Chapter 83: Daimyo: If I can't mess with you, I'll mess with your son!

You guys can't kill Danzo, right?

Well, then I'll use your Konohagakure's hand to build my own power, there's nothing to say now, right?


What the hell is the Twelve Guardian Ninja?

Tsunade has an urge to curse!

This nonsense, Daimyo has already messed with it a long time ago, but Konohagakure doesn't allow it, in the end, Daimyo can only superficially mean it, and gather the ninjas who have been dug up with a lot of money.

Unfortunately, they are all misfits, not one of them can fight!

You guys can't bear to part with Danzo, then I'm going to start swinging the hoe that I've raised high.

Danzo and support Daimyo, and dig a few people, Tsunade began to weigh, finally gritted her teeth and said:

"Okay, Konohagakure can give support, just hope that Daimyo's request is not too excessive, for example, Uchiha Shisui can't stay in Daimyo's mansion all the time."


The smile on Daimyo's face, which had just appeared, froze.

Shisui, he really likes him, he is strong, reliable, and he is full of respect for him.

The important thing is that Shisui doesn't form any cliques with those misfits he dug up, who doesn't like such a subordinate?

As a result, as soon as Tsunade opened her mouth, she blocked his little thoughts.

Shisui can't stay in Daimyo's mansion to be Daimyo's little brother, this is Yan's request, so Tsunade will definitely not agree to Daimyo.

If it were the Third Hokage, he might consider it, but Tsunade, there's no way.

I gave sincerity, and also made concessions, but you guys Konohagakure don't have a bit of sincerity at all.

Now Daimyo is really upset, and even the look in Tsunade's eyes has become uncomfortable.

The whole person lazily leaned on the chair, chuckling coldly.

Although he's not angry at Tsunade, this anger is directed at Konohagakure, but he just feels upset.


With a weird laugh, Daimyo saw that Tsunade still had no intention of wavering, so he gave up.

"Forget it, since you can't bear to part with Uchiha Shisui, then give me that Kakashi.

By the way, there's also Sarutobi Hiruzen's son, I heard he's very disobedient in Konohagakure?

Then send him here, I'm very welcome."

You mess with me, I'll mess with your son, and by the way, brainwash your son!!

Daimyo is not going to let Asuma go.

If I can't mess with your dad, I'll mess with you!

Poor Asuma doesn't even know he's been spotted.

Asuma has no problem, Tsunade also looks at the kid uncomfortably, all the way she wanted to teach Asuma a lesson, take Asuma as a chicken to kill, to deter,

As a result, this guy made a fuss, but didn't dare to make a fuss in front of her.

Tsunade wanted to kill a chicken, but couldn't find a suitable excuse to make Asuma a chicken.

"It's possible, but Kakashi is currently working in Anbu and needs to do some handover, so he may be a little late to come to Daimyo's mansion."

Daimyo gave her enough sincerity, and Tsunade also needs to give some return.

Otherwise, if Daimyo gets angry, it's no good for anyone.

Tsunade also believes that the Third Hokage can accept Daimyo's condition.

Danzo is not going to bounce back, Asuma and Kakashi, just as a sacrifice for the village.

Anyway, it's just a few years, when the time is almost up, just find an excuse to transfer.

Supporting you doesn't mean the person is yours.

With sufficient reasons, he can still be transferred.

When Tsunade took action, the Daimyo was willing to give face and willing to give in, so the negotiation was much simpler.

Unlike the time when the Third Hokage and Mito Homura took action, the Daimyo didn't care about them at all.

Some detailed details still need to be discussed, Tsunade can only patiently grind with the Daimyo.

And Yan, on the other hand, is meeting with Shisui.

Outside the Daimyo's mansion, in a secluded small grove, Yan sat on a tree pole, looking at Shisui on the side, and joked with a smile:

"It seems that you are not happy in the Daimyo's mansion."


In the face of Yan's ridicule, Shisui could only smile bitterly.

"There are no people from my clan here, nor my family. Here, I can only see all kinds of conspiracies that can't be on the table, forming gangs, suppressing each other, and fighting."

Speaking of these, Shisui had a headache.

He originally thought that the factional problems within Uchiha were serious enough, but Uchiha was nothing,

The Daimyo's mansion is really exciting, and even the degree of darkness is astonishing.

The funniest thing is that these people play conspiracies without a brain.

Have you ever seen a failed pull, turn around and start suppressing the other party?

Isn't this forcing the other party to your opposite side?

Fortunately, Shisui didn't care about these.

If someone else came, they might get involved directly, or even overturn the table, you disgust me, I will overturn the table and kill you,

Those who are messing around in the dark, Shisui can make them disappear overnight, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are paper.

"Yes, conspiracies are everywhere, whether it's the clan, the village, or even the Daimyo's mansion, even the Daimyo's mansion will be more serious."

Yan looked at the sky and sighed:

"Itachi has changed a lot during this period, and he can already show a smile to outsiders, and the pressure and burden on him are not as heavy as before."

"Shisui, you put too much pressure on Itachi, he is still young, and many things are not what he should bear."

"Maybe I was wrong."

Itachi can change, Shisui is happy for him, but also a bit distressed and self-blaming.

"Yes, you were wrong, you are a kind-hearted person, you can dedicate everything selflessly for the clan and the village.

You are stubborn, and it is difficult to change what you believe in, such as the clan and the village.

But you don't realize that what you do can't improve the tense relationship between the clan and the village, but will have the opposite effect."


Yan looked back at him, his eyes filled with a bit of expectation and regret:

"Uchiha is sick, very seriously ill. I always thought that the elders and the clan leader were the most suitable doctors. They could cure Uchiha and let Uchiha stand up again.

Unfortunately, I was wrong, their actions were disappointing."

He laughed at himself.

Yan continued:

"Speaking of which, don't laugh at me, I chose to stand up because I couldn't see hope. In fact, I don't like to participate in these things, but in order to treat Uchiha, I have to stand up.

Without a doctor, then I am a doctor, without a scalpel, I will find it myself.

I want to cut off the rotten flesh on Uchiha's body, let Uchiha recover, and stand up again."

"But the power of one person is ultimately limited, so I need help, we are people of a clan, we should be united.

Unfortunately, you are too pedantic."

Shisui lowered his head, clenched his teeth, and clenched his fists.

Every word of Yan was like a sharp knife, stabbing fiercely into his heart, causing him almost suffocated.

"Shisui, you are a person with a strong sense of responsibility. I believe that for Uchiha, for Konohagakure, you can give everything.

So my clansman, my brother, please tell me, can I trust you again?"

Yan raised his hand to face Shisui.


With red eyes and veins bulging on the back of his hand, Shisui, who was deeply self-blaming, looked at the hand in front of him in astonishment.

"The responsibilities that the clan leader and elders cannot bear will be borne by us.

For the clan, for the village, can you bear everything?

Even if you become a sinner in everyone's eyes, bearing the curse..."

"I can accept."

Two hands forcefully held Yan's outstretched hand, holding it tightly, very hard, the three hands clasped together were almost white.