Chapter 114 roublemaking in public, Fugaku understands the meaning

Fugaku didn't push the hardliners too hard, since the elder had compromised, he wouldn't hold on to it.

Just go down the steps.

As for the problem of the hardline faction, it can't be solved overnight.

It still needs to be done slowly.

"Good!! We all support!!!"

At Yan's signal, the members of the small team raised their hands and cheered.

Seeing Enjin and others sending signals, many clan members subconsciously raised their hands and shouted along.

So, more and more people joined in.

The matter of the police department's rectification ended here, no one dared to raise objections, for fear of being bombarded by Yan again.

Standing on the high ground to bombard others, it has to be said that this feeling is very good.

Unfortunately, it can't be like this every time.

Yan returned to his position and found that Izumi was looking at him excitedly, and in her beautiful big eyes, there were full of admiring little stars.

The next thing can be considered as trivial, Yan hardly ever spoke, sitting in his position to rest.

After a few hours of wrangling, Fugaku was dry and tongue-tied.

"So today's clan meeting is here, next I will select three clan members who are excellent in all aspects to serve as middle team leaders."

For a while, many clan members looked at Yan.

In the eyes of the clan members, Yan is definitely qualified for this position.

Fugaku did not disappoint the clan members either.

"The first middle team, team leader Uchiha Yan, I hope you will not let me and the clan, and the village down."


Many people cheered.

In the cheers of everyone, Yan stood up, raised his hand and pounded his chest hard:

"Since the clan leader values me so much, I will take on the responsibility of this position with the honor of the clan as a guarantee, and will never let the clan and the village down."

You are always talking about the honor of the clan, the pride of the clan, making us higher-ups looks like not take the honor of the clan seriously.

A large number of clan members were cheering, choosing to support Yan, and Fugaku inexplicably had a headache.

He even wondered, if one day, Yan kept being strong, brought people to the clan leader's mansion, and asked him to step down from the position of clan leader, what should he do?

Let it be or not?

"Alright, quiet down, what's with all the noise!!!"

With a stern face, Fugaku scolded a few words, cooled down the clan members, waited for everyone to quiet down, and then continued to appoint the people he had in mind.

"The second team, team leader Uchiha Haneda."

"I will definitely do my duty and will not disappoint the clan and the village."

Compared to Yan, Haneda was very calm. He knew that he could be selected and had already prepared mentally.

In addition, he is a supporter of the clan leader, one of the neutral representatives, it is hard not to be selected.

Three middle team leader positions, two are gone, and there is still one vacancy left.

Fugaku's gaze stayed on a few more representative people among the hardliners, hesitating, not knowing who to choose.

In theory, several people are suitable for the position of middle team leader, regardless of strength or loyalty to the clan.

"Is it so hard to choose?"

Fugaku was silent for a long time, and Yan muttered impatiently with a tilt of his head.

There are people everywhere!!

Fugaku frowned and glared at Yan, but unfortunately, Yan was tilting his head and couldn't see at all, which made Fugaku a little frustrated.

Wait a minute!

Yan is not a brainless person, why would he leave the stage at this time?

If not, it means that his deliberate urging and impatience have a reason.

Fugaku looked in the direction of Yan's gaze.

"So the third team, the position of the team leader, is held by Uchiha Chimi."


In the crowd, the low-key and unknown Uchiha Chimi was stunned for a moment, and then looked up in surprise.

He shouldn't be the one to be chosen!

Although he is also a hardliner, he is not a public figure among the hardliners.


Fugaku's choice was beyond everyone's expectations, even the elder and others were surprised.

Although Uchiha Chimi is also their person, the other party's presence is too low.

"Elder, do you think it's inappropriate?"

Fugaku asked.

"I have no such intention. Since the clan leader thinks that Chimi is suitable for this position, then it is Chimi."

Although I don't know what Fugaku's want, Uchiha Chimi is also their person. Although he is not the best candidate, it is always better than choosing an outsider.

The candidates for the middle team leader position have been determined, and this clan meeting ends here.

After Fugaku announced the end of the clan meeting, the clan members left one after another.

Yan left with Izumi first, sent Izumi home, and then walked around the village, taking a detour to the Ichiraku Ramen shop.

"The usual."

"But add two bowls today."

Yan raised his hand and gestured to Teuchi.

"Wait a moment."

Teuchi quickly cooked the noodles and placed them on the table, kindly reminding Yan:

"The noodles will clump if they are left for a long time, and the clumping will affect the taste."

"It won't."

Yan smiled: "My friend will be here soon, but I need to borrow your place to chat, and there aren't many people eating noodles anyway."


Teuchi laughed angrily: "You kid just say if you think my business is getting worse!!!"

"Forget it, there aren't many people today, it's just right to go home and rest early, remember to help me lock the door."

Just borrowing a place to chat, Teuchi decisively agreed, even though it was not yet his closing time.

Who made him a good talker?

So he reluctantly agreed to Yan's request.

"Take care."

Laughing and knocking on the bowl with chopsticks, Yan shouted at Teuchi's back.

Go to hell!

Teuchi waved his hand without looking back.

I am the owner of this shop, right? It makes me look like a guest, and also take care.

Teuchi left, and Yan was eating noodles in big mouthfuls.

After work, he went straight home to wash up, then went directly to the ancestral hall. He didn't even eat dinner, so he was indeed a bit hungry.

Just after he had a few bites, an unexpected person came to the ramen shop.

"I knew you'd be here."

Haneda walked in with a smile, patted Yan's shoulder, and without any courtesy, picked up the chopsticks, put his hands together, and said:

"I'm going to start eating."

And then he started eating in big bites.

After Haneda, Chimi was a little bit slower.

Standing not far from the ramen shop on the opposite side of the street, Chimi hesitated for a moment, but still came over.

When Chimi arrived, Haneda gave a faint smile, nodded, and continued to eat noodles.

Chimi was stunned for a moment, and nodded in response.

"Sit down, we're all clan members, there's no need to be so polite."

Yan signaled Chimi to sit down, took a pair of chopsticks for him, and said: "Eat noodles first, we can talk about anything else later."


Chimi is not good at words, but that doesn't mean he's stupid, otherwise he wouldn't come here to see Yan.

The big bowl of ramen quickly entered his stomach, and Yan patted his belly with satisfaction.

After Yan finished eating, Flame and Chimi tacitly stopped and put down their chopsticks.

Chimi, who was uneasy in his heart, hesitated for a long time, but still gritted his teeth and said:

"Yan, thank you for your help with Ryoi at the Daimyo's mansion. If it weren't for you standing up for him, he might have become a laughingstock of the clan."

Why Yan let Fugaku choose Chimi, naturally has his purpose.

Uchiha Chimi, among the Jonin of the clan, belongs to a class that is not outstanding, has a very low presence, and is often overlooked.

In addition, he is also Uchiha Ryoi's brother.

Yan stood up for Uchiha Ryoi at the Daimyo's mansion, theoretically for the clan, but in fact, he was also helping Uchiha Ryoi.

This favor, Chimi has to admit.


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