Chapter 52: Several factions invite Yan for a private gathering!

"Let's talk about law enforcement."

Under everyone's expectant gaze, Fugaku shifted the topic to the changes in law enforcement.

Yan couldn't help but shake his head, disappointed once again.

It seems that he really shouldn't have hoped for Fugaku, it's hard to change one's nature.

Yan was disappointed, and so were the others.

It's just that they didn't dare to show it like Yan did, writing the word "disappointment" on their faces.

The atmosphere of the next people was a bit depressed, almost no one spoke up, and it was Fugaku who spoke the whole time.

If others don't speak, Yan doesn't bother to speak either, he really wants to see how high the tolerance of the clan members is.

Fugaku is indeed the clan leader, but as a clan leader, you disappoint the clan members time and time again, and if this accumulates over a long period of time, it can cause problems.

"Yan, can we talk?"

On the way back to the rest room from the minister's office, Uchiha Haneda stopped Yan, and the others exchanged glances with each other, and then left.

Uchiha Haneda is a staunch supporter of the neutral faction in the clan.


Yan's eyes were full of smiles, and he wasn't afraid of the other party noticing.

From the fact that Haneda could take the initiative to find him, it already explained a lot of problems.

Now the entire police department, except for Fugaku, everyone else can't help it.

In the past, it was fine, no one dared to take the initiative, no one dared to make it clear.

Now it's different, Yan stands on the front line, and also actively clarifies everything.

This caused everyone's dissatisfaction to no longer be suppressed as usual.

Time and time again being targeted, time and time again having anger in their hearts, but nowhere to vent, the clan leader time and time again suppressed the matter, and everyone was disappointed time and time again.

After accumulating bit by bit, the final result is that everyone can't help it.

Yan shook his head:

"There's a pub in the clan, the wine is not bad, let's have a drink together after work."


Nodding his head, Yan went straight to the rest room.

Yan also decisively left.

There were too many people arrested, which made the police department busy, and it wasn't until eleven o'clock at night that the work was finally over.

"Itachi, come with me."

For today's gathering, Yan plans to bring Itachi along.


Itachi, who was packing up and preparing to go home to rest, paused for a while, and obediently followed Yan out.

"Today's incident was someone targeting the police department, to be precise, targeting us Uchiha. In order to smear us, especially at this critical juncture."

"Who do you think is targeting us?"

Walking beside Yan, Itachi listened carefully, and at the same time began to think in his mind.

After thinking for a long time, Itachi organized his language:

"I have looked through the previous files and found that this kind of targeting incident has happened many times, and each time it can cause great damage to the reputation of the police department and Uchiha, causing the villagers and the village to constantly disappoint us."

"These cases all have one thing in common, there is no follow-up investigation."

Itachi is indeed worthy of his name, he will do his best to do everything perfectly.

Others enter the police department, at most they deal with various troublesome public security cases, or patrol a bit, and then do whatever they want,

Only Itachi will go deep into understanding the entire police department, get to know everything about the police department, and even check each and every old case file.

"Why do you think the police department doesn't continue to investigate?"

Itachi couldn't help but fall into silence.

After walking a long way with Yan, he raised his head and met Yan's gaze:

"Because the investigation will be obstructed by Anbu, even blocked."

"Right, so who wants to target Uchiha like this?"


Itachi fell silent again.

"It's Danzo, Shimura Danzo, our Hokage's assistant."

Yan's words made Itachi's heart sink to the bottom.

"Ever since he became the Hokage's assistant, he has never stopped targeting Uchiha. At that time, the impression of Uchiha in the eyes of the villagers had not become very bad, why do you think that is?"

All the way, Yan was telling some secrets, gradually leading Itachi's thoughts astray.

He believes that Itachi can understand his words and understand his intentions.

Deception and coaxing?

This trick doesn't work on Itachi, honesty is the best policy, just a little decoration, a little bias is enough.

"Itachi, can I believe and trust you?"

Arriving at the place where everyone agreed, Yan stopped, looking down at Itachi who was much shorter than himself.

He has said what he should say, now it's time for Itachi to make a statement.

Pointing to the small tavern behind him, Yan said with a smile:

"I'm not afraid to tell you, the patience of the clan members has reached its limit, everyone agreed to meet here, definitely to discuss some things that the clan leader does not want to see, I will be one of them. But I can assure you that we will not confront the village. It's still the same sentence, Uchiha is always Konohagakure's Uchiha, we are people of a big family."

"But now there are some partners who don't like us bullying us, we can't always endure silently, people are not plants, even rabbits will bite when they are angry."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

From beginning to end, Yan's position has always been firm.

Konohagakure is a whole, Uchiha is a puzzle piece of Konohagakure.

Only by constantly clarifying his position can Yan win over more people.

For example, to lead people like Itachi, little by little to pull him to his side.

"But the identity of the other party, we are destined not to mess around."

After thinking for a long time, Itachi slowly raised his head.


Yan couldn't help but laugh, and couldn't help but raise his hand to pat Itachi's head.

There was some hesitation in Itachi's eyes, and the troubled him finally did not dodge, but let Yan's big hand pat on his head.



Yan was stunned, and Itachi was stunned.

One didn't expect the other party not to dodge, and the other didn't expect the other party to use so much force.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Yan coughed, looked at his hand:

"Sorry, I thought you would dodge."

Itachi's mouth twitched:

"It's okay, I didn't expect the captain to really pat."

It's better to skip this awkward topic, Yan patted his forehead, and continued to say:

"I don't plan to retaliate against Danzo, it's unnecessary, as you said, Danzo's identity means that we can't do anything to him, otherwise it's mean we are standing on the opposite side of the higher-ups, and if we're not careful, we'll tear our faces."

It's not going against Danzo.

Itachi let go of his heart.

"In that case, I think, the captain can trust me, after all, I am also a member of the family."

Itachi, who made a decision, his eyes became firm.

The little wolf dog started to lean.

Yan laughed happily:

"Very good, I didn't read you wrong, although your thoughts are very close to Shisui, but I always believe that you are not as pedantic and naive as Shisui."

He waved to Itachi.

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for us."

Yan took the lead and walked into the small tavern, with Itachi following closely behind.


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