was over, the Uchiha people could go out.

Little did he know that relying on the blockade to keep secrets is simply a dream.

Yan had guessed a long time ago that the Third Hokage would take action, so the news could not be spread from within, but needed to be spread from outside.

If it is spread from the clan and the village, it is Uchiha's fault.

But if it is spread from the outside, then it has nothing to do with Uchiha.

The Third Hokage will only pin the blame on the Daimyo's head, thinking that it is the Daimyo who spread the news.

The purpose is to let everyone know about these things, preventing Konoha from denying them later on.

Overnight, Danzo lost the department of the Root that he had finally pulled up, and also lost his position as the Hokage's assistant, and was arranged to a hidden place to start retirement.

In order to prevent Danzo to make trouble, the Third Hokage only allowed him to keep five people.

After handling these matters, the Third Hokage let Mitokado Homura represent himself and the village's sincerity, and personally went to the Daimyo's mansion to see the Daimyo, while he sat in Konohagakure, he was worried that Danzo would make trouble.

A person whose desire for power has almost reached the point where he can't let go, suddenly loses everything, you can imagine how much stimulation he will receive.

During this period, if he is not in the village, the probability of Danzo making trouble is very high.

In order to prevent this from happening, the Third Hokage had to personally sit in Konohagakure, and Mitokado Homura went to the Daimyo's mansion.

As for Shisui, who is responsible for protecting the safety of the Daimyo, he is on the road alone.

Shisui arrived at the Daimyo's mansion before others and met the Daimyo.

Knowing that the person Uchiha sent to protect him was the famous Shisui of the Body Flicker in the Third Ninja War, the Daimyo was very happy.

This shows that Uchiha really cares about his safety, so the Daimyo's impression of Uchiha and Yan has improved a lot.

The matter should be closed here , but the Third Hokage is not calm at all.

Because disbanding Root requires moving away everything that Root has retained.


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