Chapter 96: Daimyo uses force to fan the flames.

There are many kinds of Genjutsu, Shisui likes to use Genjutsu to control other people's consciousness, Yan also likes to control consciousness, so that the other party's body uncontrollably squeezes his own heart.

That feeling, who knows who is in it.

Signaling the clan people to carry the injured people, Yan's cold eyes swept over the people around him.

"Uchiha has suffered a lot of misunderstandings, and there is a lot of misunderstanding between the village and the villagers, but please remember, Uchiha is not anyone who can be humiliated.

If you want to jump on Uchiha's head and step on it, you'd better be prepared for revenge.

I don't mind twisting your feet and knocking your teeth out one by one."

It's too scary.

Yan's cold gaze made the people around him shiver, and the people who were swept by Yan's gaze all lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

Asuma are still lying on the ground, moaning in pain and breathing, who dares to get into trouble?

For a while, many people looked at Asuma and his companions with pity in their eyes.

Who are you provoking, you are provoking Uchiha Yan?

Don't you know this guy is a tough guy?

And special Jonin, I spit, whose special Jonin is so strong!

"I'll settle accounts with you later!!!"

Tsunade was so angry that her chest was about to explode:

"Shizune, treat them, everyone else disperse, what are you doing around? Want to participate?"

If it weren't for her blood phobia, Tsunade would have wanted to slap Asuma a few times.

The damn thing is always causing trouble for me.

"Captain, just let it go?"

On the way back, Enjin and others still felt unsatisfied.

Yan gave him a sideways glance: "Otherwise? Kill them now?"

Forget it?

Of course it can't be counted like this, it's just that the time to settle accounts hasn't come yet, wait, it will be soon.

"Remember those guys, after returning to the village, play with them slowly, including their family, friends, since they dare to humiliate Uchiha, targeting Uchiha, then don't blame us for retaliating back."

One person does the thing, one person takes the responsibility?

Sorry, you all escalated the situation to the family level, so your family members shouldn't expect to get away with it.

I am not a big-hearted person.

If you provoke me, no one can escape.

"Shizune, why didn't you stop him?"

Tsunade patted Shizune's head in anger, and Shizune said grievously: "I dare not....."

Don't mention Yan.

At that time, the people of Uchiha were all opening their Sharingan, and Shizune dared not take action when she was stared at by so many pairs of Sharingan.

Besides, she really didn't want to stop it. It was quite good for a bastard like Asuma to be beaten.


Tsunade was choked hard.

Think carefully, it seems to make sense.

Although Shizune's strength is not bad, compared with the ruthless people of Uchiha, there is basically no chance of winning.

If she rushes up, she might get slapped a few times.

In other words, the dogs passing by at that time, probably all have to be slapped.

Forget it, it's all like this, what's the use of saying these things?

Tsunade patted her forehead in frustration:

"Okay, it's not your fault, go and treat Asuma, his dad can't even recognize him now."

"I won't!"

After speaking, Shizune slipped away.

"Come back quickly after the treatment, I'm good.....wait, you said you won't?"

Tsunade turned her head, where is Shizune's?


Tsunade laughed directly in anger.

Speaking of which, Tsunade can't go on stage herself, Shizune doesn't want to treat Asuma, so what about Asuma?

If no one helps with the treatment, that little bastard's face probably won't go down for half a month.

Forget it, let other medical ninjas go.

In the accompanying team, there are several medical ninjas following, but compared with Shizune, their medical skills are very average.

It's quite suitable for Asuma to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

As for whether to report this matter, Tsunade decided not to care for now, and wait until after returning.

Anyway, all of this was caused by Asuma himself, he deserved to be beaten and humiliated.

Tsunade knows that this matter can only give Yan a warning at most, but looking at Yan's attitude, he doesn't care at all.

Headache, why are there so many broken things?

How can Uchiha pop out such a ruthless person?

The cause of this incident was Asuma's own fault, provoking Uchiha, and humiliating Uchiha, which caused it,

Uchiha people were injured as a result, and the injuries were not light.

But Asuma didn't go anywhere, normal people as long as their brains are not problematic, would rather be beaten, the kind of breaking a few bones.

Normal people don't want to be humiliated and slapped into a coma.

Compared with the former, the latter is more shameful.

It makes people unable to lift their heads.

Asuma hit Uchiha's people, Yan slapped him, Asuma humiliated Uchiha, Yan returned it.

The speechless thing is that even if this matter is made a fuss, Asuma will eventually suffer, because everything is caused by him, if he is not stupid, these things will not happen.

Compared with Kakashi being attacked, this fight and conflict incident is nothing at all.

Even if it's a big deal, Yan and Uchiha won't be punished too severely.

On the contrary, Asuma will become a joke in the future.

Especially Yan said that he gave money to the examiner to pass the special Jonin exam.

When such a small impact occurred in the Daimyo's mansion, it was impossible to hide it from the Daimyo. When the news was passed into the palace, the Daimyos of various countries began their melon-eating journey.

"Hahaha, I laughed to death, I didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen's son to be so useless."

"Giving money to the examiner to pass the ninja exam, it's shameful, it's too shameful."

"Is it true that he bribed?"

"If you don't believe it, then you tell me, why can't Asuma, who is also a special Jonin, can't fight Uchiha Yan?

He can only bully the Genin and Chunin from the same village."

"Yeah, it's shameful."

Even the third Hokage was criticized by the Daimyos, let alone Asuma.

Just like that, the news went around in their mouths and turned into, Asuma really bribed the examiner to pass the special Jonin exam.

"Even the son of the Hokage is so arrogant and domineering, it seems that Konohagakure is really interesting."

Naturally, the Daimyos of various countries who wanted to sow discord began to use Asuma's affairs to stimulate the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

What they didn't know was that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire was already overjoyed.

He has been thinking about how to bring down the third Hokage.

He is really fed up with the perfunctory and incompetence of the third Hokage, and also fed up with Danzo.

But the third Hokage just can't bear to deal with Danzo.

Well, I'll see if your son is important, or Danzo is important.

On the surface, the Daimyo was furious and tried to protect Asuma's reputation, but secretly let people spread the news, preferably known to all.

Let's see what face the third Hokage has to face the villagers of Konohagakure.

"Have you heard? The third Hokage of Konohagakure actually indulged his son, allowing his son to bribe the examiner, and then passed the special Jonin exam."

"Really? Has Konohagakure become so corrupt?"

"Not only that, this Sarutobi Asuma is also an arrogant and domineering prodigal son, he has been arrogant in Konohagakure, but no one dares to control him, because his father is Sarutobi Hiruzen, is Hokage.

As a result, when he arrived at the Daimyo's mansion, he provoked the same village ninja and humiliated the other's family because he was in a bad mood."