Chapter 74: The system of the main family and the branch family, always a thorn in the heart of the higher-ups!

"Actually, you don't need to make such a big fuss, all the causes are caused by Danzo-sama, if you target it like this, it's not good for both families."

The annoying person finally left.

Yan sat back down, drinking tea, shaking his head:

"Hyuga clan leader is wrong, doing this is only good for Uchiha, no harm.

Long-term targeting and surveillance have caused a lot of resentment in the clan, and the Shimura clan is the best punching bag, and they deserve it."

"Today's situation, the Shimura clan is not innocent at all."

Hiashi shook his head slightly, he didn't want to get involved too much in these matters.

Since neither side can be persuaded, let them go.

He is just a peacemaker.

"By the way, this is my daughter, Hinata."

Feeling that Yan still had respect for him, Hiashi didn't leave immediately, but instead introduced his daughter to Yan:

"Hinata, this is Uchiha Yan-senpai."


Seemingly scared by Yan's burst of aura and the various targets of the Shimura clan leader, Hinata weakly opened her mouth, wanting to greet.

But she was anxious, and as a result, she choked up.


Seeing his daughter spinning around in a hurry, but choking up, unable to even say hello, Hiashi's face turned black.


Hinata, who was only five years old, was scolded by her father, and her eyes turned red with grievance, and her big eyes were directly soaked in tears.

"Uh, Hyuga clan leader don't be angry, Hinata is just a little nervous, the things just now scared her, your relentless severity will have a counterproductive effect."

"And, Hinata is very cute."

After persuading for a while, Yan didn't forget to praise.

It's not that he's insincere, but that the short-haired little Hinata when she was a child is really cute, soft and cute, and a bit like a tomboy.

If she changed into a boy's clothes and went out and said she was a boy, people would definitely believe it.

So cute, must be a boy!


For such praise, Hiashi has heard too much, but Yan intentionally helped to ease the atmosphere, and Hiashi also took this favor.

After all, it's not good to educate your daughter directly outside.

If this is in the clan, Hinata would have been scolded a lot less.

"Never mind, thank the senpai, and then sit down."

"Yes, father."

Hinata bowed and thanked obediently: "Thank you, senpai."

Hinata was too soft in character when she was a child, and it's no wonder that Hyuga Hiashi gave up on her and turned to cultivate Hanabi.

Fortunately, Hiashi is a person who values family affection and has been dragging on.

If it were replaced by the character of those elders in the main family, Hinata, who was abandoned, would probably only be marked as a caged bird and accept the fate of arranged marriage by the family.

Like Fugaku, Hiashi is also a person who likes tea ceremony.

When there is nothing to do, I like to play with these things. People who like it like it very much, and people who don't like it are sleepy when they look at it.

Fortunately, there are no tea sets here for Hiashi to toss, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to drink a cup of hot tea.

He poured himself a cup of hot tea, Hiashi took a sip, shook his head and put it down, obviously not very satisfied with the tea.

"Uchiha is in a dangerous situation now, I'm afraid if you continue to be high-profile, it will cause bigger trouble."

This is a well-intentioned warning.

It's a pity that Yan can't accept this sentence.

"Uchiha's situation is indeed dangerous, but sometimes being high-profile is not a bad thing, just like the Hyuga clan, which is also on the edge of danger, doesn't the Hyuga clan leader feel it?"

"What do you mean."

You Uchiha's business, do you have to involve the Hyuga clan?

Hiashi's eyes cooled down.


Yan is not afraid to anger Hyuga Hiashi:

"I won't mention the past, how the village treats Hyuga, I believe the Hyuga clan leader knows, and even the open confrontation between Uchiha and Hyuga, is also Hokage-sama's intention."

"He wants to see these."

"The question is, when Uchiha really fails, next time, who will his target?"

Uchiha is not doing well, the Hyuga clan is not doing well either, and even more suffocated.

Hyuga made a system of the main family and the branch family, just to allow the clan to continue better, but the Third Hokage didn't like it, because the system of the main family and the branch family would make the branch members always controlled by the main family.

And the main family is centered on the interests of the family, and the interests of the village are second.

The Third Hokage would be strange if he could accept such a system.

So the Hyuga clan is also a target, just not as exaggerated as Uchiha.

Hiashi moved his mouth, but in the end, he didn't speak.

Some things, he sees very clearly in his heart.

He doesn't need Yan to say it out loud, he understands.

In this respect, Hiashi is much stronger than Fugaku.

Hiashi didn't speak, Yan continued:

"Now, Tsunade has returned to the village, if nothing unexpected happens, she will accept Uchiha's help, thus pulling Uchiha from a neutral perspective, not daring to say that Uchiha can get out of the dangerous situation, at least it can breathe."

Saying that, Yan smiled confidently.

"What Uchiha needs is just this time to breathe, but what about Hyuga?

Hyuga doesn't have time to breathe, the system of the main family and the branch family is always a thorn in the heart of the higher-ups."

"From a certain perspective, the Hyuga clan may be more dangerous than Uchiha."

What Uchiha needs is just this time to breathe, with this time, Uchiha can gradually be brought back to normal.

Uchiha can do it, but the Hyuga clan may not be able to.

Just look at how the high level treats them to know the result.

The assassin kidnapped the clan leader's daughter, and as a result, the clan leader was forced to atone for his sins, and finally made a sibling brother go to death, it has to be said that this is full of irony.

The Third Hokage really pulled down his face to persuade the Hyuga clan.

But the Hyuga clan was really persuaded, which is quite amazing.


The anger in his heart has already come up, Hiashi laughed dryly:

"What, does Uchiha want to join forces with the Hyuga clan?"

"It's not impossible."

Yan hadn't thought about these things, but since Hiashi brought them up, he didn't mind having a good talk.

If a real alliance can be formed, the voice of the two clans will be slightly larger.

Are you serious?

Hiashi was just being sarcastic, who knew Yan was serious.

Uchiha and Hyuga unite?

The alliance of the two clans competing for the first eye technique?

This is too outrageous.

The most important thing is that it is not impossible, it's just that no one has thought about it, done it, or pushed for it.