Chapter 66: Every sentence hits the heart, Tsunade goes berserk, destructive power off the charts!

But as soon as Yan opened his mouth, everyone was shocked to take a breath of cold air.

A sinner of the Senju clan?

Unfilial daughter?

What are you thinking, Uchiha Yan, that these words popped out of your mouth, are you sure you're not taking the opportunity to curse?

Is this how you persuade people?

It's over, it's over, Tsunade-sama is angry, what should I do, what should I do?

Shizune was quite scared.


With Tsunade's nostrils visibly expanding with each heavy breath, Shizune's heart sank to the bottom.

She really wanted to turn around and run away with Yan to prevent Tsunade from going berserk and beating Yan up.

Tsunade was already about to explode, just a little bit away from the critical point.

Everyone else was shivering with fear, but Yan looked as usual, as if he couldn't see Tsunade about to explode.

"What's the matter? Did I hit a nerve? Are you angry?"

The angrier Tsunade is, the happier Yan is, because being angry means she still cares.

A woman who is obsessed is not terrible, what is terrible is a woman who doesn't care about anything.

If Tsunade really reaches this point, then Yan guarantees to turn around and leave.

"The Senju clan has always been a large clan, and has been fighting with Uchiha. The two clans have been fighting for thousands of years. During this period, countless clans have become dust in history, and Senju and Uchiha have been able to survive safely. Unfortunately, Uchiha is thriving, but the Senju clan is left with you as the only seedling."

"Don't talk about the glory and inheritance of the Senju clan, the truth is that when you get older, the Senju clan will probably become a part of the history of the ninja world."

"No, it's already gone, the surname of the Senju clan has disappeared."

"So, Tsunade, I'm curious, as the last member of the Senju clan, how did you manage to not think about the inheritance of the clan, the glory of Senju, instead, you fell into the vortex of self-denial. How did you manage to do that?"

"The inheritance of the Senju clan has long been broken!! Damn it, this is the decision of my grandfather and second grandfather!!!"

Tsunade couldn't help it anymore, like an angry lioness, she pounced at Yan.

"Tsunade, calm down, calm down!!!"

Jiraiya hurriedly stood in front of Yan, hoping that Tsunade could calm down and not be provoked by Yan.

"Get out of the way!!!"

Tsunade, who was already on the verge of exploding, punched Jiraiya in the face. With a scream, Jiraiya flew out smoothly, even knocking a human-shaped hole in the wooden wall of the tavern.


The place where Yan was standing exploded, the ground kept cracking, cracks crawled all over the ground, the floor broke with a sound, and the splashing wood scared the people around to run away with their heads in their hands.

Tsunade started a fight without saying a word, and the tavern owner was dumbfounded.

Who did I provoke, directly demolishing the house?

"Damn it, stop!!!"

The next moment, Tsunade disappeared from the tavern, and in her rage, Tsunade chased Yan and rushed to the street.

Yan was like a nimble cat, quickly dodging, not giving Tsunade a chance to get close to him, and didn't forget to stimulate Tsunade.

"The purpose of the First and Second Hokage was to prevent the Senju clan from affecting the existence of the Hokage, so they made the Senju clan civilian, the ninja clan civilian, it does not mean that the clan's inheritance will disappear, the inheritance of the Senju clan, is broken in your hands, Tsunade."


Tsunade's Painful Sky Kick was the answer to Yan.

Accompanied by a scream and a howl, the houses in the entire block were all affected.

The collapsed pit began to tilt, becoming crooked, and the houses that were not of good quality or closer to the center had all collapsed.

"It's over, it's over, my wallet."

Jiraiya, who climbed up from the ruins, looked at the chaotic block, and his head was buzzing.

Tsunade was responsible for the destruction, as for who would pay... it was definitely him who led the mission.

Thinking that his wallet would shrink completely, Jiraiya turned pale, sat down softly, and felt that there was no hope in life.

"The Hyuga clan, for the sake of the clan's inheritance, can come up with all kinds of perverted clan rules, just to continue the clan's inheritance, Uchiha, for the sake of the clan's inheritance, has been guarding for generations. Only the poor Senju clan, the inheritance is broken, and it has almost disappeared in the long river of history."

"Nawaki's death deeply affected you, Tsunade-hime, but you managed to bounce back. I didn't expect a guy named Kato Dan to make you collapse. It seems that in your heart, lovers are more important than relatives, clans, and inheritance."

Before the words fell, Yan disappeared, and the place where he had just stood was directly leveled.

It has to be said that Tsunade, who has the power of strange strength, is absolutely top-notch in destruction. If she opens a demolition company, she can definitely make a fortune.

Steadily landing on a rock, Yan continued:

"Based on the above factors, I say that you are a sinner and unfilial daughter of the Senju clan, and there is no mistake."

"You shut up!!!"

Tsunade's eyes were about to split, and because of the loud yelling, her voice became a bit hoarse.

"Do you want to come again?"

Yan's mouth slightly raised, and a brand-new Kunai appeared in his hand, and then pointed the Kunai at his finger:

"Don't come over, I'm going to use a big move."

"I'll let you...."

Furious Tsunade just wanted to step on Yan with one foot, or punch him to death, but the steps she took were suddenly stiff in place, the whole person was like being fixed, motionless, and even her body began to tremble slightly.

"It hurts a bit, but I can bear it, do I need to continue? Tsunade."

Yan shook his bleeding finger and asked with a smile.


Tsunade was so angry that her body was shaking, and she felt weak all over due to the onset of hemophobia, and she almost had to lean on a tree next to her to stand firm.

"Ninja's affairs, how can it be considered despicable, at most it is targeted."

"Have you calmed down?"

Yan walked up step by step, Tsunade's beautiful eyes widened, and she said in horror: "Don't come over!!!"

"Not calm yet?"

Yan's eyebrows raised slightly, and he continued to prepare to cut himself.

Tsunade was going crazy.

"Stop it, I've calmed down, you stop!!"

"It's better to be like this earlier."

Yan stopped, did not approach Tsunade who seemed to have hemophobia:

"So, Tsunade, are you planning to continue wandering around, being a notorious big fat sheep, or are you going to return to the village and take up everything of the clan?"

"Your dream! I would rather die than go back."

Are you threatening me?

I have hemophobia, but it doesn't mean I will accept your threat.

"Then there's no way."

Yan could only regretfully say, you would rather die than go back, what can I do.

Shaking his head, Yan turned around and prepared to leave.

"Then I wish you a good time, for me, as long as Uchiha's inheritance continues, as for the village and the clan, if there is really no way, let it be!Anyway, Danzo is determined to destroy Uchiha, but Uchiha will never sit and wait for death, even if Uchiha is exterminated, I'll make sure the village will be greatly injured."


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