Chapter 71 Yan: Tsunade, aren't you afraid of misunderstandings when you run to my house late at night?


Negotiate my ass.

It would be strange if there were results!

Just bypass these troublesome elders, then communicate with the squad leaders, persuade them, and then notify them when it's done!

Only in this way can it be settled.

If the hard-liners still disagree, well, it's none of your business!

The hard-liners can resign and go home, after all, Uchiha doesn't lack these people.

By then, the hard-liners will not be happy, they can only hold their noses and admit it.

They can only make a fuss, and they dare not really push Fugaku too hard.

You should know that when this clan leader was young, in order to stabilize his position, he did not hesitate to take action against his own clan members.

Otherwise, Fugaku would not have been able to sit firmly in the position of clan leader when he was in his twenties.

You should know that Uchiha is not Hyuga, the clan leader has always been a person with ability and a large number of supporters to take the position.

"I understand."

Finding the problem, Fugaku finally had the momentum and dignity that a clan leader should have.

In fact, Fugaku was also suffering in his heart, busy before and after tossing for so long, the result was the wrong direction!!!

At this time, he was serious on the surface, but he had already cursed the hard-line elders one by one in his heart.

Don't think that he won't curse people with a straight face, it's just that due to the identity of the clan leader, he won't easily explode.

After Yan's clarification, Fugaku knew what to do.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but it also made Fugaku very suffocated.

It's really fucking hard to be a clan leader.

Fugaku put on the posture of a clan leader and left, Yan knew that in the next time, the captains of the police department, I'm afraid their days will not be easy.

Can't handle those old antiques, can't handle you guys who are in the police department?

If even this can't be handled, Uchiha Fugaku, doesn't need to be a clan leader, he can retire and go home to accompany his wife and children.

Back to the police department, Fugaku started to let each squad leader come to the minister's office one by one.

What exactly was talked about, no one revealed, because Fugaku gave the order, it must be kept secret.

Whoever dares to leak the secret, he will punishing whoever, no matter who you are, and no matter who you are backed by.

This matter is only for the police department, for the entire Uchiha, and has nothing to do with the faction.

You dare to try to say it.

You'll have a good time.

Under Fugaku's stern warning, and Fugaku started from the family level, let alone the neutral faction, even the hard-line faction could only shut up obediently and pretend that nothing happened.

As for whether there will be conflicts between the clan leader and the elders after the news is announced, it is not something these little shrimps can manage.

With the right countermeasures, the rectification of the police department progressed rapidly.

Most of the people who were talked to by Fugaku chose to agree, and the remaining ones who were still disagreeing did not dare to shake this matter out, but this also gave Fugaku enough excuses to change people.

Since you disagree, then you are my stumbling block,

We are all from the same clan, as a clan leader, I can't target you alone, so you can go home, the police department and you have nothing to do.

At night, Yan was preparing to rest, when he suddenly noticed an unexpected guest coming.

Subconsciously, Yan thought it was Anbu or Root.


No matter who it is, you have to grab the reason first, no matter why you come, who you are ordered by.

If there is any action against me, I will hurt you, then it's all your problem.

"It's me."

The reluctant response, silent for a while before it came out.

What the hell?

Letting go of the hilt of the knife, Yan pushed open the living room window with a full head of black lines.

On the corridor of the window, a homeless big shot, awkwardly picking at the floor with his toes:

"No one has lived in the house for a long time, it can only be lived in after cleaning, Shizune hasn't come back yet, and I have no money."

"Also, you persuaded me to return to Konohagakure, now I have nowhere to go, so you have to take responsibility."

After saying that, Tsunade jumped in from the window and lay down on the sofa.

"My goodness, I'm exhausted, I've been walking around Konohagakure all day, is there anything to eat? I haven't eaten yet."

Listen to this righteous and bold speech.

Yan laughed in anger:

"Do you want me to prepare a hot bath for you, add personal back scrubbing, massage service?"


Tsunade is not a little girl, nor is she scared, she lazily said:

"If you are willing, I will not refuse, then prepare it, start from which first."


"You're dreaming! These things fall on you, I'm losing money!!!"

You're old enough, what are you thinking!

Rolling his eyes, Yan went to the kitchen, heated up the leftovers, and served them with rice.

"This is all there is, just make do with it, I didn't know you would run here."

Yan put the dishes and rice on the table, looking at Tsunade who almost bounced up from the sofa, picked up the chopsticks and wolfed down, he couldn't help but marvel:

"Amazing, you really doesn't have a bit of the style that the Sannin should have, saying that you, a person from the Senju family, run to Uchiha's territory, aren't you afraid of causing misunderstandings?"

"If I live in the same house as you, and it won't cause any misunderstandings, do you believe it?"

Tsunade's mouth was full of food, and she still provocatively raised her head and raised her eyebrows at Yan.

Although men and women are different, considering the identity of both parties and the huge age difference, there is a fart misunderstanding!

Those people who are the same age as Tsunade, who got married earlier, their children are even older than Yan.

sunade's age is more than enough to be Yan's mother, what misunderstanding could there be?


You win.

Yan decisively retreated, arguing with a woman who is shirking and homeless, the one who suffers will only be himself.

"After eating, if you are willing to wash the dishes, just wash them, if you don't want to, or don't know how, just put the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen, someone will clean up tomorrow, there are brand new quilts in the cupboard in the guest room on the second floor on the left, I hope when I get up tomorrow morning, you have already left."

Little girl, I can still cure you.

Tsunade, who won a victory, was a little proud.


Tsunade, whose mood instantly improved, continued to eat hard, but she suddenly stopped as she ate.

Did my behavior just now... indirectly prove that I'm old?


Age is always a line that women can't touch, Tsunade didn't expect that she stepped on it herself.

Typically digging a hole for herself, and then burying herself, the kind that fills the soil herself.

The chopsticks in her hand broke with a snap, Tsunade's forehead veins bulged, and she really wanted to slap herself.

What's wrong with this woman?

Can you eat to the point of breaking chopsticks by yourself?

It's crazy.

Hearing the movement, Yan shook his head, decisively closed the bedroom door, and then locked it.

If Tsunade really has something to find him, wait until tomorrow, Yan doesn't want to toss with Tsunade, this super-aged leftover woman.

He is still young, it's good for the body to go to bed early and get up early.

Apart from eating, breaking chopsticks, Tsunade did not make more outrageous actions, after a simple wash, she went to the guest room to sleep.

After tossing for a few days, sometimes sad, sometimes doubting life, Tsunade was also tired.

She fell directly on the floor, her legs clamped the quilt, and she didn't care how much light her bathrobe would leak, she started to sleep soundly.
