Chapter 87: Fugaku: Blame came out of nowhere

We can only wait to report to the village and see how the village will handle it.

But questioning and apologizing are inevitable, and the Sharingan that was just taken back may be required to be returned.

The Daimyo's mansion matter is already worrying enough, Tsunade doesn't have the extra energy to manage these.

Plus, Yan's attitude is very sincere, everything I do is for the family, it's all for taking back the family's belongings,

And we came first with nice talk, but Kakashi didn't want to give up, so I had to resort to violence.

Moreover, it's just taking back the Sharingan, and it didn't endanger Kakashi's life.

If Kakashi was seriously injured, or his life was threatened, this matter could not be handled low-key.

Yan is still willing to take responsibility, Tsunade suddenly had no choice.

Many words of scolding were stuck in her throat, in the end, she could only glare at Yan fiercely, and then left.

She needs to check on Kakashi's condition and ask Kakashi's thoughts.

The news of Uchiha attacking Kakashi and taking away the Sharingan spread in the circle, fortunately, it was limited to the Konohagakure ninja circle and did not spread outside.

Tsunade didn't want to see this situation, and the ninjas of Konohagakure didn't mean to spread it randomly.

Being attacked by a fellow villager, this kind of thing is not good to hear when it spreads out.

"How is Kakashi's condition?"

"He has received treatment, there is no big problem at present, just lost his eyes, no other injuries.

His mental state is a bit dazed, probably due to the aftereffects of being hit by Genjutsu, Yan's Genjutsu is very strong."

Shizune carefully checked Kakashi's body and found that apart from the Sharingan being brutally taken away, he was hit by Genjutsu, causing his mind to be a bit unstable, everything else was fine.

It proves that Yan was right, he was going for the Sharingan, not Kakashi's life.

"I see."

Nodding seriously, Tsunade pushed the door and walked into the room.

Inside the room, Kakashi was leaning on the chair, his left eye was already wrapped in gauze, and he looked a bit sick.

"Sit down."

Kakashi was stunned for a few seconds, wanted to get up and salute, but was held down by Tsunade: "How do you feel?"

"Thank you for your concern, Tsunade-sama, everything is fine, just a bit dazed."

Kakashi answered truthfully.

Shizune moved a chair, after Tsunade sat down, she said to Kakashi:

"Tell me the details of what happened, so I can report this matter to the old man, this matter needs him to handle, also, tell me your thoughts."

With a bit of a dazed consciousness, Kakashi thought for a while before he spoke.

"I went to rest outside the city, and then Shisui found me, hoping that I could return the Sharingan left by Obito to Uchiha, after all, this is Uchiha's thing, I refused.

So I had a fight with Shisui, during the fight, Yan's subordinates joined the battle, and then I was hit by Yan's Genjutsu, and the Sharingan was taken away."

Kakashi carefully described the process.

It also proved that Yan was not after his life, but for the Sharingan.

"So, the other party just wants to take back the Sharingan and doesn't mean to hurt you?"

Tsunade pondered.

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and silently nodded.

Although a battle had taken place, he did not feel any killing intent from Shisui or others.

So Kakashi concluded that whether it was Yan, Shisui, or others, none of them meant to kill him.

All this was just to take back the Sharingan.

"This damn kid."

Cursing, Tsunade asked with a headache:

"So what are your thoughts, take back the Sharingan, and let Uchiha Yan apologize to you?"

"I don't need his apology, everything Yan did was for Uchiha, I just want to take back what belongs to Obito, that is the last gift Obito left me."

Kakashi clenched his fist.

This is his last gift, it cannot be lost.

As for an apology, he doesn't need it, and there is no need.

If he were to change, if someone took away the ninja sword left by the Hatake clan, he would also try to get it back, because that is something that belongs to the Hatake clan.

All ninjas from large clans have this understanding.

Even if the Hatake clan has already fallen.

This is the best result.

Tsunade nodded in satisfaction, Kakashi didn't want to make a big fuss, which was what she hoped:

"I will negotiate with Yan, I hope he can hand over the things, but you have to be prepared, although the Sharingan is a gift left to you by Obito, the other party is after all a person of Uchiha."

"Large clans all have some strange clan rules, as a ninja of the Hatake clan, you should have this understanding."

"Rest well, the others will take over the work of protecting the Daimyo."

After comforting Kakashi, Tsunade decisively left.

She has a lot of things to deal with, before the news from the village replies, she doesn't want to worry about this broken thing.

In a very close time, the news from the Daimyo's mansion was also sent back to Konohagakure, and was sent to the Third Hokage and Fugaku.

The news from the Daimyo's mansion was deliberately sent back through the clan channel using a ninja hawk.

Sitting in the minister's office, Fugaku opened the encrypted scroll with a bit of doubt.


As soon as the scroll was opened, he only looked at the content inside for a few times, and Fugaku was so shocked that he stood up.

Not to mention the drastic change in his face, he even coughed several times, as if he was shocked by the content of the scroll.

"What does he want to do!!!"

Fugaku couldn't believe it in his dreams. Yan had just taken people to the Daimyo's mansion, and as a result, he made a big deal for himself the next day.

The Third Hokage had talked to him about Obito's Sharingan. For the sake of the clan, Fugaku could only choose to acquiesce.

This means that this Sharingan is already Kakashi's thing.

Who knows, Yan went to the Daimyo's mansion, and then joined forces with Shisui to launch an attack on Kakashi, and successfully took back the Sharingan.

It's a big trouble!!

Fugaku is sure that the Third Hokage will jump up after receiving this news,

And even because of this, he will be implicated, at least a blame is inevitable.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yan dared to do this, he must have the support of Uchiha Fugaku, after all, he is the clan leader of Uchiha.

Without his support, such absurd things would be difficult to happen.

The result?

He Uchiha Fugaku knows nothing!!

This is just Yan's one-man show.

What made Fugaku unbelievable was that Shisui actually obeyed Yan's orders and did such a thing as attacking ninja from the same village.

You should know that in the past, this would have been considered crossing the line in Shisui's heart.

But now, Shisui himself has stepped on it.

What exactly did Yan say to Shisui?

Fugaku can be sure that after Yan went to the Daimyo's mansion, he must have found Shisui, even had a sincere talk, and even persuaded Shisui, otherwise Shisui would not do such a thing.

Good news came from the Daimyo's mansion yesterday, and the Third Hokage was in a good mood.