Chapter 61: Jiraiya's preaching fails, and he is asked three questions in return!

Seeing him walking leisurely, not to mention, he didn't forget to find a place to wash along the way, wash his face, tidy up his messy hair, and eliminate the smell of wine that could suffocate people.

After finishing, he also took out some jerky from his mouth, ate it with the stream water, and enjoyed it.

"Want some?"

He gestured with the jerky in his hand.

Yan rolled his eyes: "No need, you eat it yourself."

The corner of Itachi's mouth twitched slightly.

Just now Jiraiya was still washing by the stream, and as soon as he finished washing, he took out the jerky to eat, and didn't forget to scoop water to drink.

You should know that the water flow speed of this stream is very slow.

Jiraiya's behavior is equivalent to drinking his own washing water and eating jerky.

Jiraiya, who has been sloppy since he was a child, doesn't mind being disliked, he just sat down on the ground, gnawing on the jerky, and didn't forget to chat with Yan from all over the world.

"By the way, I heard that you Uchiha have been having some unpleasantness with the Shimura clan recently?"

What does Jiraiya-sama mean?

Itachi glanced at Yan, Yan shook his head at him, and then sat on a stone on the side:

"It's okay, it's just a little contradiction, compared to Danzo-sama, it's nothing. After making a lot of noise outside, Danzo-sama can still use all kinds of shameless methods to target Uchiha, causing a lot of trouble with a big negative impact on Uchiha."

Sure enough, the people of Uchiha simply hate Danzo to death, especially him, Uchiha Yan.

No wonder he could curse in public in the police department.

After eating a few pieces of jerky, Jiraiya packed up the rest and put it away, and said regretfully:

"In fact, after the night of the Nine Tails, I also investigated the mysterious man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara, but unfortunately I didn't find any clues."

There is no information at all, and it's like a headless blue fly, it's strange if you can find it.

Who could have imagined that this mysterious person would be Uchiha Obito!

Not to mention others, even Minato, the teacher, couldn't recognize Obito's identity.

Apart from Jiraiya, I'm afraid no one in Konohagakure would chat with Uchiha about the night of the Nine Tails so openly.

Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He could see that Jiraiya's intention to chat about these was mainly to ease the relationship between Uchiha and the village.

He would definitely not be able to persuade the Third Hokage and the others. Since they couldn't be persuaded, he could only start from the Uchiha side.

No wonder a temporary clan task was made, and he was named to participate in this task, so he was waiting here.

It's really interesting, the high-level side can't persuade, just choose to start from Uchiha.

The funny thing is that Jiraiya is also a higher-ups figure in the village, but he just didn't hold the corresponding position.

"In fact, in the past few years, our Uchiha clan has also been trying to investigate the mysterious masked man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara. If we don't pull him out, it will be difficult to resolve the misunderstanding between Uchiha and the village."

"Unfortunately, several years of investigation have not found valuable information."

Yan shook his head regretfully, and bluntly named the relationship between the clan and Uchiha:

"Because of the prejudice and differential treatment since the Second Hokage lead the village, the relationship between Uchiha and the village has gradually deteriorated. The night of the Nine Tails has further torn a deep rift between the village and Uchiha."

The relationship between the clan and the village is not good, is it caused by the prejudice of the Second Generation Hokage?

Yan's words made Jiraiya dumbfounded, and Itachi couldn't help but frown.

Regarding this aspect of intelligence news, most of the news he learned pointed out that the relationship between the clan and the village was not good, and it was caused by Uchiha.

As a result, Yan said it was the Second Generation Hokage, and Jiraiya did not refute it.

Could it be that Brother Shisui was wrong?

Yan pretended to have a headache.

"Actually, I'm very confused right now. I hope that the rift between the family and the village can be repaired, but I don't know how to start. What always hovers around Uchiha is surveillance, exclusion, and concealment."

"Uchiha's important tasks, wherever they go, will be monitored. It's very difficult to leave the village, and it's even more difficult to engage in some work positions arranged by the village."

"What is incomprehensible is that when Uchiha's people sacrifice for the village, when Uchiha's people bleed for the village, these people who should have become heroes of the village, do not get the corresponding rewards and treatment, but various merits are recorded in the low-key way, and the procedures is even hidden from the villagers."

How should I respond?

The script shouldn't go like this.

Yan threw out a series of unfair treatments received by Uchiha, which directly messed up Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, as a high-ranking person in the village, please tell me, what should I do to repair the rift between the clan and the village, which is deeper than the Valley of the End?"

In the end, Yan also kicked the ball to Jiraiya's side.

Aren't you trying to ease the relationship between the village and Uchiha and prevent both sides from constantly approaching the dangerous edge?

Then please give me, give Uchiha a clear path!

What should Uchiha do to eliminate misunderstandings, to let the higher-ups revoke our surveillance, to let the prejudice in the middle disappear?


Jiraiya sat cross-legged, his right knee leaning against his leg, his palm flat against his chin, with a face of worry.

The ball Yan brought up is not easy to pick up.

This thing is hot.

Itachi's eyes were full of expectation, and he was also waiting for Jiraiya's answer.

Jiraiya is a high-ranking person in the village, such a big person, should be able to give a targeted answer.

Propping his chin, um for a long time, finally, Jiraiya awkwardly laughed:

"Ahaha, this question is a bit hard, it's wrong for the old guys to have prejudices, but Uchiha also has problems, not to mention the mysterious person on the night of the Nine Tails, even Uchiha's internal is not calm, the hardliners are always a problem."

"The hardliners want to solve the problem with a coup, but it will only deepen the misunderstanding and contradiction with the village."

"So you mean, as long as the hardliners no longer torment the coup, as long as Uchiha can handle the hardliners, let them disappear, the village's prejudice against Uchiha will disappear, the village will no longer target Uchiha, and no longer monitor Uchiha, is this your meaning?"

Jiraiya laughed, Yan decisively followed his words, and stabbed him in the ribs with a knife.

Wait, although I want to express the meaning that the hardliners should not act recklessly, but this is not the meaning!!!

Jiraiya was suddenly panicked, because Yan and Itachi's eyes were already filled with thick killing intent, and it seemed that they wanted to target the hardliners of the clan.

"Wait, don't rush, I don't mean that, I just....."

Jiraiya explained in a hurry, but the more he explained, the more confused his brain became.

In the end, he found that the words he said could not be taken back.

If he doesn't admit it, it means that he is no different from the Third Hokage and others.

If Uchiha really deals with the hardliners, and what he wants can't be obtained then, then his sin will be great.

"Sure enough..."

Shaking his head in disappointment, Yan stood up and patted his clothes, and said: "It's almost time, it's time to set off."


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