Chapter 91: With the pressure of debt, naturally comes the motivation to make money!

"I hope it won't cause too much impact."

After struggling for a few days, Fugaku finally chose to trust Hikigaya from his heart, and sold the information to the bounty club through his own channels.

Although he was always watched by the village, as the clan leader, he was also a key surveillance target. Even so, Fugaku still had his own methods and channels to send out the information and then bring the money back.

No matter how much the village monitors, it can't stare at Fugaku face to face all the time.

Especially when Fugaku is in the Uchiha clan, the village's surveillance will be negligent.

If Fugaku doesn't even have the ability to avoid surveillance and make small moves, then he has been the clan leader for nothing all these years.

Throwing out the information, shifting the attention of the higher-ups, and preferably pulling down the higher-ups, this is also the situation that Fugaku hopes to see.

He just worries that throwing out these pieces of information will cause too much trouble for Konoha, even war.

Once the bow is drawn, there is no turning back.

Since the information has been thrown out, all Fugaku can do is wait quietly.

Every day, the Daimyo of the countries play happily in the Daimyo's mansion, but it's hard for the ninjas who are responsible for the safety of the palace and the lord's mansion, they need to keep an eye on it all the time.

Among the ninjas dispatched by Konoha, only three can get leisure, that is, Yan, Tsunade, and Shizune.

Yan only needs to be responsible for the Uchiha people, as for standing guard and patrolling, he doesn't need to do it himself.

Tsunade is even more relaxed, she almost has nothing to do.

"Why are you sighing?"

You come here to drink, and then you sigh long and short after drinking, don't come here to bring rhythm and affect my rest, okay?

"What else can I do, I'm worried."

Tsunade sighed again with frustration as she lay on the table:

"The people from that Street have already go to the Daimyo's mansion, met the Daimyo, and I can't escape this debt."

Suddenly, Tsunade sat up.

"Speaking of which, this matter also involves you, why I should responsible for it when you free from the responsibilities?"


Yan rolled his eyes, "Because you were chasing me and punching me, all the destruction caused was your doing, so I don't need to pay for it right?"

The transaction with the Uchiha could not be carried out, and the village could not pay her Tsunade to fill the debt, which made Tsunade numb.

Where to get so much money?

Not to mention she still owes a buttload of gambling debts.

These people will come to the door at any time.

Thinking of these, Tsunade felt the urge to escape and run away.

Seeing Tsunade's inner thoughts, Yan reminded her:

"You'd better not run away, otherwise the consequences will be serious, gambling debts are okay, the debt compensation from destroying Street, if they can't find you, people will make trouble in the Daimyo's mansion and Konoha, then your peace life would be destroyed"

"I don't want to either, then you tell me, where I can find such a large sum of money!!!"

Tsunade wanted to hit someone in a frenzy.

I don't know how to manage money, I don't know how to get so much money.

"By the way, where is Shizune?"

"She went to see Kakashi's recovery."

Tsunade lay down on the table again in frustration.

Yan blinked, and had an immature idea in his heart.

"Do you think if you leak the news, the Daimyo will come to you for treatment?"

In theory, the more extravagant people live, the more afraid of death they are, and the lord is a typical example.

In the past, Tsunade, you might not be able to find her for treatment even if you paid money, so now the opportunity is here.

Even if you're not sick, it's good to have a check-up.

The Daimyo probably doesn't lack this bit of money.

"You are dreaming"

Tsunade gave Yan a glance and said weakly:

"I also want to collect money, but the problem is, will they give money for treating the Daimyo?"

The Daimyo is not short of money, the problem is you help the Daimyo to get money, do you feel good about collecting money that way?

Tsunade feels embarrassed.

So during this period, some people wanted to pull relationships and some people ask her for treatment, but she refused them all because she was too busy.


This little thing stumped you?

Tsunade are really only suitable for spending money, not for making money.

Tsunade was despised by Yan:

"You're stupid, you're really stupid, do not embarrassed to collect money, you have to look at the situation, find a few people to help spread some news, just say that you caused a lot of damage on public Street, carrying a heavy debt, and recently in a bad mood."

"You're calling me stupid?"

Tsunade put down her bottle of sake, her forehead veins bulging, and she glared at Yan with a look that said she was about to beat him to death.

If it were someone else, they might be scared, but unfortunately, this trick doesn't work on Yan.

Shaking his head, Yan ignored Tsunade's anger:

"You are stupid, you don't know how to be flexible, you definitely feel embarrassed to charge money when you actively help Daimyo, but what if they are waving money at you?"

The title of the number one medical ninja in the ninja world is not just for show.

There are too many people who want to find Tsunade for treatment, many people have money, but can't find the right opportunity.

As long as Tsunade sends out some news, these people can see hope.


It seems to make sense.

Tsunade's anger disappeared, and she blinked somewhat blankly.

It's embarrassing to take money for active treatment, but it's okay to be passive.

You guys want to wave money and stuff it into my arms, I can't do it!

I can only reluctantly accept it, and then help you guys check out the disease, even if there's no disease, also check the body.

Following Yan's line of thought, Tsunade seemed to see a lot of colorful banknotes waving at her.

She, who is seriously short of money and burdened with heavy debts, suddenly couldn't sit still.

"When I make money, I'll treat you to a drink!!!"

Not caring about drinking, Tsunade dropped the bottle of sake and ran, the speed was even more exaggerated than when she was chasing Yan.

Indeed, making money is the motivation.

People in debt, under great pressure, also have great motivation.

This is the end of a gambler.

"Tsunade, you seem very anxious."

Shisui entered the courtyard and handed the scroll sent by the family to Yan.

Yan couldn't help but laugh:

"If you were carrying as much debt as she is, you would be very anxious too."

He opened the scroll and took a look, found that it was all some un-nutritious things, Yan simply handed the scroll to Shisui, let him take a slow look.

No matter how impulsive he was to attack Kakashi, once things happened, all Fugaku could do was to minimize the big things and trivialize the small things, rather than find his trouble.

Fugaku just reminded Yan not to be impulsive and so on.

He didn't mean to blame him.

Soon, some rumors spread in the Daimyo's mansion, Tsunade of Konohagakure owed a lot of debt, was in a bad mood, and didn't even want to deal with the Daimyo's mansion.

Various rumors quickly swept through the entire Daimyo's mansion.

Plus the people came to complain, confirming the reliability of the rumors.