Chapter 64: Uchiha kid, do you have a problem with me?

Cutting the budget?

It's just a verbal rant.

You should know that Land of Fire is a big piece of fat meat in the eyes of others. If it weren't for Konohagakure's sufficient military deterrence, this piece of fat meat would have been gnawed clean long ago.

As long as Daimyo is not stupid, he won't do such a stupid thing.

At most, it's just pressure, making a fuss, and letting Konohagakure bow its head first.

If Konohagakure is really forced to rush, it's not good for Daimyo either.


Accompanied by the sound of sucking saliva, Tsunade leaned on the table, and in less than twenty seconds, a faint snoring sound had already been heard.

Jiraiya: "...."

If it weren't for knowing Tsunade's character like the palm of his hand, Jiraiya would even suspect that Tsunade was pretending to sleep.

In fact, Tsunade really fell asleep, not pretending.

After drinking too much alcohol, she leaned against the table in a daze, and she was already unconscious.

"Forget it, take it slow."

With a sigh, Jiraiya could only let Shizune pick up Tsunade and prepare to find a place to rest.

Persuading Tsunade is not urgent.

Jiraiya, who said that he was not in a hurry and took his time, was still spinning around in a hurry when he faced Tsunade, who was lying on the table with a headache due to a hangover and a face of lifelessness the next day.

It's not because I'm worried about Tsunade's body, but because Tsunade thought of some unhappy things because of yesterday's conversation.

Although Tsunade was drunk yesterday, she at least gave you the opportunity to talk.

But today's Tsunade, her whole body is filled with terrible low pressure, let alone Jiraiya persuading her to return to Konohagakure, even Shizune, this little apprentice, dare not easily approach.

"Forget it, if it doesn't work, wait a few more days."

Jiraiya kept comforting himself, thinking that Tsunade's state would soon fade, and he could still wait.

But what Jiraiya never expected was that Tsunade's negative state lingered, and it lingered for several days.

Seeing that the deadline given by the Third Hokage was approaching, there was no progress here in Tsunade, and he himself became a mobile wallet!!!

"See, people who are troubled by feelings are like this, family love, love, cherish it as you go."

For Yan's inexplicable words, Itachi was a little confused.

At this time, he couldn't understand Tsunade's pain at all.

Because the people he cares about are all alive and well.

The only thing to worry about is the family and the village.

After enduring and enduring, Jiraiya finally broke out.

"Tsunade, we can't go on like this, the village needs you, and the time left for us is not much."

It's rare for Jiraiya to be tough in front of Tsunade.

He slapped the table with both hands, bent over, stared down at Tsunade, hoping she could sober up a bit, and stop being drunk and dreaming every day.

Not to mention getting drunk every day, when you get drunk, you think about the sad things in the past, and you keep dying in a cycle, letting yourself drill into the horns, and you can't pull it out.

"What's wrong with me?"

Tsunade, who was holding a bottle of wine in her hand, squinted her eyes and looked up.

The low pressure that originally only enveloped Tsunade enveloped Jiraiya in an instant.

Damn it!

What a scary look.

Facing Tsunade's sharp eyes, Jiraiya subconsciously shrank his neck, and the tough posture he had just created instantly collapsed.

Let Shizune, Yan, and Itachi, who were sitting aside, be surprised.

After a few days of getting along, Yan and Shizune gradually became familiar with each other, but the relationship between Itachi and Shizune still remained between senior and juniors.

Although Itachi has tried very hard to change himself, he occasionally shows a stiff smile.

"Ah~~~~ It seems that Jiraiya-sama is going to fail again."

Shizune couldn't help but cover her face, it's so embarrassing, it's too embarrassing, I thought you could be a little tougher, but the result..... is just this?

"I would rather believe that the sun rises from the west."

Yan calmly ate his meal, although it was a bit unexpected, as long as Jiraiya's most beloved person is still Tsunade, he could never be strong in front of Tsunade.

Eat, eat, anyway, it's not my task, success or failure doesn't matter.

It's more important to fill your stomach first.

The most important thing is that this is a public expense, all expenses are borne by the most handsome toad immortal, Jiraiya-sama.

At least he thinks he is the most handsome person.

Self-perception has always been good.

Shaking his head, Yan chose to continue eating.

Itachi nodded in agreement, agreeing very much with Yan's words.

It's better to fill your stomach first than to pay attention to whether Jiraiya can get tough, so that Tsunade will go crazy with wine later, and everyone will have no mood to eat.

"Kid, do you have an opinion on me?"

Jiraiya shrank back, and Tsunade, who was unhappy in her heart, happened to hear Yan's sentence, "I would rather believe that the sun rises from the west", and her eyes suddenly widened, and she stared at Yan.


I'm just eating, why is the trouble coming to me?

And Jiraiya, you can't even do a simple task, you're a fine dog, you deserve to be a dog until you die.

Sure enough, the experience of countless predecessors is worth our learning.

Licking dogs, licking dogs, licking nothing in the end.

On the contrary, take the opportunity to insert a stick, people who dare to express and love, can hold the beauty.

I have to admit that Danzo's luck is really good, just when Tsunade needs someone to agree with her and support her.

Yan looked at Jiraiya, raised his eyebrows, and said:

"No, if I had experienced senior's experience, I think I would wander outside for a lifetime, and I would never return to Konohagakure."


Tsunade couldn't help but laugh angrily.

are you slandering me, or sympathizing with me?

You kid really dare to say, Jiraiya slapped his forehead, slowly leaning towards Yan without leaving a trace.

If Tsunade suddenly makes a move on Yan, he can still pull a bit, otherwise the two will fight as soon as they disagree, and the fun will be great.


She drank all the remaining wine in one breath, casually put the wine bottle aside, Tsunade turned around and faced Yan, raised her hand, and hooked her index finger frivolously.

"Although my experience is very pitiful, I have not fallen to the point where I needs a kid to sympathize. If you are not convinced, you can try to persuade me. As long as you can persuade me, I can't guarantee anything else, I will come forward to solve the problem between Uchiha and the village."

As she spoke, Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with disgust, it's embarrassing, you can't even give this promise, it's a shame you're still one of the Sannin.

How come I'm inexplicably shot?

You guys are making trouble, don't involve me, you dare to guarantee I dare not!!!

Is there such a good thing?

Yan was very surprised, Tsunade actually gave him such a promise, it seems that Jiraiya has shaken out some of his great achievements.

In the eyes of outsiders Uchiha Yan is a person who works hard for the clan.

In fact, everything he does is for himself, and then for Uchiha.

If it weren't for Uchiha's situation being too dangerous, and it could capsize at any time, Yan would be too lazy to take care of the clan's broken things.

These outsiders don't know, so in the eyes of others, Yan is a loyal to the clan, and a Uchiha who strives for the clan.


Itachi's pupils contracted slightly, and the chopsticks in his hand broke in response.

Tsunade's words gave him a big shock.

Seeking peace between the clan and the village is something Itachi has always been hoping for.

Now, someone has given this hope.

Involuntarily, Itachi turned his head to look.

He couldn't wait to know if Yan would join the army to persuade Tsunade.

The tempting promise, but it's a pity it's useless.


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