Chapter 85:  Are there any helpers? Has Uchiha gone mad?

Both are geniuses who made their names in the Third Ninja War, meeting in such a scene, Kakashi tilted his head and looked at Shisui with confusion.

He didn't quite understand why Shisui came to him.

Logically speaking, Shisui wouldn't casually have contact with him.

Stopping by the stream, Shisui's gaze was fixed on the eye covered by Kakashi's forehead protector.

"Always carrying something that doesn't belong to you, it's a big drain, isn't it?"

The use of the Sharingan is not so strict, but without the Uchiha bloodline, the Sharingan cannot be closed and will always consume the user's chakra and mental strength.

What does he mean?

Is he after Obito's Sharingan?

Kakashi was on guard, he dared not underestimate Shisui, who, like himself, made a name for himself in the Third Ninja War.

As for Kakashi's guard, Shisui didn't care, and regretfully said:

"For you, it's a gift from a friend, but for Uchiha, it's a disgrace.

The family's belongings that have fallen outside need to be taken back.

I'm sorry, Kakashi, please give me the Sharingan."

"It doesn't belong to you."

"This is what Obito left behind, I won't allow anyone to take it away."

Kakashi took out a Kunai and held it in his hand, ready for battle.

"Well then, I'm sorry."

Just by words, Shisui couldn't make Kakashi obediently hand over the Sharingan, Shisui had to do it himself, personally take it.

The battle was about to start.

Shisui pulled out the sword from his body and took the first step to start the trouble.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu."

With a dazzling hand seal speed, a fireball burning with raging flames spurted out and flew towards Kakashi.

Kakashi, who had already taken off the forehead protector covering his eyes, easily dodged with the insight of the Sharingan.

Not far from where the two were fighting, Yan was watching from afar with his squad members.

Enjin watched with interest:

"I never thought that one day, Shisui, this annoying guy, would also obediently listen to the captain's words, I thought he was very stubborn"

Their relationship was not good in the first place, they were used to mocking each other, even if they are now working for Yan, Enjin would not be polite to Shisui.

Cold mockery and hot sarcasm can't be avoided.

"You're the same as him, you were beaten by the captain for a full month before you bowed your head."

Holding his hands and watching the play, Kaze couldn't help but retort.

As the saying goes, a biting dog doesn't bark, once it opens its mouth, it's deadly.

This is not, as soon as he opened his mouth, he hit the bullseye, stabbing the knife into Enjin's sore spot.

Enjin is a hard bone, and also a thorn, he doesn't submit to anyone.

When he was subdued at the beginning, Yan didn't spend less effort, much more troublesome than others.

I don't know how many bones were broken before this guy bowed his head.


As soon as the others heard, they immediately laughed.

"Uchiha Kaze, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Enjin was so angry that his eyes bulged out and his nostrils began to spew hot air.

What's even funnier is that because of his anger, even the Three Tomoe Sharingan unconsciously activated, looking like he was going to fight Kaze.

"Stop it, go back and fight slowly, be quiet now."

Yan frowned and gave the two a glance.

One by one, they are not worry-free, one usually can't fart for half a day, at the critical moment the knife is not vague, the other one has a few less brains, the temper is not like a Uchiha at all, always shouting and killing.

Wind shrugged his shoulders, Enjin was very upset, but he dared not mess around, he could only hum in frustration and turn his head.

"By the way, is everything ready?"

Yan turned his head and asked a question.

Enjin, puzzled, took out a sealing scroll and handed it to Yan:

"Captain, I personally have no opinion, but we are openly trying to take the Sharingan from Kakashi, why should we replace it for him?"

The sealing scroll opened, and inside was a glass bottle, in which a pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan were soaked.

"Of course, it's to give our Hokage-sama a way out."

Unless Shisui uses Kotoamatsukami on Kakashi, controls Kakashi's will, and modifies his memory.

Otherwise, the consequences of doing so would only anger the Third Hokage and other high-level officials.

So Yan made two preparations. If Shisui used Kotoamatsukami, then when Kakashi was attacked by an unidentified person and the Sharingan was taken away.

Although Uchiha would be suspected.

If Shisui did not use Kotoamatsukami, then take away the Sharingan, and when the Third Hokage questioned, send one over.

To create an impression for the Third Hokage that Uchiha is unwilling but dares not resist.

Firstly, it can reassure the Third Hokage, thinking that Uchiha can still be obedient.

Secondly, using the Sharingan treasured in the clan to replace Obito's Sharingan is also worthwhile.

As for whether it is still the original Sharingan, does it matter?

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!!!"

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!!!"

Watching the battle between the two sides, Yan's mouth twitched a few times.

Kakashi is really good, fighting with the people of Uchiha, and using Sharingan to copy the opponent's Ninjutsu.


The two fire dragons twisted and fought together, causing a violent explosion.

The explosion was very loud.

It seems that it is not easy to take down the opponent. Shisui is worried that the fluctuations of the battle will attract the attention of others, so he closed his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the Three Tomoe Sharingan had already been activated, and Shisui's famous Ninjutsu in the ninja world was also used.

Phantom Body Flicker Jutsu.

One by one, phantoms appeared beside Shisui, and together with Shisui's body, they launched an attack.

The magical thing about this technique is that when the phantom is attacked, it does not disappear like a shadow clone.

"It's really a tough battle."

Kakashi frowned, constantly using the insight of Sharingan to observe and find Shisui's body and observe the movement of the phantom.

Why Shisui dared to find him openly, Kakashi had no time to think about these.

He needs to get through the current difficulties first.

Shisui's signature Ninjutsu has come out.

Yan said to his subordinates:

"Go and help Shisui, fight quickly, the battle fluctuates greatly, and soon someone will come here to check."


Several people in the squad received the order and rushed out at the first time, among which Enjin and Kaze were the fastest.

Enjin's favorite thing is to fight, and under the silent appearance of the Kaze, there is a restless and warlike heart hidden.

Fighting is also his favorite part, in this respect, the wind will not lose to Enjin at all.

It's just that Kaze are not as crazy as Enjin's.

"Are there any helpers?"

Several people rushed out of the woods, obviously Shisui's helpers.

Kakashi was shocked, is Uchiha crazy?

Suddenly a few helpers popped out, Shisui was a little unhappy, because this was his task.

"Fight quickly."

Yan's voice came over, and Shisui put away his extra thoughts and attacked Kakashi together with others.